
I walked behind him, following in his footsteps but he stopped suddenly , so i bumped into him hard

"Sorry," i said at him in a faint voice, sehun told me it's ok with a sweet smile on his mouth

I'm really wondering now, how can a man with sharp features like him have such a warm aura

He opened the door to signal to me to enter before him as a gentleman who makes me bet myself that he is a fan of romantic films

Close the door with the key and close the curtains

"This is so that no one interrupts us," he declared, which made me swallow my saliva

I am fully aware that his intent is innocent, but that did not help me calm my anxiety

My hands were sweating while my eyes were facing the door

"Luhan" interrupted my absence his inquiring voice , He seems to notice my pallor

I took a deep breath and looked at him, trying not to reveal the turmoil wreaking havoc inside me

"I don't have a problem with keeping it open. I just wanted you some privacy." He reopened the door to look at me strangely

For a moment, I felt that he was seeing what was inside me

"Are you okay with this now?" I answered him yes, shaking my head , It really eased my anxiety

He asked me to speak first, unwilling to pressure me, unlike where from my previous doctors

"You wanted to ask me the right reason for my stupidity," I asked, even though I already knew the answer

"Yes, that is definitely what I wanted to ask you about." I turned my eyes, he didn't bother picking up nice words

"Looks like you're not good at courtesy."

"I don't like fake flattery" He raised his shoulders in disinterest, make me turn my eyes a second time

Is he really a counselor?

"So you won't answer my question?" He returned to the point so i put a boring expression

"It's easy, I was bored, so I wanted to try my next life ." I tried to make some sarcasm with my words, but his navigation did not change even a little.

"Luhan" called out my name as he laid eyes on mine, unconvinced about my answer

"We meet again" the sound of the bell knocked me to grab my bag and decided to go, but his quiet voice stopped me

"Tell me lu why u pretending, you're not like this." I paused for a few seconds trying to regulate my rapid breathing. I was just like someone throwing cold water at him.

I increased the speed of my lines to escape this hell pit