The birthday gift

Four years passed by as Sekke was born in this world as his life passed without much troubles. As a kid, he didn't have much to do so he had enough time to do whatever he wants and decided to use that to train his magic.

After living in this world for four years he learned something that was different about him....first, his magic power was more than twice when compared to the children of his age much to his relief.....also it was much easier for him to use his magic when compared to other children of his age who most of them were still not able to do things that he could when he was just an year old, granted that he was not a kid inside but he just ignored that. There was no need for the future dark lord to think about those trivial things after all.

Sekke also made a huge discovery while he was playing around with his magic.... apparently he have two affinities instead of just one....well totally acceptable for the future dark lord..... anyways leaving that aside, one of the affinities out of the two was, well the bronze magic that he had in the original story and as for the other...well he was not sure, he had just used that magic a handful of times as it doesn't work everytime.

Apparently it was electricity magic as he was able to shock his father when he was being too touchy with his beard and in the moment of crisis Sekke pushed him with full force and shocked him though it was nothing dangerous as it only seemed that his father was not able to move freely for a while, which was enough for him to run away from him.

He tried to practice this magic but was not able to see any affects of this magic so he don't know how to use it and thought that there must be some conditions to use that magic and decided to find that about it later as in his own words he said, "Well nothing that big for the future dark lord to handle anyway. I have trust in my new brother and I believe that he must have actually put me in the strongest body."

*Sigh* If only he knew..... Keeping that aside Sekke was now able use spells which could be said to make some affects in fight, like firing a tennis ball sized bronze orb at his opponents, making bronze plates to use as shields and.....well that's it... Anyway, he also learnt how to use magic bullets, well it's a common skill anyways that even the children of his age were able to use easily, though the interesting part about this was the fact that the bullets he made were far stronger and faster than the ones that the other children were able to make, but still it was not that strong when compared to the ones children who were 3-4 years older than him were able to make.

And that was how his four years of life passed on in this world with him finally being able to accept the fact that he was now Sekke and that Sekke was the strongest character afterall and must really be the dark lord, 'Haa jokes on you all those who made fun of Sekke in my old world' were the very words Sekke used totally believing in himself to become strong in future.....*sigh* Ignorance is such a bliss.

Anyway leaving our little reincarnatee's ignorance to the side, currently in the Bronzazza's house both Elaine and Zuk were walking around the house with an excited smile on their faces.

"Suddenly the door of their house opened and just as they saw a small blond boy their smiles widend and both of them yelled at the same time, ""HAPPY BAH HARDAY/BIRTHDAY SEEKE/SE-CHAN!!"

Sekke who just entered the house widend his eyes in surprise but soon a smile appeared on his face as he said, "THANKS A LOT MOM, DAD!!!" walked towards them.

Seeing him approach Elaine hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

Sekke smiled at that then felt a pat on his head and saw his father ruffling his hair.

"Bah ha happy 4th birthday." said Zuk to which Sekke nodded with a smile on his face.

"Se-chan, mom made your favourite dishes today, so eat well, alright." and then pushed him towards the table.

"Mom, don't push." said Sekke but Elaine just giggled and pinched his cheeks.

Sekke sat on his chair and saw the food on the table and indeed most of the things that were made were something that he liked.

He smiled and was about to put some food on his plate but all of a sudden Zuk stopped him and said, "Wait, before this let me give you, your birthday gift." and then went inside his room and came back with a box.

He then placed the box in front of him seeing which Sekke glanced at him to which Zuk nodded his head.

Sekke immediately opened the. box and widend his eyes in surprise when he saw what was in there.

"A short sword for my brave kid, do you like it. I asked the local blacksmith to specially make one for you." said Zuk with an expectant gaze.

Sekke took the short sword which was still sheathed and thought, '...THIS IS AWESOME!!!!' and immediately unsheathed the sword with a huge smile on his face.

"Thanks dad I love it!!!" said Sekke as he got down from his chair and placed the sheathe by his side to look like a knight and the thought, 'Which kid don't like a sword not to mention it's a real one.' and tried swinging it with an excited expression.

[Wavelength matches..... contract formation possible....Do you accept to become growth sword's new host?]

All of a sudden Sekke heard a voice in his head and stopped playing around.

He looked at his sword and was about to say something but before he was able to his mom snapped him out of his thoughts and asked him to eat before the food gets cold.

Once the celebration was over Sekke came back to his room and took the sword out of the sheathe once again

[Do you accept to become the growth sword's new host]

Sekke became silent and then thought, '...Is this one of Nii-chan's doing?' but no answer came.

[Do you accept to become the growth sword's new host]

'Only if it is not something dangerous....' thought Sekke.

[Conditions approved.... nothing dangerous for the new host detected.....contract formed.....New host: Sekke Bronzazza]

"Huh, what the I didn't accepted it-"

[Hello little brother it's me your finally accepted the contract the way happy birthday] said a familiar voice inside his mind.

'Nii-chan? Is that you?'

[Yes, it is me the best big brother.....I am watching over you from here and am happy to know that you are enjoying, by the way, do you remember about the other things that I said that you will gain depending on your luck?] asked the tiny boy.

'Yes, I do remember that.....but I do t know what all I got after coming to this world.'

[Don't worry, you will know all that today so let us both see what you get. I too am excited what my little brother will get afterall, by the way this sword is also a part of those gifts that's why I am able to speak to you like this.] said the boy with a happy tone.

'Sekke just nodded his head and all of a sudden words started appearing in the air around Sekke.'

[You got all of them now, congratulations. Just wait a minute and I will tell you what those are:

Growth sword: A sword that grows stronger with the host and cannot be stolen or used against the host.

Child loved by mana: A person who is favoured by the mana of the world itself. This will strengthen your spells and increase your magic amount as you grow older.

Vritra's sacred gears: Four sacred gears of the prison dragon king Vritra. Absorption line, Delete field, Blaze black flare and shadow prison. It says train and develop them.]


Sekke was left speechless after he heard what are the things that he got and just stood at his place without saying anything.