The deal between father and son

Sekke who just remained speechless for a while seeing which the tiny boy got slightly worried and asked, "Umm....are you fine? Were the abilities not to your liking?"

"Huh, oh no not at all these abilties are great. In fact I was just thinking how great they were."

"Hehe I am glad that you liked them. Once again Sekke happy birthday, I don't have much time left so let's talk again next year on your birthday. Take care and live happily. Byee~."

"Bye Nii-chan, I hope that you remain happy." said Sekke.

The words that were in front of him glowed and then entered his body.

Sekke checked his body and after finding that nothing was different with that he stopped and thought, '....I am going to check this sword and my magic.'

He then went out of the room and was about to tell that to his parents but stopping since he heard a series of "AHHHH!!!" and "BAH-HAAA!!!" from their room.

He just left a note on the table and then got out of the house.

Running towards the place where children usually practice their magic Sekke ran through the streets of Kiten, a town in the common realm of the clover kingdom and one that borders the diamond kingdom.

The town has abundant rich natural resources making it to be developed by the kingdom and had well maintained roads and buildings. Though because of the natural resources the town was also a target of the diamond kingdom and used to get infiltrated and attacked from time to time.

But it was relatively safe since the town was important to the kingdom as well and many magic knights guard and patrol around the town. This town also had its own specialised barrier that could be erected to further strengthen the defence.

While running, Sekke greeted a few of his acquaintances. He was pretty popular in the town as he was quite talented in magic and also helped his mother in shopping from a young age. Not to mention his father was quite unique and was also super popular in the town. He works at mine, as a supervisor and though he didn't earn much it was enough for him and and his family to live happily with above average living conditions.

Sekke soon reached a clearing where children usually practiced their magic.

He then went a bit farther and soon found a make shift target that the children of the town used to practice their aim.

Sekke aimed his hand forward and then started making a bronze ball.

His eyes widened in surprise as he saw that the speed at which the ball was taking shape increased slightly and it's size was bigger than what he usually could make with the amount of mana that he used. He then fired the ball and saw it hitting the target.

Sekke went towards the target to check the damage that the attack caused and was satisfied that it was greater than the previous ones.

He then used his other spell that was to make a bronze disc that he used as shield and was once again surprised that its size was now comparable to a normal shield and was slightly more durable.

Satisfied with the results he then took out his sword and was about to test it but stopped himself and thought, '....Let's first check what a normal sword can do first before testing this one.....I need to ask dad to introduce me to someone who knows how to wield a sword as well.'

He then took a deep breath and muttered, "Now time for the best thing that I got."

He then looked around to check if someone was near him or not and once he made sure that no one was there he took a deep breath and said, "...I know that I can be a chuuni sometimes but still.....Sacred gear!!!"

Sekke yelled as he thrusted his arm forward with a grin on his face...but nothing happened.

'...Huh? What the- where is my sacred gear.....oh wait don't tell me that it is still locked and cannot be manifested by me yet.....if I remember correctly, Rias told Issei to imagine the strongest being shit or something right?' thought Sekke as he closed his eyes deciding to try that.

'.....No need to think much, Saitama it is.' thought Sekke as he tried to remember Saitama's strongest moment.

'Serious series: Serious punch' thought Sekke and punched forward with full force.


"Looks like that will take a bit longer to manifest. Well I still have many. things to deal with anyway, so let's focus on the abilities that I currently have access to." said Sekke as started practicing his magic once again to see how much his mana amount has increased.

Later that day Sekke returned home feeling happy on seeing the improvements in his magic.

He then looked towards his father and asked, "Hey dad, can you teach me how to use a sword?"

"Hmm Sword? Oh you want to use the sword I gave you. Bah-ha that makes me so happy!! Come here Sekke!!" said Zuk as he pounced forward to hug his son.

"Bronze ball" said Sekke as he fired the ball.

"Bronze magic: bronze wall" said Zuk as his grimoire started floating. beside him as a few pages flipped.

Soon a wall of bronze magic came in front of Zuk blocking the ball fired by Sekke who was soon caught by Zuk in his embrace.

"AHH!! stop!! stop crushing me!!" said Sekke as he was held too tightly by Zuk.

"Bah-ha don't be like that. It's father-son bonding bah-ha." said Zuk as he rubbed his beard against Sekke as he knew that this annoyed his kid a lot.

"Leave me!! Fine! have it your way then." said Sekke as Zuk showed no signs of breaking the hug.

"Mom! Dad once again went to peep at those blue rose magi-" said Sekke but was soon stopped by Zuk who burried his son's face in his chest so as to make him stop.

He soon put him down and said, "I will ask around to help you learn how to use a sword."

"And I will keep this a secret form mom, and no bear hugs from now on." said Sekke with a smirk as he knew that he had the upper hand now.

The father-son duo nodded their heads and shook their hands agreeing to the deal and just moved on to their delay ways.