Secre's inner demon

A few months passed by since Seeke went to the Grimoire acceptance ceremony and got his new grimoires.

At first everyone was shocked at the reveal of him having two Grimoires, some even suspected him to have stolen one from someone else.

But seeing him able to use both of them the people started to believe him and even called him unique talent which was well received by Sekke.

He trained the spells that he got from the Grimoire and even unlocked some more spells and was happy to see that his spells were very powerful.

The training also helped him notice something that made him even more confident. Unlike other people who have just one grimoire, he can fire two spell simultaneously by using both of his grimoires at the same time and although it took a lot of concentration to fire two spell of totally different attributes simultaneously, nothing was impossible for the dark lord and his hard work.

And now currently in front of his house Sekke who had his stuff all packed up looked towards his parents who were looking at him with a confident look in their eyes.

"You didn't forget anything behind, right?" asked Elaine asking the same question for the nth time.

"Yup, no need to worry mom. I have everything and if there was something that I want I will just buy it there." said Sekke.

"Look here young man, it's not nice to waste money bah ha, you know?" said Zuk.

"...Really, mom make sure to not let him buy alcohol from now on, it's not like he will die because of that." said Sekke.

"Okay, as Se-chan said, no alcohol from now on dear." said Elaine with a smile as well.

"BAH HA!!! Hey that's unfair!!!" said Zuk.

"Nope, it's not unfair. We are just making sure to not waste money." said Sekke with a smile on his face.

Sekke chuckled seeing his father panic and then looked at his mother and said, "I will send back some money from time to time mom, so please use it."

Elaine smiled hearing that and said, "I will wait for your letter."

"Bah ha, you are saying that before the exam has even started. Pass the exam first and then talk, it's not easy you know. Even the great me was not able to pass the exam bah ha." said Zuk.

Sekke smiled and asked, "...Do you think that there is a way that I would not be selected?"

Hearing his question both Zuk and Elaine widened his eyes in surprise but soon their eyes softened and they smiled at him.

Elaine came forward to hug him and said, "Best of luck Se-chan. I will miss you. Do come home from time to time, or whenever you are in some trouble."

"And if someone tries to bully you just tell them how mighty and strong your father is." said Zuk.

Sekke ignored Zuk and hugged Elaine back and nodded his head.

Elaine soon broke the hug and look at Secret who was sitting on top of Sekke's head.

"Take care of him Secre, Se-chan will most likely get in some kind of trouble." said Elaine.

Secre nodded her head and then got inside Sekke's pocket.

"All right then I will be going now, take care you two. And tell me if there is any trouble I will rush back here and deal with it." said Sekke as his grimoire started flipping.

[Bronze creation magic: Bronze Rider]

Seeke's bike appeared in front of him and he got on top of it.

"Bye mom, bye dad." said Sekke as he started his bike and got on the road to attend the magic knight entrance exams.

"Secre....there is something important that I want to ask?" said Sekke while he was still riding.

Secre looked up at his partner and knew that it wasn't one of his trivial talks since he was serious.

"...Will you follow someone else if you found someone interesting there at the exams, like there will be the captains of different squads who would be way powerful and stronger than the current me....or there might be some people who might interest you more than me, so would you like go separate ways if that were to happen?" asked Sekke.

Secre tilted her head in confusion not knowing what Sekke wanted to ask but without giving it much thought she shook her head and leaned it against Sekke's chest.

Sekke smiled at that and said, "I am really happy that you became my familiar you know? If you were a human girl I would have kissed you right at this moment."

Secre became motionless after hearing that before she jumped out of his pocket and started pecking his head.

"Ow ow ow, stop that Secre I am riding right now." said Sekke as he tried to dodge the bird.

Secre soon got back into his pocket and didn't listen to whatever he said.

Seeing that Secre was not responding Sekke sighed and thought, '...I shouldn't have made a joke like that...well I will buy something for her at Kikka to make her happy.' (A/N: Kikka is the town in the common realm of the clover kingdom where the magic knights enterace exam takes place)

Soon he saw a large amount of people heading towards the same direction as him and knew that they were either peddlers or examinees.

After covering most of the distance Sekke stopped his bike and thought, '...Let's just save my mana just in case I need it.' and deactivated his spell.

He then stretched his body and looked at Secre and asked, "If you want to stretch you limbs then you should do it."

Secre simply got out of his pocket and flew above him seeing which Sekke started moving towards Kikka once again.

After an hour or so Sekke saw the town of Kikka from afar and could tell that it was heavily crowded.

Sekke raised his hand and gave a whistle hearing which Secre came and sat on his hand.

"Keep an eye from above if someone is tries to do something suspicious." said Sekke.

Secre nodded and got back up in the air and kept an eye on the people near Sekke.

Reaching the town of Kikka Sekke was amazed seeing how great the town was built compared to the other towns he has visited. Even Kiten, his home town which is famous for its resources is not this developed.

'...Well the noble realm is just around the corner, can't help it, anyway let's get something to eat for myself and Secre.' thought Sekke as he called Secure back and started looking around the stalls.

Once Secre was able to decide what she wanted to eat Sekke went and bought it for both of them and found a place to sit and enjoy his snack.

Once he was done eating and was finished with making up with Secre both of them headed towards the magic knights colosseum.

One his way towards the colosseum Sekke noticed Secre fidgeting a bit and said, "Ah right, your inner demons must be taking over you now since there are a lot of people gathered here....Go secre and let your demon out, go and do whatever the shit an anti bird does."

Secre looked at Sekke for a while before she jumped out of his pocket and smacked his head with her wing before she flew towards the colloseum.

'...This body is really troublesome, alway fidgeting to mess with people with low mana....but what is this feeling? It's like there is someone there who had severely low levels of mana.' thought Secre.

Sekke saw his bird flying away and thought, '...I hope you don't change your mind Secre.' and walked towards the colloseum as well.