Magic Knight enterace exam

Sekke soon reached the colosseum and passed through the gates, he then stood in line to get himself registered for the test but just as he stood in the line he felt a magic power comparable to his.

He looked forward with his eyes narrowed and soon found a black haired boy with a handsome face looking back at him with his eyes slightly narrowed as well.

'....No doubt about it, that guy is Yuno....and that twerp must be Asta.'

Both of them stared at each other for a while before Yuno turned away and Sekke smirked getting a bit excited.

After waiting for a bit his turn came and he went to the counter, the people around him were already going 'four clover grimoire guy' and all.

'What's so great about a four leaf clover....I have two grimoires you know....Yuno....Fu*k that rhymes.'

"I am Sekke Bronzazza from Kiten." said Sekke to the person behind the counter and showed both of his grimoires to the man.

The man's eyes widened and said, "You you were the rumoured two grimoire guy." and looked up at Sekke's face with astonishment.

"Don't know about the rumours but yeah, I do own two will you register me?"

"Ah, are entry number 169." said the man as registered Sekke's Grimoire.

"Oh, my lucky number is at the end." said Sekke with a smile as he entered the colosseum.

Just as he entered he noticed people looking towards Asta who was swarmed by anti birds.

'...Secre is there too...' thought Sekke as he saw Secre sitting on top of the grey haired boy.

Secre noticed him seeing which Sekke smiled and gave her a thumbs up and then walked around the colloseum to check it out.

Soon both him and Yuno got the centre of attention neither of them had any anti birds around them and their looks were quite good as well.

Sekke walked towards Yuno who noticed him and looked at him.

"You are the one who have the four leaf clover grimoire, right?" asked Sekke.

" what?" asked Yuno.

"Can I see it?" asked Sekke with slight curiosity as he really wanted to see the four leaf Grimoire up close.

Yuno was slightly surprised by his request as he was sure that there would be quite a lot of people who will come upto him to pick a fight because of his Grimoire.

"Sure..." said Yuno as he took out his Grimoire and showed it to Sekke.

Sekke looked intently at the Grimoire and thought that it looked beautiful.

'...But for the dark lord, rather than beauty, it is coolness that matters. And my Grimoires looks cooler than his.' thought Sekke as he returned the grimoire back to Yuno and thanked him.

"I am Sekke Bronzazza, thank you for showing it to me." said Sekke as he moved his hand forward.

"Yuno, and it's fine." said Yuno as he shook Sekke's hand.

Sekke nodded but soon heard some commotion coming from behind and turned around.

There he saw a muscled up man with black hair crushing the head of Asta.

"...You know him?" asked Sekke.

"...Nope, never saw him in my life." said Yuno not wanting other to know that he was close to the idiot who was iron clawed by a squad captain.

"Oi! Yuno!!!" yelled Asta and came towards the two of them once he got freed.

Sekke looked towards Yuno who just stared at Asta without any change in his expression and refused to look towards him.

Sekke shrugged his shoulders and thought, 'Well the birds have flown away anyway, let's go and meet Secre.' He then looked at Yuno and said, "Best of luck to you." and then walked away.

"Hm." was all that Yuno said before he focused on the captains who started coming in.

Sekke looked at the captains for a while before he looked around searching for Secre who soon came back and sat on his shoulders.

"You had your fun bullying the people with low mana?" asked Sekke hearing which Secre just stared directly at him.

Sekke sighed and asked, "Anyway, which captain have the most amount of mana?....William Vangeance and then Fuegoleon Vermilion....well as expected of nobles."

The masked captain have his speech and then said, "Let's start the exam." and used a spell.

A huge tree descended from the sky whose branches started extending forward and turned into broom sticks.

Sekke took the broom that was in front of him and checked the broom's efficiency by sending his mana through it.

'...I am so going Harry Potter right in this exam.' thought Sekke as he grinned

'...He is so going to go overboard in this exam.' thought Secre as she looked at his grin and flew away from him.

"All right all of you we would like to see how you all are at flying using brooms which is a magic knight's most common mode of transportation." said William as a member of Golden Dawn demonstrated how to fly on the broom.

"Best of luck to you all, you may start now." said William.

Sekke immediately mounted onto his broom and was about to fly but stopped band thought, '... Let's do it the dark lord style.' and stepped on top of the broom.


With a swift gust of wind Sekke got up in the air on top of his broom shocking not only the other examinees but the squad captains as well.

"What the?"

"Who the hell was that?"

"The four leaf guy?"

"No he is still there."

"Then who?"

Sekke who made a round around the whole colloseum at a fast speed slowed down a bit to show his face to the demanding audience.

"...It's the dual Grimoire guy." said William as be noticed the two Grimoires on Sekke's holster.

"Two grimoires!....Talk about creepy." said Yami as he looked slightly disgusted, but soon he stopped and looked at Sekke intently.

Sekke went closer to Yuno and asked, "How was it?"

"...Your control is good." said Yuno as he continued flying.

Sekke nodded and said, "I know." and then continued flying slowly as he sat down on the broom so as to not use much mana while waiting for the other s to finish up.

He looked down towards Asta who had veins popping out all around his body and thought, '...Don't know about him but blood will fly out of his body if he don't stop soon.'

After that some other tests occured like magic firing, moving target practice and all with Sekke and Yuno competing for the top in all the exams.

'...That guy is good, but I don't know if this is because he is a protagonist or because he trained.' thought Sekke as he glanced towards Yuno.

"All of you did great in this exam and I really appreciate that you all showed us how capable you all are. I hope you show all that spirit for one final time today in our next and last exam....a pair up." said William.

Hearing that the examinees got startled not as they started murmuring about how it will be if they lost to their opponent.

Sekke who heard that just stood at his spotand waited for someone to ask him for the match, but first he had a job to do.

He looked around and soon found a muscle head type of man and went past him.

"Man, it seems like the best opponent to have right now, is someone who will lose miserably against me....there was a boy who can't do good in any exam, right? Let's search for him." said Sekke as he went past the muscle head type of man.

The muscle head smirked hearing Sekke's idea and then started looking for Asta and soon went towards him.

'...And that's my good deed for today... really I am so kind.' thought Sekke as he saw the guy asking Asta for the duel.

"That boy is going to end his entire career." muttered Sekke.

Soon enough Asta beat the living daylights out of the guy making all the spectators shocked by his performance.

Sekke looked at the huge anti magic sword in Asta's hand and started to get a bit tempted by it.

'Stop yourself Sekke. You already have your Extase-chan, no need for any other sword.' thought Sekke as he caressed his sword.

After that a few matched took place including Yuno's where he did a one sided slaughter to the noble.

Sekke smirked seeing his magic's power as he thought that his spells were more powerful than the one Yuno used.

"Hey you, two Grimoire creep."

Sekke turned his head as he saw a tan skinned boy coming towards him.


"Wanna duel me and know your own place by the hands of the great Stane." said the boy.

"Are you strong?" asked Sekke.

"...What do you mean by that? I am a noble of course I would be leagues above you!!" said the boy.

"Oh, so you are rich. I am so glad." said Sekke.

"Sure let's do it." said Sekke.

"...What does it have to do it with my wealth, are you asking me to bribe you to let me win easily against you."

Sekke got in the middle of the colloseum and said, "No, it's just that, I won't have to worry about your treatment fees after younger you ass handed by me."

The boy came in the middle of the colloseum as well and got infuriated at what Sekke said, "You will pay for your arrogance."

His Grimoire started flipping and soon the boy yelled.

[Wood magic: Forest Emergence]

And soon a large amount of roots appeared in front of the boy and shot towards Sekke.

Sekke widend his eyes in surprise and said, "...Wait a are a Hashirama rip off. All right now this will be fun, you don't get to beat Hashirama everyday you kmow" said Sekke as he just walked away from the trajectory of the incoming roots.

"Now let me show you how powerful the dark lord is."

[Wood magic: Strangling forest]

The boy used another spell as the roots shot towards Sekke once again but this time instead of a cluster they spread apart a bit to increase the area.

"It's a beautiful day outside, oh well sun's about to set anyway." said Sekke as he looked at the sky while his Grimoire started flipping pages.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon make-]

A large amount of mana started gathering in front of Sekke as a huge animal skull like structure appeared in front of him.

[-Gaster Blaster]

Just as he said that a large amount of mana gathered inside the skull's mouth which opened up a few seconds later and fired strong beam towards the roots disintegrating them to nothingness in an instant.

'...FU*K YOU HASHIRAMA!!!!' mentally yelled Sekke as the beam engulfed the Hashirama rip off who could just widen his eyes in shock as the beam got in front of him.

'...Maybe it was too much to use Gaster on a rip-off.....anyways....THAT WAS AWESOME!!!' thought Sekke with a grin as he deactivated his spell and looked towards the referee.

Yeh referee nodded and nodded and said, "The winner is Sekke Bronzazza!!"

Sekke nodded and then walked back leaving the authorities to deal with the rip off.