Squad selection

Once the matches were over William Vangeance stood up from his seat and came forward.

"Thank you all for participating in this year's magic knights selection exam. I am really glad to know that there are so many people out there who want to protect our kingdom." said the captain of Golden Dawn with a small smile on his face.

But all of a sudden his time changed and he said, "But this is where the things gets serious, you all will now know whether you will be selected to join a magic knight squad or not. We will call you all according to the numbers that have been given to you and if a captain wants you in his squad, then the said Captain will raise their hand. In case there is a participant whom multiple captains wants to recruit, the participant will have the right to choose which ever squad he would like to join amongst the ones willing to recruit him/her. So now will participant number 1 step forward?"




"... Participant no. 164."

Hearing the number Yuno stepped forward and not even thinking twice about it all the captains raised their hands making the other participants gasp at the sight.

In the end just like the cannon, he chose to join Golden Dawn making other participants envious of him.

"Participant no. 165."

Asta stepped forward with a nervous look on his face. Soon he looked up and was shocked seeing that no one had raised their hands for him making the other participants whisper and laugh at him.

Yami then explained him why he wasn't selected despite being strong and all and showed his display of power making Even Sekke take a step back from him.

'Shit, this is hella amazing.....and dangerous...that amount of pressure that he is generating from releasing his mana is absurd and totally badass.' thought Sekke as he looked at the man terrorising Asta.

Asta being the shounen protagonist he is used Talk-no-ju...no [Talking magic: Believe is myself] making Yami give out a hearty laugh and making him accept the magic less muscle twerp.

----- A few rejections later -----

Sekke looked at the participant with no. 168 getting rejected and thought, 'Better luck next time dude....now it's time for this dark lord to bask in the light of glory.'

"Participant no. 169."

Sekke walked forward looking straight and then stood in front of the captains.

'I can ready hear the gasps from the people behind me, it must be an all captain hand raise!' thought Sekke and looked only to become motionless the moment his gaze fell on the captains.

'...WHY THE HELL ONLY TWO HANDS ARE RAISED!!! YOU CAPTAINS ASSHOLES!!! YOU ARE EMBARASSING THE DARK LORD!!!' mentally yelled Sekke as he saw looked at the captains with a surprised look on his face.

The captains who noticed his gaze closed their eyes and. Fuegoleon stood up and said, "I will have to say, that not only you have huge amount of mana for your age and that your magic is strong as well.....we cannot help but be suspicious of you having an ability or a magic to be able to steal someone else's Grimoire and that is something I would not like to have in a member of my squad."

Hearing that Sekke became shocked while the other captains who didn't raise their hands nodded their heads.

'...What?...Oi idiot, I am the future dark lord, there is no way I need to steal something from people lower than me...and what is this suspicious business...you just saw a man accepting a kid with no magic at all show some your guts idiots!' thought Sekke but kept his face from changing expressions.

"But still it seems like two of us have faith in you and are willing to accept you in their squads. So whom do you choose Golden Dawn or the Black Bulls." said Fuegoleon.

"Of course he will choose the golden dawn, damn even if he got just two offers he recieved one from golden dawn, what the hell is happening today?!" said a person from behind making other participants put their opinions as well.

Sekke sighed knowing that the other captains would not be raising their hands anymore and said, "I would like to join the black bulls."

"Okay, looks like that mas- wait what did you just said." said Yami as he looked at Sekke as if he had a donkey's head.

"...I want to join your squad....you raised you hand right?" said Sekke as he looked at Yami.

"...Hahaha in your face Willia- no in your mask William." said Yami as he looked at the masked captain who was slightly surprised as well.

Yami then looked at Sekke with a smirk and said, "But seriously why do you want to join my squad? You should have heard our glorious tales right?"

"Well only you and the captain of Golden Dawn raised their hands and I have some personal problems with that squad so...." said Sekke.

"...First time I heard about someone having an issue with that squad? Okay dumbass tell me about it?" said Yami.

"Like I said it's personal." said Sekke not really willing to say that.

A few veins popped on Yami's forehead but seeing the genuine unwillingness on Sekke's face Yami took a smoke from his cigarette and said, "Well not that I care much about it anyway. Shoo Shoo now go away." and gestured Sekke to go away.

Sekke sighed and then turned back and saw how the other participants were looking at him with shocked expression on their faces.

Sekke didn't say anything and started moving away.

"Please wait."

But all of a sudden Sekke heard a voice making all the people in the colloseum look at the person who called him.

"Oi oi William, don't try to tempt my new member." said Yami as he looked at the golden dawn captain who called Sekke.

"Trust me Yami, I have no such intentions. I just want to know what is it that my squad has done to cause some problems for him so that I can look into it." said William.

Yami sighed and said, "Hey you, do you want to answer his question?"

Sekke sighed and turned around, "I don't really want to."

"There you have it." said Yami as he looked at William.

William looked at Yami before he turned his gaze towards Sekke and said, "I don't know what problem do you have with my squad but still I apologize to you if my squad have caused you any inconvenience. I know that you don't want to bring that subject up, but if you tell us what was the problem then I can look into it and prevent it from happening in the future."

Sekke stared at the captain and thought, 'Well there are two reasons why I don't want to join Golden Dawn. One being Pattoli knowing about the magic stone and coming after him and the second-'

Sekke sighed and said, "Very well."

"Oi, how come you agreed to him and refused me." said Yami without much care, he was more interested in the story afterall.

Sekke glanced at Yami and seeing his expression turned towards William and said, "A few months ago a drunk member of your squad tried to sexually harass my mother."

Hearing that all the captains widend their eyes in shock and so did the participants as they looked at Sekke but soon turned their gaze towards the captain of Golden Dawn.

"...Do you know that name of that magic knight?" asked William with a slightly angry tone.

Sekke shook his head and said, "He was too drunk to answer anything, all I know that he is a noble with light blue hair slightly chubby body, and have a green coloured Grimoire....I did take care of him though, so I apologize for beating the hell out of your squad member."

William leaned back on his seat and told the Golden Dawn member that came with him something.

"No need to apologize, that is a totally justifiable action and I sincerely apologize once again for that kind of behaviour from my squad member." said William as he lowered his head making the participants shocked seeing the all mighty captain of Golden Dawn bowing in front of a kid.

"You need to train your boys a bit better William. This is not the kind of behaviour that we expect from a magic knight." said the captain of blue rose as she side glanced at the Golden Dawn captain.

"I am really disappointed with that kind of behaviour from a magic knight much less a noble." said Fuegoleon as some flames came out of him.

"Absolutely disgusting." said the captain of Silver Eagles.

"By the how much did you beat him?" asked Yami.

"Enough to make his eggs scrambled." said Sekke.

"Ooh, must be very painful....for that noble. I really want to see how his face would look when he asks for the doctor to treat hi- HAHAHAHA!!!" laughed Yami.

Sekke sighed and soon walked back to stand amongst the crowd as Secre landed on his shoulder.


The final score of the poll about the squad that he should join is:

Black Bulls- 77 votes

Golden Dawn- 18 votes

Crimson Lions- 69 votes

Damn, even though Crimson Lion lost they do scored a great number.