That's my win

Sekke looked at the fallen crystal giant and then turned towards Asta.

"Go and free the others. I will handle him."

"Oi Sekk-" complained Asta but stopped as Sekke continued to stare at him with an expressionless face.

"G-Got it." said Asta as he took a step back and gulped his saliva.

Secre who was coming towards him stopped after seeing the look on Sekke's face and sat down on top of Asta's head.

"I will kill you..." said Mars with a muffled voice as he tried to stand up on his feet.

Glancing towards the crystal giant Sekke sighed and muttered, "Guess there's no sparing him..."

All of a sudden a violet light came out of Sekke's hands and legs and his various Sacred gears appeared on his body.

Mars who was now standing glared at Sekke with blood shot eyes and gave a war cry as he started running towards him in pure rage.

"Looks like he lost it." said Sekke as he looked at the giant crystal armour wearing boy with pity and pointed his hand towards him.

"Absorption line."

A glowing rope shot out of the gauntlet present on his hand and moved towards Mars at an incredible speed.

Seeing the small rope coming towards him Mars snorted as his Grimoire started flipping and various rotating swords appeared in front of him and moved towards the line to cut it.

"Don't mock the dark lard by using a spell of that level." said Sekke with slight anger as he saw Mars using the same spell on him that he was using against others.

"I will crush a pebb-"

"Yeah Yeah got it. Just shut the f*ck up." said Sekke as he interrupted Mars and then moved his hand to use the absorption lineas a whip and destroyed the incoming projectiles in an instant.

He then shot forward the line from his mother gauntlet as well and then moved the lines to encircle the rushing crystal giant.


Mars's scream got louder as he closed in the distance between him and Sekke. Seeing that Sekke smirked and the wrapped the lines around the giant's body.

"Argh!!!" groaned Mars as he started struggling to get out of the bind.

"Rejoice, I am going to show you what kind of strength a dark lord possess."

[Bronze Magic: Bronze Body]

Sekke clenched his fists as he looked at Mars with a crazed smile on his face and spread his arms wide.

Immediately after that a loud cracking noise was heard as the other magic knights looked at the scene with their mouths wide open.

Mars too had his eyes wide open in shock as he saw how effortlessly Sekke destroyed his huge armour in an instant.

'No No No No No!!!' thought Mars as his Grimoire started flipping once again.

Sekke smirked seeing that Mars was still trying to put a fight and felt the large amount of mana that was being gathered by the diamond kingdom mage.

"Th-This is not good. That much mana is way too much!" said Klaus with a scared looked on his face as he sensed the mana that Mars was gathering.

"Hey!! You! Black Bull get out of there!!" yelled Klaus as he tried to warn Sekke.

"Don't worry, whatever he is trying do is totally useless against the me." replied Sekke with a confident look on his face as he retracted the line from his sacred gear.

"I will crush you pebbles!!!" declared Mars as a huge sword one way bigger than the one he made during his fight against Yuno and Asta appeared.

" that something big."

"Sekke!!! Get out of there!!" yelled Asta as he rushed towards Sekke wanting to use his anti magic to cut the sword.

Sekke took a deep breath and then with a confident expression on his face looked towards Mars and said, "You there is a saying of a very smart person that I am recalling right now....let me enlighten you as well."

Sekke smirked as his shadow turned darker and darker and started spreading out.

"What a drag." said Sekke as he looked at the sword which was coming towards him with a bored look on his face but all of a sudden it stopped moving.

"WHAT?!?!" said Mars as he saw some kind of darkness extending out of Sekke's shadow which stopped the sword from coming towards him.

"Heh never forget that sayi-"


Sekke who got interrupted by the sudden yell turned around to see Asta running towards him with his new sword in his hand.

"Oi! Stop you idiot!!" said Sekke as he looked at his idiot teammate.

But Asta totally ignored him thinking that Sekke was trying to save him from danger.

Gripping the sword tightly Asta took aim at the huge sword which was suspended in mid air and threw his new sword with full force.

"FUCK!" cursed Sekke as he immediately shot forward his absorption line to stop the anti magic sword.

But in the end the anti magic sword reached the huge sword earlier but first made co tact with the shadowy aura which was stopping the giant sword.

"YOU IDIO-!!!" yelled Sekke who was immediately attacked by Mars who skillfully dodged the anti magic sword and used the giant crystal sword to attack Sekke and sent him flying.

"ASTA I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU ONCE WE GO BACK YOU ASSHOLE!!!" yelled Sekke as was still in the air.

"SEKKE!!!" yelled Asta.

"SEKKE-SAN!!!" said Mimosa.


"I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!" said Mars who used his huge sword and sent it to attack the rest of the magic knights.

"Not on my watch." said Sekke as he caught the anti magic sword which was thrown earlier by Asta and used it to destroy the Giant crystal sword.

"Shit! this one's gonna hurt a bit." said Sekke as he noticed the wall behind him that was coming closer and closer.

Using his enhance strength from his [BRONZE BODY] spell Sekke braced hims of for the impact.


Crashing into the dungeon's wall Sekke's eyes widened and some saliva spilled out of his mouth. He then started falling down with rubble from the broken dungeon wall coming down with him as well.

"I am gonna lock Asta in Yami-san's toilet for a whole day." said Sekke with a frown on his face as he once again braced himself for the incoming impact from the fall and the huge rubble that was about to fall on top of him.


Meanwhile Asta and the others who were now back to focusing on Mars were getting the crap beaten out of them as the mad and enraged Mars was spamming spells after spells on them without caring for mana consumption.

Yuno who got desperate and wanted to save everyone got his shounen moment as he noticed that the time got stopped and the small horny fairy appeared in front of him and blew a mouthful of air from he-


But as if not being bothered by the time stop, Sekke blew away the rubble and appeared with his sword in his hand.

"LET'S DO THIS!! YOU REALLY GONNA GET A ONE WAY TICKET TO HELL!! Ehh?" yelled Sekke as he raised his sword.

Yuno and the small fairy looked at Sekke with with a surprised look on their faces as Sekke felt an unknown but strong magic source in the surrounding and immediately glanced towards the wind spirit.

He stared at the wind spirit for a while but soon a small mocking grin appeared on his face.

"EX-!!!" yelled Sekke as a huge amount of mana burst out through the blade of his sword and the time flow started getting normal.

"-CALIBUR!!!!" said Sekke as he swung his sword down as wave of magic energy got fired towards the giant crystal sword and Mars.

As if realising something the wind spirit's face scrunched up as she too blew out her breath filled with magic and sent it towards the giant sword.

She then looked at Sekke with a look which said, 'I won't lose!'

But Sekke totall ignored her and rushed shot his absorption lines forward and grabbed Asta, Noelle and Mimosa with them surprising Mimosa who got scared of being wrapped around by a tentacle all of a sudden.


A huge explosion engulfed Mars and his sword which shook the whole dungeon making the magic knights except for Sekke widen their eyes from shock.

"That was my win!" declared Sekke as he glanced at the wind spirit who looked at Sekke with an angry gaze.

Sekke who was only able to feel the spirit's mana was unable to see her expression but still had a triumphant smirk on his face.

"...She vanished..." muttered Sekke as he stopped feeling the magic power of the spirit from his surroundings.

"The-The dungeon is about to collapse!!!" yelled Klaus as he saw the dungeon which got way too damaged by Sekke's and the spirit's combined attack.

"Bloody hell..." muttered Sekke as he saw at the damage caused by his and the fairy's attack earlier as he saw that their attacks destroyed and passed through more than ten whole rooms.