Believe in me

Seeing the collapsing dungeon Secre immediately rushed towards Sekke and sat on top of his shoulder wanting to know his plan to escape.

Seeing the bird looking at him curiously Sekke smiled and said, "Don't worry it is going to be fine."

He then looked at Asta and the girls who were wrapped in his sacred gear's tentacles and said, "Mimosa can I trust on you to keep Noelle alive?"

Mimosa who snapped out of trance after hearing Sekke's question nodded her head without thinking but soon she turned serious and said, "I will not let anything happen to Noelle-san."

Sekke nodded and then looked at Asta and said, "Just wait till we reach back the base. I will make sire that you experience what he'll really is?"

"Oi! What was that for?!" asked Asta but Sekke ignored him and looked at the remaining magic knights who were coming towards him.

"We need to get out of here! The dungeon is going to collapse!" said Klaus with a panicked tone. He then glanced at Yuno who nodded and used his magic to make a small twister appear below them and carried all of them up in the air.

"Argh!" groaned Yuno as he felt a bit difficulty in carrying all of them and dealing with the falling rubble.

Seeing that Sekke started firing the magic bullets to destroy the rubble which was being left out by Yuno's wind magic.

"Secre, go on top of Asta's head." said Sekke.

Secre started at Sekke for a while but soon widend her eyes and shook her head in denial.

Sekke sighed and said, "Don't worry I know what I am doing. Has there ever been a time when I have been wrong?" hearing which Secre gave a nod making Sekke stare at her without saying anything.

"But I have never been in danger, right?" to which Secre shook her head in denial once again causing another state off between the dark lord and his familiar.

"Secre-" said Sekke but Secre pecked his head once and then patted her chest with one of her wings and then moved it forward.

Seeing Sekke grinned and then smacked his chest twice and then fist bumped with Secre.

"Well then, together as always partner." said Sekke to which even Secre's apathetic expression cracked up and a smile appeared on her face.

"Asta, Luck, Noelle make sure to get out of here alive." said Sekke as he looked at his squad mates.

"H-Huh? Sekke!!!" yelled Asta as he saw Sekke giving them a casual salute as he jumped down from the wind platform made out of Yuno's magic.

"Oi! Sekke!!"

"What are you doing?! Do you want to die!?!?"


Sekke who was falling down used his magic.



Sekke also made his sword big enough to stand on top of it and covered it with bronze and floated on top of it.

"Hey! Make sure to not make my hard work go to ruin!! Reach the surface safely!!" said Sekkel loudly as he started blasting off the rubble falling towards the other magic knights.

All of them yelled at Sekke trying to say something but were not audible to him at all. Even Asta's voice was not reaching him.

Sekke waved his hand as he saw the other magic knights' figure getting smaller and smaller.

"Well I helped them in the hard course of the route now let get on the job." said Sekke as he looked towards Secre.

Secre tilted her head in confusion wanting to know what her partner was planning in a deadly situation like the one they were in.

Sekke smiled and said, "Let me show you a new spell that I learned."

But suddenly both of them felt new magic signatures entering the area making them turn to look in the direction of the source.

"Oh, the dark lord is still here huh." said Lotus as he looked at Sekke with a helpless smile.

Sekke looked at Lotus and his subordinates who entered the treasure room and concluded that his spell's effect wore off.

"How about this dark lord-kun wan-"

But before Lotus could finish Sekke's Grimoire started flipping.

[Bronze Magic: Eternal Safe]

As Sekke used his spell the safe appeared behind the diamon kingdom mages.

Sekke supplied more magic to it to make a new room for inside it, after which the safe opened and sucked the diamond kingdom magic knights inside along with some of the gold treasure.

Secre who saw the new spell widend her eyes in surprise as then looked at Sekke who looked back at her with a grin on his face.

"Amazing, right?" to which Secre gave a nod.

Sekke laughed out loud and said, "I will show you the insides once we get out of here but before that-"

Making the safe move towards him Sekke used the screen at the front and made a new space inside the safe.

The safe opened once again as it started sucking up all the gold and other treasures inside.

"Haha I am rich! I am rich!!" declared Sekke as he raised up his fists in the air and punched away a huge block of stone with his enhance strength of his [Bronze Body] spell.

Secre looked at her partner and face palmed after seeing his antics.

Soon she realised what kind of the situation they were in and started looking around and then smacked Sekke's head with her wing to bring him back to reality.

"Wha- Secre?! That was rude of you!" complained Sekke earning himself another smack from Secre who gestured him to look around.

"Oh....this huh, don't worry." said Sekke as he looked back at the safe which was still sucking in the treasure.

Secre looked at bit worried but Sekke patted her head and as he focused on destroying the rubble which was about to fall on them.

Once Sekke made sure that most of the treasure was sucked up he took a deep breath and said, "Let's get going then.

"Secre you know what to do, right?" to which Secre gave a nod and started pointing her wings in the direction which lead to the exit.

Sekke immediately rushed forward as he flew on top of his sword.

Avoiding and destroying the rubble falling into of him Sekke increased his speed as he felt the mana of the dungeon dissipating which meant that the dungeon was about to disappear soon.

"Its disappearing faster than I expected." muttered Sekke to which Secre who felt the same started worrying.

But contrary to her Sekke smirked as his mana started radiating out of his body.

Feeling the mana that was coming out of Sekke, Secre looked at him with a confusion.

Feeling her gaze Sekke looked at his familiar and said, "Don't worry Secre, we will get out of here safe and sound and then ask Charmy to prepare a feast for us. Believe in me who believe in myself!"

Sekke's Grimoire started shining brightly and so did his sword on which he was flying.


Sekke's hand started glowing brightly as he raised it upwards.


Forming a huge drill on top of his hand Sekke's grin widend and he thrusted his hand forward as the drill started rotating.

"Extase! BOOSTER!!!" yelled Sekke as Extase fired a beam from from its hilt pushing itself forward and increasing the speed at which they were flying.

"Secre!" said Sekke making Secre snap out of trance as she started guiding him once again.

Seeing that Secre was back in action Sekke smiled seeing which Secre smiled as well and both of them drilled through the rest of the way.

Soon Secre dropped her wings down and then gave a thumbs up.....wings up seeing which Sekke gave a thumbs up as well.

Sekke then took a deep breath and then looked up and saw the light in front of him.

"I-no....we made it!!" declared Sekke as they drilled through the ground and made it outside.

"""SEKKE/-SAN!!!""" said the magic knights as they saw Sekke and Secre coming out of the dungeon.