
Sekke who was forcefully taken to the prison by Julius just looked at his surroundings and saw a lot of people behind the cages wearing similar type of clothes.

'That lady is looking kind of sexy.' thought Sekke as he looked at one of the female prisoners who had a beautiful appearance, but soon looked away from her when he saw her 'servicing' one of the rather bulky looking man who most probably is at the top of the hierarchy of the prisoners.

'...I will suggest them to separate the prisoners by gender later.' thought Sekke as he looked away not missing the bird who was staring at him.

"All right Sekkke-kun, show that magic to me!" said Julius as he finally stopped inside an empty jail cell and then urged Sekke to show his magic.

"Just wait a minute you magic nerd!!" yelled Marx who finally caught upto them and then slumped down and started taking deep breaths.

"At least get some guards here, before you do that!" said Marx whole panting.

"It's alright Marx I am quite confident in my ability, you know." said Julius.

"Those people were no match for the dark lord before and that case still will be the same." said Sekke.

Marx looked at the two weirdos in front of him and just massaged his temples to ease his headache.

"Alright then, if you are that unsure why not you just stand outside the prison cell. I will take them out after that." said Sekke.

"I cannot do that. I cannot just leave the side of Julius-sama." said Marx.

"Now now, it's alright Marx. Don't worry that much. Now then Sekke-kun." said Julius.

Sekke gave a nod and then his Grimoire started floating beside him and started flipping.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Eternal Safe]

As Sekke used his spell a huge amount of mana gathered which surprised Marx while Julius's eyes started glittering at the sight of the spell.

Soon the futuristic looking safe appeared in front of them as Julius just started admiring the safe and started touching it all over.

"Oh my god, there is so much mana contained in this structure. It's structure is quite unique but it looks like a safe. Hmm...I cannot open it." said Julius.

"Only I can do that Julius-sama. So can you please step back so that I can open it." said Sekke.

"Oh, is that so. Caster recognition as well! What a great spell." said Julius as he moved back and stood beside Sekke.

Sekke then opened the safe and as the door of the safe opened, both Marx's and Julius's eyes widened in surprise.

"Hm? Oh, dark lord-kun. Good morning." said Lotus who was buried in a heap of gold and rubble mixed together.

"Good morning old man.....You seem oddly calm." said Sekke.

"Heh, I am very calm and collected person after all. But seriously get me out of here, something is poking my behind and I do not want to know what that is." said Lotus as he looked at Sekke.

"By the way who are these people? Your friends? Where are we by the way?" asked Lotus as he tried his best to not move and inch.

"Ah let me introduce you. Julius-sama,this is the old man called Lotus, the leader of the mages whom we confronted back in the dungeon. And old man the one in front of you is the wizard king of our kingdom. You are in a prison by the way." said Sekke.

"Yahoo, nice to meet you." said Julius as he raised his hand to greet the person who was stuck in the pile of gold and rubble.

"Oh, such important people came to seem me. I am honoured." said Lotus with a respectful tone and he nodded his head to greet the wizard king back.

"Haha, it's not a big deal. By the way..... what type of magic do you use?!" asked Julius with glittering eyes as he turned into his nerd mode.

"Now is not the time for that!" said Marx as he came forward and the used his communication magic to call some people to catch the people from diamond kingdom.

"How man of them are there in total, Sekke-kun? Is he the only one?" asked Julius.

"Hm..." mumbled Sekke as he then used his magic to turn the safe's mouth downwards as everything inside of it started falling out.

"Ah! Hey, there are elderly in here." said Lotus as he fell on his face.

"These many people, and this is all the treasure that I was able to gather." said Sekke.

'Of course the rest of the treasure is stored in other place of the safe. Afterall, just having people in that. big safe would have aroused suspicion. So I just threw in some gold and rubble in there along with the men. Heh, I am genuinely dark lord. What else can you expect of me.' thought Sekke as he looked at Julius without any change in his expression.

'...As much as of an idiot he is sometimes, his brain really does work in matters regarding this. Not to mention, his poker face is great as well.' thought Secre as she looked at her partner as she knew what Sekke has done.

"Good work Sekke-kun. You were not only able to catch them but also, gather some treasure from a collapsing dungeon. You are a very brave magic knight." said Julius hearing which Sekke smirked and said, "It was nothing."

Sekke then looked at the people whom he caught and then noticed that an heavily injured Mars was there as well with flames surrounding him.

"So he was there as well. He is barely alive though." muttered Sekke as he walked towards the injured Mars.

"Dark lord-kun, thank you for saving us. But it doesn't look like he can survive. He is barely hanging onto his life with his magic, though it is all over once that is used up as well." said Lotus as he looked at Sekke with a grateful look and then shifted his gaze to Mars.

Sekke didn't say anything as he didn't feel much about it since the man who was barely alive tried to kill his teammates. Not to mention Noelle was injured a lot because of him.

"You fought well."

That was all that Sekke said to Mars and just took a step back from him.

Seeing that all the diamond kingdom mages who were still conscious looked at the boy who had some flames surrounding him and then looked towards Julius.

Julius who was now the centre of attention just looked at the scene with a calm look on his face.

"Seeing how you all are acting. It seems like that boy is someone important to the diamond kingdom. We cannot let such a valuable source of information die just like that, now can we Marx?" said Julius.

"*sigh* It's just as you say Julius-sama." said Marx as he helplessly shook his head knowing what the wizard king was thinking.

Julius pointed his hand towards Marx an in an instant his wound started healing at a rapid speed and soon all the deep wounds were healed making the injured Mars who was frowning from pain look a bit relieved.

"He will be fine now." said Julius.

Sekke just stood silent and just watched the scene in front of him, but then his gaze moved towards the wizard king.

'...Good for him.' thought Sekke as he collected back the gold in his storage and then left the prison cell after the guards came and cuffed the diamond kingdom mages using some magical cuffs which prevented them from using magic.


"What is it Sekke-kun?"

"If it is not too much to ask, would you have a mock battle with me." said Sekke with a determined look on his face.

Immediately Marx, Julius and Secre stopped walking and looked at Sekke with shocked look on their faces

"Hey, what are yo-" said Marx but Julius raised his hand making the blue mushroom head stop.

"Why do you want to do that Sekke-kun?"

"I want to see how much time will I require."

"For what?" asked Julius with a confused tone.

"To surpass you." said Sekke surprising all of them once again.

Julius stared at Sekke for a while and thought, ''How much time will I require' huh. It seems like he is confident that he will surpass me.'

Julius smiled seeing which Sekke smirked as well knowing that he will get the chance to fight the wiza-

"Sorry, Sekke-kun. Not possible." said Julius making Sekke's whole body stiffen up at the totally different answer to what he was thinking.