
Sekke, who was outright rejected by Julius silently walked out of the Magic Knights HQ since Julius was taken away by Marx before he could even ask why he was rejected in the first place.

"Damn, didn't expected to be rejected so straight forwardly. Alright Secre, let's just go around the town and ease my sorrows." said Sekke as he sighed and then headed towards the market area of the town.

Secre who patted his head with her wing trying to comfort him seeing which Sekke chuckled and soon kept the whole matter with Julius at the back of his mind.

'Well, I will surpass him one day anyway. Just focus on my goal and let's be the great dark lord I am.' thought Sekke as he and Sells soon found Finral with a slap mark on his cheek.

"...Not a word." warned Finral as he saw Sekke who opened his mouth to say something but soon closed it after he heard the warning.

"Well, I am done with the matter at the magic knights headquarters."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yes, so now let's go and get something to eat. You must've tired and exhausted after.... well let's just go." said Sekke as he placed his hand around Finral's shoulders and soon started leading him towards a restaurant.

"You really don't have any respect for your senpai." said Finral in a dejected tone.

"Hey, how can you say something like that! Even though not much I still respect you." said Sekke with a hurt look on his face.

"Increase the respect, you idiot!" complained Finral to which Sekke just laughed.


A week passed by since Sekke and the others returned from the dungeon. During the week Asta who got his new sword decided to get familiar with it and Noelle got back to her magic control training.

Sekke who felt responsible for Ainz decided to help him blend in and got him some clothes that covered his body and a mask and wig to hide his appearance.

Ainz himself tried to get along with the group of irregulars and mostly used Asta to tak to others since his body was the easiest to take over compared to others.

Sekke himself got back to his routine of training even getting a day to get trained by Yami which in short could be summed up as Yami kicking Sekke's ass very easily since they only practiced with the sword.

Just like that the days of the rookies if the black bulls passed by and currently standing in front of Yami, Asta and Noelle were being given some instructions by their captain.

"It's been a week since you all returned back from the dungeon. You both need to go to the magic knights HQ to submit your reports on that mission." said Yami.

"Eh? We are going to the capital?! Yay I can fight a lot of strong guys there!" exclaimed Luck.

"Luck you will be going with Magna on a mission." informed Yami.

"Okay~ Let's go Magna." said Luck with a smile on his face as he fired some electricity at Magna.

"You bastard!! I will kill you!!" declared Magna as he chased after Luck who ran away from the room.

"Wait a minute then whom are we going with?" asked Noelle.

"Hmm? Well, letting Luck go to the capital would have caused trouble. Where is that other brat?" asked Yami.

"Sekke? He must be doing his training." said Asta.

"Call him as well."

"Alright!!" exclaimed Asta as he saluted and ran out as well to fetch Sekke.



'What the hell am I doing here?!?!' thought Noelle as she was left behind with Yami as the situation started turning awkward.

Yami blew out some smoke from his mouth and said, "What the hell is taking him so long?"

'He only went a minute ago!!' thought Noelle as she looked at her captain who had an annoyed look on his face.

"Oi, brat."

"Ye-Yes!!" said Noelle in a loud tone as she stood straight.

"Tell me a joke." ordered Yami as he sat back on his seat and looked at Noelle.

Noelle who was suddenly ordered by Yami to tell a joke looked at him wanting to ask whether he was joking or not, but decided to shut up seeing the annoyed look on his face.

"What the hell are you waiting for?" asked Yami.

"Eh? U-Um..."

"Captain Yami!! I am back and I brought Sekke as well!" announced Asta as he ran towards Yami.

'Asta!!! Thank god I am saved!!' cheered Noelle in her mind as she looked at the mana less shorty.

"Shut up! You are too loud!" said Yami in an annoyed tone as he kicked the approaching Asta.

"EHHHHH?!?! WHY?!?!"

"What's the matter Yami-san?" asked Sekke totally ignoring Asta who just sent flying by Yami's kick.

"Oh, brat. You need to go to the capital to report about the mission."

"Is that so. Fine, I will go and take a bath real quick." said Sekke who was feeling sweaty after the training and left the room as well.

"Hey kid, I am still waiting for the joke." said Yami as he looked at Noelle.

'WHY ME?!'


"Alright let's get going." said Sekke as he and the other two rookies came out of the portal.

"That man is the worst!" screamed Noelle as she let out her rage.

"I know but we can't do anything about it." said Sekke as he patted Noelle's back to calm her down.

"Hey what are you two talking about?!" asked the clueless Asta which earned him a smack from Noelle.

Sekke just let the royal tsundere calm herself down and once she was done he started leading the two of them to the magic knights HQ.

"Hey, those guys are here as well." said Sekke as he pointed towards the golden dawn members who joined them on the dungeon raid.

"Oi! Yuno!" called Asta.

Hearing his shout the golden dawn members stopped and then turned around.

"Oh! Asta, Sekke! Are the two of you alright?" asked Klaus as he rushed towards them.

"Hey, be in your character."

Hearing what Sekke said Klaus stood straight and then adjusted his glasses.

"I am so glad that you two are fine." said Klaus as he patted Sekke's and Asta's shoulders.

'He is totally ignoring Noelle.' thought Sekke but just remained quiet as he felt that it was the best choice.