
After Klaus was done checking up on Asta's and Sekke's condition he sighed in relief that the two of them were fine.

"Yuno, thanks for giving us a ride at that time." said Sekke.

"Don't worry it wasn't a big deal."

"Hm. Still when we reached back to our HQ we came to know that our way of returning was with Asta."

"Knowing him, he would have not even been aware of that."


"Oi! Don't make fun of me!!!" complained Asta as he looked at Sekke and Yuno who were talking to each other.

"Oh! Mimosa thanks to your magic I am totally fine!!" said Asta as he raised his hand and looked at the ginger head royal.

"Yeah, thanks to you magic I didn't suffer that much." said Sekke with a grateful tone.

Even though Sekke didn't receive any fatal wounds. There were still some on his body that would have hurt a lot and despite being used to that much pain he was glad that Mimosa healed his injuries.

Mimosa who was being praised by the two of them immediately turned around and ran away.

"Wha! What was that?!" asked Asta.

"She must have been scared by your abnormally short height." said Yuno.

"Hey! What do you mean by that!?!?"

"Well he is not wrong. You are short. Shrimpsta."

"Sekke you bastard!!!"

Seeing the boys talking amongst themselves Noelle who was totally ignored by them went towards Mimosa.

"Hey Mimosa. What's wrong?" asked Noelle.

"N-Noelle-san. I don't know what is wrong with me?"

"Huh, what happened? Are you still injured somewhere?" asked Noelle with a worried look on her face.

But Mimosa shook her head and then looked towards Noelle with a blush on her cheeks.

"Y-You know, whenever I look at Sekke-san my chest feels tight." said Mimosa as she glanced at Sekke.


"Ever since that day, the only thing that I can think of is Sekke-san." said Mimosa as she

"W-W-What?!?!" exclaimed Noelle as she heard what her fellow Royal just said.

"W-w-wait a minute Mimosa. Sekke is just a commoner and is crude. And even though he helps me a lot with my magic control and talks kindly to me and is very dependable.....wait why am I praising him?!?!"

"Oh, so he is a kind person as well. Though I guess that's what he was like. He was kind back when we first met as well." said Mimosa with a happy expression on her face.

Noelle who saw her bright smile felt embarrassed and then glanced towards the boys.

'...Hmph, I guess he is not that bad despite being a commoner. But, I will see whether he is good enough for Mimosa or not.' thought Noelle as she looked back at Mimosa who was blushing and was making weird sounds.

"It's fine Mimosa. I don't think there is anything wrong with you." said Noelle as she tried to reassure her fellow royal.

"Noelle-san. Are you really sure that there is nothing wrong with me?"

"Yeah, I am sure about that afterall I am..... experienced as well, you know." said Noelle with a proud tone as she puffed up her chest.

"Experienced in what?" asked Mimosa with a puzzled look on her face seeing which Noelle turned silent as she started imagining various events that happened with her and Asta.


Noelle held her head and started blushing as well seeing which Sekke who was at a distance where he couldn't hear them at all shook his head and patted Asta's shoulder.


"You are a sinful man."

"Huh? Why?!?!" asked Asta as he thought that Sekke was telling him that he did something bad.

"All right enough chit chat let's continue heading towards the magic knights headquarters." said Sekke as he clapped his hands gathering everyone's attention.

"Yes, we should not waste our time here. Let's start moving." said Klaus as all of them once again started moving towards the magic knights HQ.

"If I remember correctly this is the way to the magic knights HQ." muttered Klaus.

"Don't worry I came here a week ago so I know the direction just follow me." said Sekke as he took the role of leading them.

Soon all of them saw the building that they were headed to and immediately Asta got excited seeing such a huge and magnificent building. Even Yuno was awestruck by the sight in front of him.

But Sekke pulled them out of trance and continued to walk towards the building.

"Alright Asta, I know there is no point is telling you this. But please make sure to mind your behaviour." said Sekke.

"Don't worry Sekke! I know how to behave!" replied Asta in a loud tone.

Sekke and Yuno just looked at Asta with a deadpan look on their faces and just shook their heads.

'I don't have much expectations from him anyway.' thought both of them as they looked back towards the building.

As they got closer to the building Sekke felt a familiar magic energy and immediately got serious.

"Y-Your majesty?!" muttered Klaus with a shocked expression as he saw Julius standing in front of them.

Mimosa and Noelle and same expressions as well and soon the three of them kneeled in front of him.

"Hey, who is this flashy old dude?" asked Asta.

"Yup, no use of asking you to mind your manners." said Sekke as he facepalmed.

"Idiot!! How dare you say something like that to the Wizard king Julius Novachrono-sama!!!" exclaimed Klaus.

Hearing that both Asta and Yuno got shocked and Yuno kneeled as well. Asta was then forced by Klaus to kneel after which the bespectacled noble looked at Sekke to kneel as well only to find him heading towards the wizard king himself.

"Greetings Wizard King-sama. My captain asked me to hand this letter to you." said Sekke as he took out a letter that Yami gave him.

"Oh, Sekke-kun. Thank you for this. And greetings to you as well. Now why don't all of you follow me." said Julius as he took the letter from Sekke and gestured them to follow him.

Seeing that the ones who were kneeling stood up and started following Julius who was reading the letter that he got from Sekke.

Soon all of them were taken to an empty area where no one was nearby to hear them as they gave the mission report to the Wizard king.

And just like Sekke expected the Wizard king immediately turned into his nerd mode as he saw Yuno's Grimoire and Asta's new anti magic sword.

Once they were done explaining how their mission went Asta immediately came forward and asked, "U-Um can I ask you something?"

Yuno who noticed how Asta was acting understood what he wanted to ask and came forward as well.

"How does someone become the wizard king?" asked both of them in unison hearing which Julius started laughing.

"Oh so the both of you want to become the wizard king, huh."

"You idiots!!!" yelled Klaus as he looked at the Yuno and Asta. "How can you two be so tactless and ask his majesty something like that. Listen you two having a noble heart and trust from the people of the kingdom-"

But Julius interrupted Klaus by raising his hand and said, "No. It's merit that matters the most. Having a noble heart means nothing if you cant protect the people. And trust can be gained by gaining merit."

He then looked at Asta and Yuno with a serious look on his face and asked, "Do you know what the people expect from the wizard king?"

In response to the question both Asta and Yuno just stared intently at Julius.

"It's the merit that makes the people of the kingdom expect that the wizard king can protect them, that makes them realize that you are the best." said Julius as he looked towards Sekke. "Do you aspire to be the wizard king as well?"

"It's similar. My dream is to surpass all the wizard kings. To become such a great person that not only does my name goes down in history, but also make others to look up to me and think, 'I want to be like him'. Just like how the first wizard king was. Till this day his title is given as an honour to someone....Well, in simple words my dream is that I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was." said Sekke.

Hearing that all of them looked at Sekke in silence but soon a smile appeared on Julius's face and with a sagely nod he said, "That is indeed quite a great and difficult dream you have."

"It's a dream that is worthy of being called the dark lord's dream." replied Sekke with a confident and proud expression on his face.

"Haha, well never the less. Your dream as well requires you to gain a lot of merit. And if you want to be the very best then the merit that you will require is way more then you can imagine."

"It won't be fun if it would have been easy in the first place."

"Is that so...well anyways before you guys came here we were in the middle of holding a decoration ceremony for the knights who were rewarded an outstanding number of stars." said Julius.

"Decorat-" said Asta with a puzzled look on his face.

"Decoration ceremony. It is a ceremony to reward those who have done really well. I would like if you all could join."

"Really?!" exclaimed Asta.

"Yeah, now follow me." said Julius as he led them to the room where the ceremony would occur.

"Now Asta and Yuno, you said that you wanted to become the next Wizard king, right? In that case do both you think that you can accumulate more merits that these guys?"

The door then opened and the sight of three squad captains and some members of their squad came enter their eyes.