Decoration ceremony

Entering the room where the decoration ceremony was about to take place Sekke immediately felt an intense gaze making him stop for an instance.

Turning his head towards the direction where he felt the gaze from Sekke saw a familiar black haired big chested witch looking at him with an expressionless face.

'Well I guess Anna is being Anna...'

Smiling awkwardly towards the crimson lion magic knight Sekke waved his hand seeing which Anna waved back at him.

Julius who was talking with Marx about something looked around the room making all the people who were present in there curious.

But soon Julius smiled and said, "Well looks like everyone is finally here."

Following Julius's gaze everyone saw a portal appear near the door and soon Yami came out with a cigarette in his mouth.


Hearing Yami's casual greeting everyone in the room frowned except for the wizard king who just smiled and the magic knights captains who facepalmed at Yami's greetings.

"Yami-san? Why are you here?" asked Sekke.

"Why do you think? It's all your fault you brat. Because of you I was not able to go to the pub."

Looking at Sekke with an annoyed look Yami smacked his head.

"Huh? What does that even mean?" asked an angry Sekke who was suddenly beaten for no reason.

"Now that all of us are finally here, let's start the decoration ceremony."

Everyone once again focused back on Julius making Sekke stop himself from retaliating against his captain.

"Psst, brat." whispered Yami.


"You see that braided bangs guy?"

"You mean capatain Nozel?"

"Yeah braided bangs guy, when I give you my signal use that poop urge enhancing spell of yours on him."

Immediately looking at Yami to check if he waas serious or not Sekke was left speechless by what just came out of Yami's mouth.

"Are you really serious?"

"Yeah, it will be a good sight." said Yami with a smile.

Nodding his head Sekke, turned back to look towards Julius who was done with the introductory speech of the ceremony.

"With seven stars earned, Leopold Vermillion of the Crimson Lion Kings, I grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight, Second Class."

A boy from Crimson Lions stepped forward and walked towards Julius who presented him with something that looked like a medal. He then gave some words of praise and some pointers to the young Vermillion before the boy went back to stand amongst his squad members.

"With six stars earned, Anna Flare of the Crimson Lion Kings, I grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight, Third Class."

Hearing her named called out Anna stepped forward and the same events followed with her getting a medal and some praise and advice from the wizard king.

After getting her medal while returning back Anna glanced at Sekke who on noticing her gaze smiled and gave her a thumbs up making the expressionless girl feel happy.

The ceremony continued with members from various squads being called out and getting awarded by Julius.

Sekke who waiting for Yami to give his signal was totally not interested in the ceremony as he knew that if he screwed up what Yami asked of him he will get his ass kicked by his squad capatin.

"...And finally, with ten stars earned, Sekke Bronzazza of the Black Bulls, I grant you the title of Senior Magic Knight, Third Class."


Sekke who was not focusing when heard his name being called out gave out a surprised voice and looked towards Julius with a confused look on his face.

Everyone in the room even Sekke's friends looked at him with surprised looks on their faces since none of them ever thought that a black Bull member will get such an award.

Finally snapping out of trance Sekke moved forward and stood in front of Julius.

Smiling at the blond haired boy in front of him Julius gave the medal to Sekke who looked at it with a smile.

"Although being just a newly recruited magic knight, you showed how capable you are with your strong and durable magic."

Taking the medal from Julius Sekke smiled with a confident look on his face.

"I thank you, your Majesty."

Returning back towards his squad mates Sekke noticed Anna who was looking at him with an expressionless look on her face and with her fists clenched. Seeing that Sekke was looking at her she gave him thumbs up seeing which Sekke chuckled.

"See Secre, my first step to be recognised as the dark lord. The first chapter in the tale of my glorious purpose."

Secre who was sitting on top of Asta's head returned back and sat on Sekke's shoulder and looked at the medal.

"Congratulations Sekke!"

Klaus who saw that Sekke was back immediately congratulated him. He sincerely felt happy for Sekke seeing which Sekke felt good as well.

"Thanks! See this Asta, Noelle. Do you know what does this mean?"

Seeing that his fellow rookies shook their heads Sekke grinned and said, "This means that from this moment on I am actually your superior."

Immediately the two frowned as they heard what Sekke told them. Asta was about to retort but Yami stepped forwards and said, "Good job brat. Now did you see how was it your fault that I was unable to go to the pub. If you didn't get that many stars then I would not have to attend this... whatever it is called ceremony to begin with. You better treat me to some booze."

"You got that!"

Sekke who was excited after getting his medal immediately agreed to treating Yami.

'I know that it will put a burden on my salary, but still it's fine. He did help me a lot by arranging all those missions for me, though I guess he was just pushing them on me but still I really appreciate his help.' Sekke thought as he looked at Yami with a grateful look on his face.

Interrupting Sekke and the others Julius smiled and said, "Well dome all of you. Now then , there's a simple reception set up for you, so go and enjoy yourselves. Oh, I almost forgot. I've invited some special guests today. Make sure you get to know each other well."

Saying that, Julius soon left the room as Marx informed him something.

While Julius was leaving everyone was focused on him seeing which Yami immediately gave his signal.

Not even wasting a second Sekke gathered magic energy on his fingers without using his Grimoire so as to not gather attention and fired a small and weak, yet effective spell towards the captain of the silver eagles.

Yami immediately covered Sekke from Nozel's sight and after waited for Julius to leave as both him and Sekke fist bumped seeing that their plan went without any problems.