Strong and Superior

Feeling his legs sinking in Sekke's sacred gear appeared around his body and tentacles started extending out rapidly.

He then looked forward and saw Anna's breasts right in front of his face as she closed in towards him to protect the blond dark lord.

'Nice~' thought Sekke as he saw the hypnotic jiggle in front of him.

But soon he snapped out of trance and immediately hugged the crimson lion magic knight tightly as the tentacles that we're already latched onto some building pulled them out of the portal.

"Phew, that was close. You alright Anna? Anna?" asked Sekke only to notice that the black-haired girl whom he saved just now was embracing him.

"Yes, Sekke-kun. I am fine. Thanks to you." said Anna as she placed her head on Sekke's shoulder and did something that Sekke presumed to be sniffing him. Though that thought soon disappeared from his mind as he immediately turned to look towards the place where Charlotte and Sol were standing.

"Looks like they were unable to escape," muttered Sekke as Anna lifted her head from his shoulder and looked towards the same direction.

"The caster is too talented to pinpoint the magic knights and make a portal directly under them," said Anna as she squinted her eyes.

"Oi, dumbass!"

Suddenly out of nowhere, Sekke heard a familiar voice and turned his head and found Yami standing on top of a roof while carrying Charlotte over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Yami-san?! Were you not pulled in by a portal?"

"Nah, no portal appeared below me. I was coming here anyway and saw you all getting sucked in and just saved the prickly queen on time," said Yami.

"Hah! Looks like the enemy thought that there was no use pulling you in anyways and just ignored you."

"What did you say you dumbass!"

"That aside, why didn't you try to save me? Am I not the one and only dark lord of your squad?"

"Huh, no way I would have done that," said Yami with an expressionless face.

"Hey, that hurt my feelings," complained Sekke as he looked at Yami with a hurt look on his face.

His gaze then fell on Charlotte who was a blushing mess and was panicking while still being carried by the captain of the black bulls. Soon his gaze met with hers as both of them stared at each other for a while with Sekke being calm and Charlotte turning paler and paler by the second.

Soon Sekke turned his gaze from the captain of blue rose and looked towards Anna who was staring intently at him.

'He is just a bit away from me...' thought Anna as she continued to stare at him but soon a small smile appeared on her face.

Seeing the unexpected smile on her beautiful face and that too at such a close distance Sekke was surprised and felt that his heart started beating faster.

But out of nowhere, Sekke felt another presence closing in on him and turned his head only to see a blur pass by him.

"Wha-Ow ow ow!"

Turning back to his side Sekke saw Secre who came just now, sitting on his shoulder and pecking Anna's hand of Sekke.

"Woah! Secre! Stop! Stop!"

Hearing his voice Sekke stopped for a bit but only after making sure that Anna let go of Sekke. She then looked back at him with her usual expressionless face and saw a few scratches and dust and dirt on his face.

She wiped the dirt off his face with her wings and then smacked him with the wing as well.

"Hey! What was that for!" complained Sekke as he looked at the anti-bird who just averted her gaze with a snort.

"Oi, dumbass stop fooling around! We are going!" ordered Yami as he put Charlotte down who was glaring at him with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Coming Yami-san!"

Replying to his captain Sekke retracted his tentacles and got ready to follow him. He then gave a glance to Anna who stood up, glared at Secre but soon nodded her head as the two of them jumped down on the streets and started running towards where Yami and Charlotte were rushing off to.

While running Sekke felt a huge burst of mana from the opposite direction and immediately looked towards Secre who was sitting on his shoulder.

'That spirit power is bullshit. The amount of mana that just came out is different from what came out of him at the dungeon.' thought Sekke as he could feel the current amount of mana that was available for Yuno's use. And it was way more than Sekke had at his disposal.

'But he is still not better than the dark lord. If he has a fairy then I have a dragon inside me. Though it does still not awaken.....but still I am better than him.' thought Sekke as he felt a bit jealous of the elemental spirit that was in the possession of the wind mage. He also tried to call out to the dragon within him but as usual, the dragon didn't respond to his call making the dark lord a bit pissed.

Because of that Sekke unconsciously increased his pace and soon his grimoire started floating beside him.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Bronze Bike]

And immediately his motorbike appeared in front of him. Not wasting a second Sekke took his seat and channeled his mana through the vehicle which gave out a loud noise like a roar making the captains and Anna look at him.

"Yami-san I will be going ahead," said Sekke and rushed off without waiting for a reply.

Yami just stared at his subordinate who just rushed off without his approval and started slowing down.

Seeing him slowdown Charlotte slowed down as well and asked, "Why are we slowing down."

"That brat needs to break his limits soon." was all that Yami said as continued to run slowly towards the location they were heading towards.


Sekke who had a serious look on his face was driving at a fast speed. He soon saw the figure of Asta and Leopold fighting off several robed mages and got prepared to take them down.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon make-Minigun] + [Lightning Debuff Magic: Paralysis Touch] + [Ice Debuff Magic: Frost Touch]

Sekke's hands started glowing as both of his hands transformed into miniguns one was slightly bluish while the other was slightly yellowish.

Magic gathered in the hand-turned weapons as the barrels started rotating.

Magic bullets started firing rapidly out of the guns and headed towards the robed mages who were still unaware of the incoming dark lord.

"...You guys are just unlucky to be facing dark lord when he is not in the mood to drag out the fight," muttered Sekke.

"Argh- What was that" was all the robed mage who got hit by the first shot could say before his body stopped responding a layer of ice appeared all around his body.

Soon the other joined their frozen homemade as only one of the robed mage who stopped the bullets in time using a lizard made out of a gel-like substance.

"Oh! This is some interesting magic just like the anti-magic." said the bespectacled girl in the robes as her gel salamander started freezing up.

All of them who saw the people around them freeze up looked towards Sekke who was now close enough that the bike's noise became audible to them.


"My rival!!"

"Tch! Another magic knight! Oi Valtos! Can you not even do a simple job?!" yelled a guy with an eye patch.

Sekke who noticed that he missed a few of them transformed his hands back to normal and increased his speed.

Soon he jumped off his bike and let it run straight towards the frozen gel lizard as he landed in front of Asta.

Taking Extase out of his sheath Sekke pointed it towards the remaining enemies and started charging his sword.

Just as his bike crashed against the frozen gel lizard and broke it, Sekke fired the stored mana towards the remaining enemies.

"Bang" was all that came out of his mouth as a beam shot forward out of Extase's tip blasting the people that got hit by it in the walls.

[Frost touch+Paralysis touch]

Gathering the mana on his fingertips Sekke fired multiple magic bullets wrapped in his debuff magic towards the people whom he just attacked and restrained them as well.

"There, all done," said Sekke as he looked around his surroundings to check if he missed anybody else.

Meanwhile, Asta, Noelle, and Leopold were looking at Sekke with their mouths wide open. The evident shock of how easily Sekke took down all the people who they were having difficulty against made the two black bulls remember once again how strong and superior their squad's dark lord really is while Leopold was just left speechless after seeing the actions of his rival.

'...Stop showing off that mana already!!!' thought Sekke as he could still feel the spirit's mana in the surrounding.