Don't cry

After finishing his job of taking care of the mobs, Sekke looked back at his squadmates and noticed that they were quite beaten up. His gaze then fell ok Noelle who was trying to stop the bleeding from Fuegoleon's arm.

His eyes narrowed a bit as he took Extase out of its sheath and focused on the mana stone embedded in it.

'...Seeing that I was not captured by them means that they have yet to know about the mana stone that is in my possession.' thought Sekke as he looked towards his side and noticed Yami and the others running towards them.

Soon Yami and the others arrived and Anna immediately started checking Sekke's body for injuries.

After she made sure that Sekke was fine she sighed in relief and then looked around.

"There are quite a number of mages around here."

"Yeah, and they were well trained as well. If all the magic knights that were present in the capital were to be teleported away they surely would have destroyed the capital."

"...You are saying that they were trained but you took them down quite easily..." Leopold said as she looked at Sekke with amazement but soon he frowned and looked towards his armless unconscious brother.

Seeing his gaze Sekke and Anna looked towards him as well. Sekke then gave a pat on Leopold's back as the three of them moved towards the fallen captain.

"How is he? Is my brother fine?" asked Leopold as he looked at Noelle who was trying her best to stop the bleeding.

"...He is not the kind of person who will fall from something like this. Have some trust in your brother," Yami said as he looked at Leopold.

Sekke stared at Fuegoleon for a while before he turned around and ran towards one of the frozen mages he fought against.

[Absroption line: Blaze Black Flare]

A whip encased in black flames shot forward from Sekke's gauntlet and wrapped around one of the frozen mages.

Soon the man defrosted and was about to attack but before he was able to Sekke pointed his finger at him in the shape of a gun and fired a mana bullet at him.

[Debuff Magic: Sleep]

And immediately the man fell and went to the land of dreams.

He then grabbed the man by his collar and dragged him towards Fuegoleon and the others.

"Oi, what the hell are you doing?" asked Leopold as he looked at Sekke with a strange expression.

"Making sure that your brother can fap once he wakes up."


"Just get to the side."

Saying that Sekke dropped the man beside Fuegoleon and then gestured to Noelle to get away from him as well.

Noelle followed and got away from Fuegoleon as Sekke crouched down near the man and removed the cloth around the wounded region making Leopold frown.

"What are you doing?!" asked Leopold with anger in his voice but Sekke ignored the ginger head and made some preparations.

Soon the pages in his grimoire started flipping as he touched both Fuegoleon and the man he brought.

[Body Debuff Magic: Damage Transfer]

Reciting the name of his spell his hands started glowing as a pained expression appeared on his face.

Seeing that he was doing something to his brother Leopold tried to barge in and stop Sekke only to be stopped by Yami who just focused on his subordinate.

Anna too decided to stop Sekke since she saw the pained look on his face but stopped herself from doing so as she didn't want to stop Sekke from doing what he chose himself to do. She believed in him and believed that Sekke knew that something like that would happen, yet he decided to do so.

'I will stop him if it looks like it is going to be dangerous.' thought Anna as she clenched her fists to stop herself from doing something reckless.

Meanwhile, Sekke who was using his magic was suffering from an infuriating amount of pain as he was transferring the damage that Fuegoleon sustained to the enemy mage through his body and was himself feeling that pain that Fuegoleon would have suffered.

Soon the other noticed the glow on Fuegoleon's severed arm and widened their eyes in surprise as they saw that the arm started to grow back.

They looked at Sekke with a shocked expression on their faces while Yami continued to look at them seriously and thought, '...His spell is like Julius's, but it looks like he is suffering from pain himself as well. He sure is gutsy one to do something like this.'

Sekke looked at the glowing regrowing arm and clenched his teeth. He really wanted to scream out loud because of the pain but stopped himself from doing that since it would look uncool for the dark lord to scream out loud from pain.

'Damn it! This is hurting like hell!! I too want to just fall unconscious like him.' thought Sekke as he looked at Fuegoleon with an envious look on his face but didn't stop his magic.

It was not very Sekke like to give up midway and it was his mentality that made him continue the process despite the pain.

A few minutes passed by as Sekke continued to heal Fuegoleon. Sekke who was finally about to finish the healing started getting excited.

He clenched his teeth and as soon as Fuegoleon's arm healed Sekke looked towards the other man and transferred all the pain that he gathered into his body.

Immediately after that, the other man's arm got severed just like how Fuegoleon's was and blood sprayed out of his body.

"I am done!! Ahhhhh!!!!"

Declaring that the process was over the other got excited but soon got shocked after seeing Sekke fall on the ground while holding his arm and the sudden shower of blood that happened because of the man's arm being cut off out of nowhere.

Anna and Noelle immediately went to Sekke's side as they saw the dark lord holding his arm which was hurting like hell while tears gathered in his eyes which were being held back by Sekke.

'Can't cry! Dark Lords don't cry from pain!!!' thought Sekke as his grimoire started flipping and he pointed his finger at his forehead and used a spell

[Debuff Magic: Sleep]

And in an instant, his body loosened up and he fell asleep without caring for the question that the people around him had.

"Oi dumbass!! That blood ruined my pants!!" yelled Yami as he looked at the unconscious Sekke whom Anna picked up and laid his head in her lap while patting his head.