Talk with Vritra

Giving an annoyed sigh Sekke walked back toward the rest of the magic knights.

Seeing that all eyes were now on him Sekke looked back at Yami who just looked back at him.

"So...they got away huh?" asked Sekke.

"Kekeke, can't even catch one of them? Looks like you are getting rusty Yami," said Jack as he looked at Yami with a mocking expression on his face.

"Huh? If it wasn't for you all storming in here and alerting them we would have caught them. How are you going to pay me for that?" asked Yami.

"Umm? Excuse me, last time I check it was me who defeated my opponent not you," said Sekke as he raised his hand.

Yami looked at Sekke for a while before he clutched his head in his hand and said, "And that was possible because of my excellent guidance."

"Gh! Don't crush my head you brute!!" complained Sekke as he tried to free his head off Yami's grasp.

The other captains then started talking to Yami who finally let go of Sekke's head.

Sekke himself sat somewhere away from the group but not that far away.

"So, Should we talk now?" asked Vritra.

'Ask away.'

"Continuing from where we left off, I noticed that this world doesn't have any energy other than mana. Demonic energy, divine power, holy energy. Are any of the terms familiar to you?" asked Vritra.

'Never heard of them? Only used mana and learned ki today. Mana is all that this world has, or so I know of.'

"Hmm...what about the beings that live in this world? Only humans, or are there other species like devils, angels, youkai....dragons, and gods?" asked Vritra with the last two being a bit hesitant.

'As far as I know, only humans live in this world. Devils, angels, youkai..never heard of them. Though there are dragons around the strong mana regions, they are scarce. About gods, we do have churches in this kingdom, I don't know if there is a God or not.' replied Sekke.

'Seeing that he isn't questioning about my reincarnation and all...I suppose he isn't able to look into my mind...or at least not able to access those memories. Meaning no need to inform the dragon about this and his world is that of fiction.' thought Sekke to himself.

'By the way, considering that you are talking in my thoughts. Are you able to look through my memories and hear all my thoughts?' asked Sekke just to make sure if his theory was correct or not. And if the dragon was able to do that he would not make effort to hide things from him since it would just be a pain to do that.

"Hmm, well I can do that but only when both of us have consent for that. Since if I can look through your thoughts, you would be able to go through mine as well." replied the dragon.

'Is that so...then you won't mind if I keep my thoughts to myself. I would like some sort of privacy even though we are going be fighting together from now on.' asked Sekke.

"I have no problem with that. You are my other half, and I respect your decision of keeping your thoughts to yours."

'Thanks for understanding. Any other questions?' asked Sekke.

"...There are many but I will ask them as I experience the world for myself. This far as I can think of is different from the one where I am from," said Vritra.

'...Feeling depressed?' asked Sekke.

"Slightly, since I don't think that there won't be many challenges to face in this world considering there aren't many dragons and no gods at all to face. Though I am more excited to see this world as well. I don't think many get the chance to experience a world different from the one that they belong to." replied Vritra.

Sekke remained silent as he just let Vritra to his thoughts. Although he felt that he too had the same thought when he first came to this world. Enjoying a world different from the one he belonged to. Sekke soon smiled and thought, 'Don't worry I will show you the best of this world. We will explore the edges of this world, Although, I will prioritize being the best in this world.'

Hearing him Vritra laughed out loud in his head making Sekke groan a bit.

"Sorry about that my other half. But still, I am counting on you to show me this world. As for being the best in the world. You can count on me to achieve that goal. A dragon without the aim to achieve the best is no dragon after all." replied Vritra with a slightly excited tone.

'Yeah, I will show the world that the one who stands at the peak is the far lord Sekke Bronzaza.' thought Sekke.

"...I have been thinking about this for a while, but what is this dark lord?" asked Vritra.

'It is the title that represents me, and in the future will represent the one true strongest being of this world.' replied Sekke.

"So, it is a title you earned?" asked Vritra.

'No, I have it to myself.'

"So how do you know that it will represent the strongest person in the world?"

'I will become the strongest person in the world sooner or later and will make it customary for this title to be passed down for generations. Though I will be the first dark lord of the world.'

"...And why dark lord specifically. For a title that is to be passed around, doesn't it sound quite... villainous?" asked Vritra.

'It's cool!!' replied Sekke.

"...So it's that phase of a boy's life huh. Well not like it's a bother," said Vritra with a sigh.

'Hey, your title is prison dragon king. Sounds quite villainous to me.'

"Unlike you who gave the title to yourself. My title was earned by the battle that I fought. The dragons and gods that fell against me after the legendary battles, gave me my title. I just took this title to show my respect to those valiant warriors that fought against me." said Vritra.

Sekke blinked his eyes for a while before his eyes started shining making Vritra a bit surprised by the sudden change.

'That was cool!!! Almost as cool as me!!' thought Sekke im excitement.

"...Th-Thanks I guess," said Vritra a bit speechless from his host's sudden change.

'You are welcome, but let's talk later.' thought Sekke.

"Yami-san! How much longer are we going to stay here? And if you are going to take more time, can I go back?" asked Sekke.

"Huh, like hell I will let you go back before I am free of this shit. You are staying here till I am done," replied Yami.

"I am going," said Sekke.

"Try it, you bastard," said Yami as the two of them continued to stare at each other.

"*Cough*You foreigner, just let your squad go back. We will talk just between the captains," said Nozel as he looked at Asta and the other black bulls.

"Tch" Yami clicked his tongue as Sekke just smirked and walked towards Finral and the others.

Sekke, Asta, Finral, and Gauche then said their goodbyes to Yami who was just pissed at his squad members who were allowed to go back while he was stuck with the idiots.

"Yami-san, do your job properly alright? See you later. Enjoy." said Sekke with a smile.

"I will kill you once I come back.- said Yami as he fired a dark magic slash at Sekke who just dodged and jumped into the portal.