Talk with Vritra(2)

Appearing in what seemed like a medical ward, Sekke looked around in confusion. He spotted quite a lot of healing mages and a grandma lying on the bed being healed by the said healing mage.

"Where are we?" asked Sekke as he looked towards Finral.

"We are in Nairn," replied Finral.

"Any specific reason for us to be here?" asked Sekke.

"Well, the kids that we rescued earlier are all from this town. I don't think that leaving them here before the mission is officially declared over will be a good thing," replied Finral with a nervous laugh.

"Good thinking," said Sekke in an appreciative tone feeling that the spatial mage from his squad actually had some experience. Thinking this far after the battle was just over was not something, Sekke or the other newbies would have been able to come up with after all.

Sekke looked at the healing mages and then looked towards his own body.

'...They are not that serious wounds anyway. The granny needs treatment more than me.' thought Sekke.

Despite being quite a durable fighter it wasn't like Sekke didn't have any injuries. The light swords caused quite a few scratches all over his body, not to mention the few blows from Vetto did pack quite a bit of strength behind them so he felt a bit painful from them.

"Where is Noelle?" asked Sekke as he looked around for the royal tsundere.

Seeing that he didn't get any response, he just sighed and walked out of the room.

'Need to find a water source.' thought Sekke as he walked out of the medical ward.

"I have been meaning to ask this for a while, but why are the mages of this world only using a single attribute? And why do all of you all carry grimoires around? Won't it be better if you just remembered the spells from the grimoires?" asked Vritra.

'Well, we are all born with a single attribute of magic that we can use. It's determined from the day that we are born. Looks like that is not the case in your world. As for grimoires, it's not like we learn magic from them. We all receive grimoires of the attribute that we can use at the age of 15, although being the great dark lord that I am I received two grimoires on the day of the ceremony. Anyway, the grimoires have the basic spells of our attribute that we have either learned or can use at that level. As we get stronger or get creative with our mana, the grimoire's pages started filling up. It also allows us to use stronger spells.' replied Sekke.

"I see, quite an unusual setting, but can't you just collect more grimoires from others and use them?" asked Vritra.

'No, a grimoire can only be opened and used by its wielders.' replied Sekke.

"These grimoires ars somewhat similar to sacred gears. Not usable by others, and grows along with the user," said Vritra.

'Hmm, never thought about it like that. Well, you could say that they are somewhat similar.'

Sekke who was talking with Vritra soon spotted an empty bench and just sat there.

He took off his robe and his upper clothes and revealed his body which had some bruises where Vetto had hit him earlier.

"Well water would have worked better since I could have cleaned my body, but that can wait for later," muttered Sekke.

Forming a piece of bronze in his hand Sekke placed his other hand on top of the piece of bronze and a chilling air came out of his other hand turning the piece of bronze cold instantly.

Placing the cold object over his bruise Sekke felt the bruises sting a bit, but he just laid down on the bench.

"Didn't you just say that the element that a person can use is defined from their birth? And as far as I remember, I saw you use fire, ice, and metal magic earlier. So what's the deal with you?" asked Vritra.

'I am just amazing.' replied Sekke.


'Yeah, seriously. I am quite amazing, you know. You see I was born with two types of magic which in itself is quite amazing. But aside from my bronze magic, the metal magic that you mentioned earlier. I can also use another type of magic. I call it debuff magic, though sometimes even I am not sure if that grimoire is about debuff magic. This debuff magic of mine is a bit special, like how that copy mage from earlier was able to use different types of magic.'

"Hm, yeah that guy was able to use the same magic that the man you refer to as captain used as well, and the light magic from the guy before not to mention space magic," said Vritra.

'Yeah, as the name says, he can copy other people's magic. I presume that he does so by touching other people's grimoires. That guy touched both Yami-san's and my grimoire before battling us. Though unlucky for him I use a transparent cover to keep my grimoires dust free.'

"Hmm, could be a possibility. So what's the deal with your magic?"

'Well unlike that guy I cannot exactly copy other people's magic, I can use some sort of derivative magic. His trigger was touching the grimoires. My trigger is seeing those magic in action once, to learn their respective magic.' said Sekke.

"...That is indeed an amazing thing, especially in a world like this. Wait, you mean to say that you learned magic each for all the magic that you saw there at the cave?"

Flipping his Grimoire open Sekke checked and said, 'I learned three spells there, for light magic [Light Magic: Cure], for copy magic [Copy Debuff magic: Limiter], and beast magic [Beast Debuff Magic: Berserk]. I already have fire magic so that's that.'

"Hmm, interesting..." said Vritra.

'Right and as you can see, for light magic it's not debuff magic, that's why I say that sometimes I am not sure whether it is a debuff magic grimoire. Though I mostly get debuff magic.' thought Sekke as he just closed his eyes and continued to numb apply the cold bronze over the bruises.

"Haven't you got any healing spells?"

'Nope' Sekke simply thought as he waited for the mission to be officially over.

But all of a sudden Sekke was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice.


Hearing the voice Sekke opened his eyes and looked toward the source of the voice and saw a grey-haired bespectacled man running towards him.

Sliding and stopping in front of him the man took deep breaths trying to calm himself down.

"Klaus? You okay?" asked Sekke as he looked at the golden dawn mage.

"I am alright? But what about you? I heard that you fought against the eye of the midnight sun's leader are you alright?" asked Klaus in a worried tone.

Deciding to sit up instead of lying down Sekke looked at the man and said, "I am fine just some scratches and bruises."

Hearing his words Kalus frowned which only deepened as he noticed the scratches and bruises all over his body.

Sekke sighed seeing Klaus's frown and said, "Who told you about my fight though?"

Klaus adjusted his spectacles which shimmered and reflected the light falling on them and said, "Yuno, Mimosa, and I got the message about the sudden attack and came here as soon as possible. But apparently, we were late. We then came to this town on being ordered by the captains there. We then met Asta and the others who told us about your fight. Yuno and Mimosa are there, Mimosa is treating Asta. I came to find you as soon as it was possible to check if you were alright or not."

"Well I am fine so there is no need to worry," replied Sekke and immediately got scolded by Klaus saying how can he say that he was okay and immediately put him in his steel chariot and took him to the place where Mimosa and the others were t get Sekke healed.

"Your friend really is worried about you," said Vritra.

'Well not that it is necessary, though it is a good feeling.' replied Sekke.

"Yeah, keep this feeling in mind it helps humans get stronger."

'Nah, the things that makes a person strong are grind, talent, and will to rise to the top.' said Sekke.

"Well, can't argue with that," said Vritra with an amused tone.

"Mimosa!! Heal Sekke immediately!!!" yelled Kalus as he dragged Sekke back into the healing ward gathering everyone's attention.

Mimosa looked toward Klaus and Sekke and immediately widened her eyes in shock and rushed toward them.

Klaus was about to say something but Mimosa just pushed him away and started panicking seeing Sekke.

"Sekke-san! Where does it hurt? Wait it must be at those bruises, right? Or is it those scratches and cuts?" asked Mimosa.

Seeing the panicked ginger head royal Sekke sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down, Mimosa. I am not that bothered by these. So don't worry that much. Anyway, how have you been?"

"Of course, I would worry!! It pains me to see you hurt!! Hurry up and lie down, please. I will heal you." said Mimosa in an unexpectedly pushy tone as she made Sekke lie down on the bed and started healing him.

'...But why would she worry this much? They are not that deep anyway?' thought Sekke.

"Keeping the fact that you have some internal bleeding and a cracked rib...for stating all those things about you being awesome and all, you are not quite aware of your surroundings," said Vritra.

'What does that mean?' asked Sekke.

"My other half, it's not my place to say. You will have to realize this on your own. Not to mention this seems amusing." said Vritra confusing the dark lord who just ignored the dragon and focused on Mimosa who was asking about his well-being and if he felt pain somewhere specifically.