I am going to feel like an idiot

After Mimosa calmed down Sekke looked at her and asked, "If you are fine now can we go out to grab something to eat?"

"Ah! Yes let's go," said Mimosa as she got up from the bed and fixed her hair and clothes.

The two of them got out of the medical ward but soon faced a problem. They didn't know where Asta and the others went, and because of the recent incident, no shops were opened.

"...We are going to the neighboring town," said Sekke as his grimoire started flipping.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Bronze rider]

He got on the motorbike and then looked toward Mimosa and said, "Come on let's go."

Mimosa looked at Sekke's bike and then asked, "U-Um? Behind you?"

"Well if you want to be the one in control I don't mind," said Sekke as he gestured for her to get in front of him.

"N-No I am fine with sitting behind you. But what about the others?"

"I don't know where they are and I am not gonna search the whole town just to find those guys."

"S-So, it will be just the two of us?" asked Mimosa as she twirled her hair with her finger.

"Well, that's what I was thinking but if you want to go and meet with the others, I will help you with that," said Sekke as he sighed thinking that he had to find the others with empty stomachs.

"N-No! I am fine with this. It will probably be sooner to get to the neighboring town than to find the others." said Mimosa as she sat behind Seeke.

Looking at the ginger head who sat behind him with a determined look on her face, Sekke smiled and said, "Alright! Let's go!" declared Sekke as he channeled mana through the bike making the bike roar out loud.

The bike rushed forward immediately making Mimosa yelp in surprise as she grabbed Sekke tightly to not fall off the bike.

"S-Sekke-san slow down a bit. I-It's my first time riding something like this," said Mimosa.

Hearing such misleading words as two soft mounds pressed against his back, Sekke's body flinched a bit but was ignored by Mimosa with the shaking of the bike.

'The dark lord doesn't get swayed this easily, especially by girls who like someone else.' thought Sekke as he just steeled his resolve.

The thought of just seeing him taking advantage of someone who likes someone else made Sekke feel bad about himself.

'I am not like that bitch Lisa.' thought Sekke as he turned serious all of a sudden.

"You alright, my other half?" asked Vritra with concern as he felt the sudden change in his host's mood. The mana that was inside Sekke was always shining and excited, but it suddenly turned violent making Vritra question whether his host was alright or not.

'Yeah, I am fine Vritra.' replied Sekke though Vritra was not a least bit concerned as the mana was still violent.

"...I know we just came to know each other, but just remember this my other half, the two of us stuck together till the end of your life. We are going to be together for the rest of our life, from something as trivial as having lunch to facing the whole world as an opponent. I am going to be by your side. So if there are times when you want to open up, don't hesitate. I am just a thought away." said Vritra.

'This violent mana is not good for him. If exposed for a long time, it can corrupt him. Hah! It's always the case with mana-sensitive beings.' thought Vritra as he tried to calm down the violent mana.

Feeling his rage subside a bit Sekke sighed deeply as he emptied his mind of the thoughts of the girl from his previous life.

Seeing the violent mana subsiding Vritra sighed and looked at the world around him through Sekke's mindscape.

Mimosa who held Sekke's waist just rested her head on his back with a small smile on her face ignorant of the boy's inner turmoil.

"I can see the town, we will be there soon," said Sekke as Mimosa just hummed in response enjoying herself.

Soon the two of them entered the town as they got off the bike much to Mimosa's disappointment. She wanted to just rest a bit longer.

'Wha! What am I even thinking?!'

Mentally scolding herself Mimosa snapped out of her thoughts and looked around her.

"This place is really crowded?"

"Well, the merchants just started setting up their shops, so they are busy with that. Meaning we will get mostly fresh items to eat. What about you Mimosa? Is anything catching your eye?" asked Sekke with a small smile on his face. It has been a while since he visited a marketplace like this.

Mimosa looked around with a confused but excited expression on her face. She never visited marketplaces like these before, so it was a new experience for her.

Seeing that Sekke chuckled but still stopped by a stall as he noticed a man was cooking something that looked good.

Tapping Mimosa's shoulder making the royal look at him with a confused look, Sekke gestured for her to follow him as they moved towards the stall.

Taking a closer look at the man's stall Sekke noticed that he was selling some kind of meat-filled wrap.

Buying one for himself and one for Mimosa as she looked at the wrap with an intriguing gaze, he offered it to the ginger head.

"Here you go," said Sekke as he handed it to her and paid the stall owner.

"You don't need to buy this for me?!" said Mimosa with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry just consider it my treat for accompanying me here," said Sekke as he started walking.


Following Sekke, Mimosa soon started walking beside him as Sekke just ate the wrap and felt pure bliss spreading inside his mouth.

'Hunger is the best seasoning after all.' thought Sekke as he looked at the ginger head beside him and said, "Better eat it before it gets cold."


"I already paid for this Mimosa, so if you don't eat it will go to waste, so better use that mouth to eat," said Sekke as he just smirked making the ginger head unable to argue any further.

She soon pouted and said, "You are a very mean man Sekke-san."

"Yes, yes. Now eat it," said Sekke as he took another bite, encouraging the royal to do so as well.

She looked at Sekke for a while, but soon gave up and took a bit herself and soon widened her eyes.

"Wis delvious," said Mimosa with food still in her mouth.

"Yup, that's the expression of a rookie," said Sekke as he just chuckled seeing the royal's expression.

Mimosa blushed realizing what she just did but soon glared at Seeke who was laughing at her.

"Don't make fun of me!" complained Mimosa as she begrudgingly ate the wrap, much to Sekke's amusement.

The two of them then walked around the marketplace as the vendors called out to the two of them, magic knights were mostly loaded, after all, not to mention with one of them was from the golden dawn.

This also kept the troublemakers stay away from the two of them. Although some brave ones tried to hit on Mimosa, but either a polite rejection or a strong glare from Sekke kept them away.

Sekke bought a few more items for them to eat much to Mimosa's 'annoyance' as he paid for all the things. But still, she enjoyed as Sekke showed her around the marketplace.

'Is this what people call a date?' thought Mimosa as she felt a bit embarrassed realizing that she was on a date.

She then glanced at Sekke and then looked down with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Look out," said Sekke softly as he held her shoulders and moved her out of an incoming cart's path.

Feeling Sekke's hand on her shoulders, Mimosa flinched a bit and then looked at Sekke with embarrassment.

"Umm? Thank you," said Mimosa.

"No problem," said Sekke as he just continued leading the girl around the marketplace.

They soon took a seat under the shade of a tree.

"Here," said Sekke as he passed a cup of juice to Mimosa and took a seat beside her.

Mimosa took a sip from the cup and then looked toward Sekke.

She started at him for a while before resolving herself and scooted a bit closer to him, at a distance where their shoulders touched each other.


Glancing at the girl beside him who just looked down with an embarrassed look on her face. She stole a few glances at Sekke making Sekke stare back at her for a while before he got stiff as if he realized something.

'So, he wasn't as dumb as I thought he was.' thought Vritra as he looked at the situation his host was in.

The two continued to steal glances for a while which made even the great dark lord a bit embarrassed.

'What the hell is happening? Wasn't she in love with Asta?' thought Sekke as he tried to remember some instances to clear his doubts, but soon started realizing that there were such developments between her and Asta, at least not in front of him on the other hand...

'If even half the things that I am remembering are correct then I am going to feel like an idiot.' thought Sekke.