Let's get ready to grind

"So, how does it feel knowing that you are an idiot?" asked Vritra.

'Not now Vritra.' replied Sekke in annoyance as he started back at Mimosa who drinking her juice with an embarrassed expression on her face.

'...There is no misunderstanding here.' thought Sekke as he stared at the blushing royal.

"Mi-Mimosa?" asked Sekke making the royal yelp in surprise.

"Y-Yes?" asked Mimosa as she started at Sekke.

The two stared at each other not being able to say anything for a while embarrassed to talk about the matter at hand.

'Ugh, this is really nerve-racking!' thought Sekke as he took a deep breath.

"Um" "Um," said both of them at the same time.

"You can go first Sekke-san," said Mimosa as she offered Sekke to speak first.

"No, you go first Mimosa, I am not sure what I might say right now," said Sekke.

Seeing that the boy she considered reliable and strong was being embarrassed about something that she might have a clue about made Mimosa feel a bit happy.

Taking a deep breath Mimosa looked at Sekke and then calmed herself down, "Sekke-san, umm, thank you for taking me out on a date, but please let me sort out my feelings. Right now, I am not sure about what I feel towards you so please let's discuss it some other time."

Sekke looked at Mimosa for a while and blinked in surprise.

'Ah! He is shocked by my words! But please Sekke-san! Give me some time, I cannot handle myself right now.' thought Mimosa.

Sekke on the other hand just mentally did guts pose and yelled, 'Hell yeah, I didn't make a fool of myself!!! I was right!! I am not dense!!!'

Mentally cheering for himself the dark lord looked at Mimosa and soon sighed.

"Alright, I understand," said Sekke. 'Hell yeah, I do. I am not dense!!!' thought Sekke without any change in his expression.

Mimosa sighed seeing Sekke being calm and said, "I am sorry, and thank you for understanding Sekke-san."

Nodding his head the two took some distance and sat comfortably as the two of them talked for a bit longer and then decided t go back to the town where they came from.

After reaching the town, they were asked where were they as the others were worried about them, but Sekke just scolded the rest of them for leaving the unconscious Mimosa behind as he knew that Mimosa was way too kind to do so herself.

Feeling ashamed for leaving behind Mimosa when she was unconscious and letting the tired Sekke stay behind, the group apologized to the two of them.

The gold dawn members soon left after that and after that, the captains came back to the town declaring the mission officially over.

The black bulls then said their goodbye to the town folk and got back to their HQ.


"Hah finally, some proper rest," said Sekke as he came to lay down on his bed.

After taking a bath to wash off the dirt, blood, and sweat off his body Sekke felt refreshed but soon fatigue came over his body.

"Rest up my other half. Breaks are as important to recover the bodies. Human bodies are quite fragile after all." said Vritra.

'Yeah, yeah. I know that you are a great dragon.' thought Sekke as he yawned.

But soon Sekke felt a weight on his chest as he looked towards the object that landed there and saw Secre sitting on his chest with her usual expression on her face, though Sekke somehow felt that Secre was glaring and interrogating him.

'Why is there a woman's scent all over your clothes?' thought Secre as she glared at her partner.

Ignoring that feeling Sekke just caressed the bird as the bird made some satisfying sound making Sekke feel happy as well, he didn't know why but seeing Secre's satisfied expression always makes him feel relieved.

"Don't tell me you are inclined to mating with birds and animals?" asked Vritra feeling a bit weirded out. He knew that the world was different, but he never thought that it would be this weird.

'What?! Fuck no! What the hell do you even think I am?!' asked Sekke in an angry tone.

"Some guy who spouts delusional things. Not to mention not being able to get the girl's signal," said Vritra.

'Like hell I am delusional. And as for the second part, well I am not used to it. I never had that kind of feelings for anyone. Not to mention...well let's leave it at that.' replied Sekke.

"...Okay, won't bring that up. Anyway, shall we discuss important topics now? Tell me all the ways you have used my sacred gear. I will think of new ways to benefit us based on those." said Vritra.

'Alright.' replied Sekke as he started explaining how he fights using his sacred gear to the dragon king residing in the sacred gear.

Secre who was unaware of her partner's thought just sat near his head and slept beside him. Sekke sighed seeing the stubborn yet clingy and cute bird beside him and just let her sleep as he slowly drifted to sleep as well.


Later in the evening, Sekke woke up. He soon got refreshed and then went downstairs.

Once in the common room, he noticed that the other members were doing some kind of eating competition.

Leaving his squad mates aside, Sekke turned his gaze toward Yami and walked toward him.

"Hm? Sup brat, want to join the competition?" asked Yami as he gestured towards the table.

"No thanks, anyway. Yami-san I would like to apply for a leave," said Sekke.

This made all the people stop whatever they were doing and look toward Sekke with surprised expressions on their faces.

"What? Already tired after just one battle against the eye of midnight bastards?" asked Yami.

"Nope, they were challenging, but not something that tires me out. I want to go and focus on my training. There are quite a few things that I have planned out and I would like to do is solely on those for a while." said Sekke.

The other looked at Sekke and then turned toward Yami, curious about what their captain would say about it.

Yami took a puff from his cigarette and said, "You have got a week to do that. Give me a written application. I need to submit it to the HQ."

Smiling and giving a nod to Yami, Sekke went back to his room to pack his stuff and write the application.

'Well Vritra, let's get ready to grind.'

"Yeah! Counting on you to do your best."

'Yeah, but first-'

"Charmy-san please make me a lot of food for the trip!!!" yelled Sekke as he ran towards Charmy who just gave him a thumbs up while gobling up pies one after the other.