You really are an unpredictable evil man

Happy New Year Guyz🎊🎊!!


The next morning after the two rookies of the black bulls had a chat. Sekke woke up a bit mate as he was telling Yami about the strong magic region where he trained and asked Charmy to help him sort out the edible mana beasts from the pile that he defeated in the strong magic region.

Done with his morning routine Sekke came down only to find Yami reading a newspaper while the rest of the HQ was eerily quiet.

"How the hell is this place so quiet? Am I dreaming?" asked Sekke.

"The others went out to do something. They were talking about finding a way to fix that brat's hands and went out," said Yami as he turned the page.

"...What? Didn't Asta tell you guys?" asked Sekke with a confused look on his face.

"Huh?" replied Yami which gave Sekke the answer.

Sekke then heard a creaking sound and looked to his side only to find the familiar skeleton looking at him.

' be honest, I forgot that he was here as well. He mostly just stays in his room.' thought Sekke.

"Ainz, long time no see."

"Long time no see as well Sekke."

Sekke who heard a voice was shocked as he never expected that the skeleton in front of him could speak.

But as if understanding his confusion Ainz shook his head as Sekke heard a flapping noise and looked up only to see a parrot flying towards them and landing on Ainz's shoulder.

"Your familiar gave me an idea to interact with others," said Ainz as he gestured at Sekke and Secre.

Sekke nodded feeling a bit impressed by Ainz's idea.

"Any idea where Asta and the others might be?"

"Finral and Noelle came by with Zell and company, kidnapped Asta, and flew away," said Ainz.

Sekke sighed at the information. He could guess where his friends were and were at a loss. He didn't know where the forest of witches might be and was worried a bit. The best-case scenario would be everything going canonically and everyone return back without any injuries. And the worst case was that he fucked up the plot and they die.

'Yeah, I am not taking chances.' thought Sekke as his grimoire flipped and a translucent screen appeared on his arm.

He checked his storage and soon found the thing that he was searching for.

Taking out a device that had a gem placed on top of a handle, Sekke passed mana through it.

It was a transmission device given to him by Finral which he used to ask him to get him to and from missions.

"Finral, where are you guys?" asked Sekke.

"Sekke-kun! Come here soon! We need help. We are in the forest of the witches."

Hearing that his guess was correct Sekke gave a nod not noticing the sudden flinch in Ainz' body.

"Open a portal in the common room," said Sekke as Finral nodded.

A moment later a portal appeared in front of Sekke who jumped in followed by Ainz.

Sekke whose surroundings changed all of a sudden saw some witch bitch pushing her heel against Vanessa's cheek, Asta who was fallen on the ground, and panicked looks on others' faces.

"Sup exhibitionist." greeted Sekke as he looked at the red hair dude who taught Asta how to wield a sword without any clothes on his upper body.

"And you, witch bitch. Get the hell away from Vanessa-san right now," said Sekke in a threatening tone.

"Another imperfection much less a man." said the witch bitch as she looked at Sekke.

"Her mana reserves are something else. It's even greater than yours. Well, nothing less to be expected from a human who can surpass a century without any signs of visible aging." said Vritra.

'You can tell her age?' asked Sekke.

"I am a sacred gear. My hosts have mated with all sorts of women. You get experience soon." replied Vritra.

Sekke just mentally nodded and made sure to find a way to block Vritra when he decides to have sex.

Seeing that the witch had no intention of letting go of Vanessa, Sekke decided to start acting.

Mana gathered around him as Sekke's grimoire started flipping.

"I am still not that good at controlling my new powers so keep that in mind," warned Sekke as the witch continued to look at him impressively.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Giant's fist]

The giant fist appeared above Sekke and immediately rushed toward the witch who just jumped up to avoid the attack.

Not that Sekke was aiming for that as the giant fist simply grabbed Vanessa and brought it back to him.

"So with that done? You all came here to heal Asta's arms right?" asked Sekke as a bronze sword appeared in his hand and he cut through the birds that came attacking him.

"Yes! The witch queen has a lot of ancient spells and we think that she might have a way to heal Asta as well. Vanessa-san was here even before us and the witch queen told us that she bargained for her freedom for healing Asta's hands." said Noelle.

Sekke nodded as he cut through the last bird and looked at the witch bitch.

"Can you actually heal him or you are just a sham?" asked Sekke.

"I don't think that I am obligated to answer an imperfect being but yes I can heal him. Not that I will." said the witch queen.

"Bitch, there isn't a person more perfect than me. And Asta, come here," said Sekke as he gestured Asta to come near him.

"Ainz, give us a cover," said Sekke to which the skeleton who was ignored till now gave a nod.

Sekke opened the bandages wrapped around Asta's hands revealing the curse-ridden broken arms.

[Light Magic: Cure]

A bright flow appeared around Sekke hands, one far brighter than what he had shown yesterday.

Asta closed his eyes because of the bright light but was confused as to what was Sekke doing. They didn't have a healer right now so what was the point of curing the curse?

It took a whole minute for Sekke to get rid of the curse around his hands as a malicious smirk appeared on his face.

He looked towards the witch bitch who just stood silently at what the imperfect beings in front of her were doing.

"You said you can heal this right?" asked Sekke as his grimoire started flipping once again

[Body Debuff Magic: Damage Transfer]

A green light enveloped Asta while a red one enveloped the witch bitch.

And not even a second later Asta's broken hands were healed.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" screamed the witch bitch as she felt immeasurable pain in her arms which were now completely broken.

"There you go heal yourself when you are done screaming. Oh better heal Vanessa-san as well," said Sekke as he USD the same spell on Vanessa her injuries disappeared as well and the same injuries appeared on the witch bitch.

Nodding at his work Sekke looked back at others who were looking back at him with their eyes wide open in shock.

"...You really are an unpredictable evil man, my other half," said Vritra. He never thought his host would do something like that.

"Alright, Asta is healed now, Let's go home," said Sekke but none responded as they were still processing what the hell just happened.

The witch bitch was rolling on the floor not able to bear the pain at all, well it was a case of broken bones even Sekke hadn't seen, it sure was painful.

Asta on the other hand was flexing his muscles and was happy to be able to work out once again and immediately started doing push-ups.

Sekke just looked at the chaos around him and shook his head. Well, he can't expect everyone to keep up with his great mind.

Secre just looked at the scene for a while and simply ignored it as her gaze fell on the magic stone that was used as an earring by the witch bitch.