Let's go save the forest

Sekke waited for the others to come back to reality as he was sitting on Asta's back while he did push-ups.

"Stop. Take a break before the next set."

Asta stopped as Sekke got off his back. Asta then wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Arms really are great."

He then proceeded to kiss his arms as Asta looked at the witch bitch who was still not done with her screams. He so wanted to tell her that rolling on the ground with broken arms was not the way to go, but he found her suffering funny and just remained quiet.

"Ugh- What happened?" asked Vanessa as she groaned. She seemed to have got conscious once again.

Sekke who was beside her crouched down and said, "You were being an idiot, and I came to fix your mistakes."


Vanessa sat up and looked around to see some of her squadmates around her.

"Sekke-Kun? What are you all doing here?"

"They came to fix Asta's arms. I came to save them."

"Huh, that's right! Asta wait for a bit I will just ask the witch queen to heal yo- What the hell are you doing?!?!"

Vanessa immediately tried to talk to Asta as she realized what she was doing there only to find the said mana less shorty doing one-hand push-ups. She then looked towards the witch queen and found her rolling around in pain.

Surprised by the scene she looked at her friends for answers only to see all of them pointing fingers at Sekke.

Sekke who saw the others pointing at him nodded and said, "Yes, I am the awesome one. You can thank me now."

"What the hell happened here?" asked Vanessa.

"She was being a bitch so I just dealt with her accordingly. I used my spell to transfer all the damage you and Asta sustained to her. Ah about that, you two will feel the recoil..." said Sekke as immediately both Asta's and Vanessa's eyes widened in shock and both screamed in pain.

"...right about now. Great, now three of them are screaming," said Sekke but soon Asta and Vanessa calmed down.

Asta like Sekke was physically well-trained and could bear quite a lot of pain. On the other hand, Vanessa's injuries were not that severe so even if the pain increased by 10-fold it wasn't much that she couldn't deal with.

Now, this only left the witch bitch who was looking at her broken hands with agony. Sekke could only imagine how a non-physically trained person was dealing with severely broken arms.

"So shall we get going now? Or are there any more things that you all need to do?" asked Sekke.

The people who were gathered in the room just looked at Sekke and thought about how easily the man dealt with all their problems.

But before they could even reply Sekke, Secre and Ainz felt a large amount of mana approaching them.

"Yeah, like hell could a day pass without trouble?" said Sekke as the others just looked at him with confusion.

"What happened Sekke?" asked Asta.

"Remember the pink hatred chick with fire spirit salamander. She and her army are coming towards us for that which bitch's magic stone I guess," said Sekke as he looked at the said which.

"W-witch bitch?!?!" exclaimed Vanessa. She could not believe that someone would call a fearful person like the witch queen like that.

The witch queen who felt the severity of the situation calmed herself down and healed her arms. She proceeded to glare at Sekke who just snorted at her.

"I would have killed you this instant, if not for the imminent danger in the forest." said the witch queen as a sphere appeared in front of her and showed Fana riding on a Salamander along with other members of the eye of the midnight sun. It then showed the mages of the diamond kingdom that were coming from the opposite end.

Just then an explosion followed by a loud noise occurred making Sekke and the other people who were present in the room look in the direction of the explosion.

"Damn that's some damage. Spirits are just made for doing AOE damage," commented Sekke.

"Well seeing that you are under attack we will just leave you to deal with this shit and not distract you....Or you can buy our services to help you save the forest in exchange for that magic stone," said Sekke as he looked at the witch bitch.

The witch bitch glared at Sekke without even saying something. Sekke didn't relent to the pressure and just looked at her.

"Well looks like you don't want to make a deal, let's get going every-"

"All right. I will give you the magic stone in exchange for saving the forest and the witches."

"All right-" exclaimed Asta, as he hyped himself to fight only for Sekke to give a karate chop on his head.

"Not yet Asta. Hey, which bitch is that how you ask someone for help. Where the hell are your manners?" said Sekke with his arms folded.

Mana surged in the room as the crows made out of the witch's magic got loud and violent.

"Don't test your luck you imperfect brat!" said the witch bitch in a cold tone.

The others except for Sekke, Secre, Asta, and Ainz got tense because of the mana radiated by the witch queen.

Sekke looked back at the witch without any change in his expression and sighed, and in the next instant, mana radiated out of his body as he glared back at her.

"Test my luck, bitch it is you who are still lucky after hurting Vanessa-san like that. The only reason I left you alive is that you are her mother and she doesn't want you dead. So be within your limits otherwise it won't even take me a minute to show you hell." replied Sekke in a cold tone with killing intent aimed at her.

The two glared at each other as their mana clashed causing sparks around them. Strong gusts of wind were coming out because of their clash, but none of them were backing or had the intention to stop.

Suddenly another explosion was heard the two looked at the explosion from the corner of their eyes before looking back at each other.

"I don't have time to deal with this childish argument." said the witch as she took her mana back.

"Then what is your answer?" asked Sekke as he took his mana back as well.

"*Sigh*Please save the forest and the witches."

Sekke stared at her for a while before he gave a nod and looked back at Asta.


"Ok!!! Let's go save the forest!!!" declared Asta as he raised both of his anti-magic swords.