You touch us, we touch you back

Once the deal was accepted it didn't. Take long for Sekke to get into action as he asked the witch bitch to show the projections once again.

"Hm....alright, Me, Ainz, and Noelle will deal with the eye of the midnight sun. Asta, and Fanzell deal with the diamond kingdom. Finral, Vanessa-san, Mariella, and Domina-san, rescue the witches. They will be hesitant to get help from men so it is up to you guys to do that. Vanessa-san and Domina-san know the place so try to locate as many as you can. Once done, join Asta and the others. Any questions?" asked Sekke as he explained the roles to his friends.

"W-Wait? Me?" said Noelle as she pointed at herself.


"A-Are you sure about taking me to the fight? Won't Asta be the better choice?"

"Noelle you said it yourself that you learned super powerful attack magic. Gotta show me whether all the time that I spent training you is worth it or not."

"B-But I don't think-"

Seeing that the royal was still hesitant Sekke looked at her and clapped his hands directly in front of her making her snap out of her thoughts.

"Who the hell do you think I am Noelle? Who the hell is telling you to think or believe in yourself? Just believe in me."

Hearing his words Noelle and the others looked at him with a surprised look on their faces.

Seeing that now they were not thinking anything else a small smirk appeared on Sekke's face as he gave a pat on Noelle's shoulder and said, "Just believe in me who believes in you."

He then looked at every one of them and said, "All of you need to know two things. Firstly, return alive, if even one of you dies I will find a way to bring you back to life and then kill you back. Secondly, show them hell."

The other black bulls just gave a nod as a smirk appeared on their faces

Sekke nodded back as he stood closer to the hole and said, "Alright, black bulls....and friends from the diamond kingdom. Beat the shit out of the enemies. I am counting on you guys alright?"

Saying so Sekke jumped out of the hole as a giant fist made of bronze appeared below him and he landed on it.

Ainz and Noelle followed him as they came on top of a flying broom and the trio rushed towards the place where the eye of the midnight sun was attacking.

"Ainz, Noelle save the ones that come in your path, I will be rushing ahead."

The two gave Sekke a nod as Sekke rushed towards the battle. While saving the witches who were being captured by the members of the eye of the midnight sun.

Though as soon as Sekke saved them they coursed at him saying why the hell do they have to be saved by a man.

'I would like to see how happy their lives will be after getting caught as a slave.' thought Sekke as he kicked another one of the white-robed mages from the E.O.M.S(eye of the midnight sun)

"Can't blame them, they have lived their whole life fearing men. And these humans trying to capture them as slaves don't help improve the image in their heads," said Vritra. He looked at the mages who were falling one after another. These people were way too weak for being a challenge to his host. He then looked toward the source of mana that was giving a draconic presence.

"I will kill you!!" said Fana as the salamander's mouth opened.

[Spirit Magic: Salamander's Breath]

Sekke looked at the incoming giant fireball without a change in his expression.


"On it!" replied the parrot on Ainz's shoulder.

[Posession Magic: Mana posession]

The giant fireball stopped in its tracks as Ainz looked at the salamander.

He then opened his hands as the fireball split into multiple fireballs and surrounded the salamander.

"Noelle!!" yelled Sekke as Noelle who was directly above Fana gave a nod.

A large amount of mana gathered around her seeing which Sekke's eyes widened.

'She really came a long way.' thought Sekke as a dong smile appeared on his lips.

[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Roar!]

A large body of water shaped in the form of an eastern dragon with a strong vortex for its body came out of her wand and rushed towards the salamander.

[Mana Possession: Flame Dragon's Roar]

Similarly, the smaller fireballs controlled by Ainz gathered together in the form of an Eastern dragon similar to that of Noelle and rushed toward the salamander as well.

"Why should I stay behind," commented Sekke as his grimoire started flipping as well.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Bronze Dragon's Roar]

A new eastern dragon made out of bronze appeared as well and roared toward the Salamander.

The three dragons rushed toward the fire spirit making Fana look at the three dragons rushing towards her.

In the end not being able to decide what to do with the situation the three dragons slammed against the salamander causing an explosion that engulfed the salamander and Fana within it.

"*cough**cough*Why do you keep hurting us?!" asked an enlarged Fana as she looked quite bruised up from the previous attack.

"Well fighting is a two-way relationship, you try to touch us. We sure as hell will touch you back," said Sekke who rushed towards the distracted and injured Fana.

[Spirit Magic: Salamander's claw]

The salamander charged mana around its arm as it glared at Sekke.

Seeing that Sekke smirked as he untreated Extase

[Cutter of Creation Extase: Magic Cutter]

The fire spirit swung its claws as giant slashing attacks made of flame mana came toward Sekke.

Sekke swung his sword as well as a flying slash, fired out of Extase. The slash easily cut through the magic slash coming toward him while destroying the spell as well.

Seeing Fana's senses alerted her as she moved Salamander out of the path of the attack narrowly dodging it.

Though that was all the time Sekke needed as he landed on the fire spirit's back as well.

Fana looked at him with her usual expressionless face as Sekke rushed towards her and kicked her gut sending her flying off the salamander's back which immediately tried to rush toward its master.

"As for you big guy," uttered Sekke as he raised his hand, and mana started gathering in his palm.

[Ice Debuff Mana Bullet: Massive Chilling Rasengan]

A giant violent spiraling mana bullet appears in Sekke hand as he looked towards the salamander that looked back at him with horror.

Slamming the huge orb of chilling mana on the spirit's back Sekke smirked as the spirit roared in pain and started falling.

"No Salamander!!!" screamed Fana who was falling as well. She then looked at Sekke who was still on the salamander's back with hatred as her mana started fluctuating.

"I will kill you! I will kill you! I will kill you!!" yelled Fana as a series of flashbacks occurred in her head.

Her grimoire started flipping as the salamander dematerialized under Sekke and then appeared below Fana who was engulfed in violent oramgish mana.

[Flame Recovery Magic: Phoenix Robe]

A robe made of flames appeared around her body with two wings made of fire behind her.

Crystal structures started appearing around her as she glared at Sekke.

Sekke who landed on the ground looked back at her and then looked at his two teammates.

"You two ready for round two?" asked Sekke with a smile.

"...I don't think that it was a wide decision to take on a sport with just the three of us." said the parrot on Ainz's shoulder.

"That's right! What will you do if we die? She has revealed her third eye now. That Vetto guy that we fought in the underwater temple did the same and he got way more powerful after that!" complained Noelle.

"Now now, where is the fun in beating a weak opponent?" said Sekke as he immediately received two slaps from Secre and Noelle.

"Why the hell do I have to die for your fun!! You idiot!!"

"Hey, that wasn't necessary. Alright, you two stand back. I will deal with her on my own." declared Sekke surprising Noelle and Ainz while Secre just face palmed, she had a feeling that her partner was about to do something stupid. He then stepped forward and gestured Fana to come at him making the pink-haired girl who usually had an expression less face look at Sekke with anger.