That's concerning

Sekke looked at the glowing man who was floating in the air without making any movement.

"...So what now?" asked Sekke out loud as he saw no movement from the man.

"Hey, wanna move a bit?" asked Sekke but the man continued to float in the air without moving.

Suddenly Sekke realized something and facepalmed.

'...I came here way too early' thought Sekke.

Sekke then looked at the hole where he came from and didn't see any signs of Anna and Mimosa.

He walked toward the hole and looked up and saw an orange glow coming toward him.

'They are on their way.' thought Sekke as he waited for the girls to arrive.

Once they did their gazes immediately landed on the glowy floaty man.

"Don't worry, the guy ain't moving, like at all," said Sekke as looked at the two worried girls.

The girls were surprised and looked at the floating man for a while.

"So, what is the plan now?" asked Anna.

"Well, first we deal with them," said Sekke as he pointed at the robed figures who were coming towards them from the giant hole that Sekke made.

"Stop those Magic Knight bastards!!"

"How dare you destroy our base!!"

"We'll kill you!"

Hearing their threats Sekke yawned while Mimosa and Anna got serious as they noticed the spells that were coming their way.

All of their Grimoires started flipping as mana gathered around them.

"Well then ladies, show them hell," said Sekke se Anna and Mimosa nodded.

[Flame Magic: Incinerate Orb]

[Plant Magic: Magic Flower Cannon]

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon Make- Gaster Blaster]

Before the enemy could even come near them their attacks blew away the incoming spells and started knocking down the enemy mages though many mages still survived and landed successfully.

"Alright, now it feels like we are on a raid," said Sekke with an amused smile as he grabbed Anna's and Mimosa's shoulders and pulled them back and a moment later fine sharp threads came out of the ground at the place where they were they were standing.

"Vritra" muttered Sekke as his sacred gear appeared around him.


Sekke smiled as he pointed his gauntlet at the enemy mages.

The gauntlets glowed and transformed into blasters and started firing small black fireballs at them.

Seeing the small fireballs the mages smirked and fired their strong spells at the magic knights.

But the moment the black fireballs came in contact with the enemy attacks, they started to get bigger while the enemy spells started to lose mana.

Soon the enemy spells disappeared as the now large fireballs rained down on the enemies.

The enemy mages started to back away as they saw the large fireballs while some wind and water mages tried to blow away or put off them, only for their spells to power up the fireballs as well.

'It's really a great attack. Though it's only effective against not that strong attacks.' thought Sekke.

"It's fine my other half, you should have some harmless spells to deal with normal people. We have plenty of strong moves already," said Vritra.

'A man can never have enough strong moves Vritra. Remember that.' said Sekke as the blaster disappeared and the absorption line came out of the gauntlet.

"Want to join in?" asked Sekke as he looked at the girls.

Anna and Mimosa nodded as Mana gathered once again.

[Plant Magic: Magic Flower Cannon]

[Flame Magic: Fire Tornado]

Vines appeared around Mimosa as a giant flower came out of it and started gathering mana and soon fired a beam.

Flames swirled around Anna and soon shot forward combining with the mana beam resulting in a swirling mana beam covered in spiralling flames.

"Oh, let me lead that," said Sekke as he pumped his fist forward as the absorption line shot forward and entered the attack fired by the girls earlier.

[Combination Magic: Flaming Plant Lazer Whip]

Sekke then swiped his hand attacking all the leftover mages and sending them flying toward the walls and easily knocking them out.

"Well, we dealt with all of them I guess," said Sekke.

"How do I say this.....they seemed kind of weak," said Mimosa with a bit of hesitation.

"After seeing all the crazy strong attacks at the royal knight's selection exam, no doubt they will seem weak," said Anna

"Well, I guess that's true," said Mimosa though for some reason her voice seemed to have overlapped.

"Huh?" said Sekke and Anna simultaneously as they saw two Mimosas standing side by side.

"....Eh? Eh!!" exclaimed Mimosas as the two of them looked surprised after seeing each other.

"...I am guessing that you don't know any clone magic right?" asked Sekke to which both Mimosas nodded.

'Their ki and mana both are giving the same feeling.' thought Sekke as he formed multiple swords around them while two appeared in his hands as well.

" which is the real one?" asked Anna as flames gathered in her palms and Ignis's beak.

"Me! I am the real one!... Why are you copying me!!" said the two Mimosas making Sekke and Anna even more confused.

"We can't get anywhere with this. Oi! You two move away from each other." said Sekke.

"Sekke-san I am the real one, believe me!" said the left Mimosa.

"No! She is lying I am the real one!" said the right Mimosa.

"I will decide that later, for now, move away from each other," said Sekke as the absorption line shot forward from both of his gauntlets and he separated the two of them.

"I have an idea Sekke-kun," said Anna.

'...I mean I can already tell now since I grabbed them with my sacred gear. But..let's see what she got.' thought Sekke as he gave a nod.

Anna nodded and then looked at the two Mimosas.

"If you are the real Mimosa, tell me your breast size," asked Anna with a straight face.

Sekke immediately started coughing while the two Mimosas blushed in embarrassment.

"Wawawawa What are you asking all of a sudden?! And that too in front of Sekke-san!!" said the left Mimosa.

"A-A-As if I will reveal that publically!... Sekke-san in here as well." said the right Mimosa as she hid her face behind her hands.

"Oi! Anna! What are you doing?! Even if she answers how will you know if it's correct or not? And you pervert! Stop feeling her boobs!!!" yelled Sekke as he smashed the right Mimosa, who was trying to guess the size by feeling her breasts, into the ground and then threw her away.

He immediately pulled the real Mimosa towards him and caught her in his embrace.

"You alright Mimosa?" asked Sekke as he looked at the girl who was in his hands.

"Wawawa Sekke-san is holding me!!! I mean, yes I am alright! Thank you Sekke-san!" said Mimosa with a blush.

"Oi! Get away from him," said Anna as Secre nodded and pecked Mimosa's head making her jump out of Sekke's embrace.

"Ow ow ow! That's not how you treat girls you know," said Rhya as he scratched his butt.

"Not necessarily, I believe in gender equality," said Sekke.

"So he says, girls keep that in mind before doing anything reckless.....well if you are into something kinky then it's something to look after, I guess," said Rhya.

"I don't have a problem if Sekke-kun is into that sort of play," said Anna in her usual calm tone.

"I-I-I don't mind as well," said Mimosa with a slight blush as she glanced at Sekke.

'He doesn't have that kink...though I don't mind trying it.' thought Secre.

"Can you guys stop talking about my kinks and get down to business? Long time no see Rhya, last time we met I kicked your and your friend's butt quite easily," said Sekke.

[Copy Magic: Healing Ray of Light]

"Well, what can I say, I was feeling lazy at that time. But right now I am quite motivated," said Rhya as a smirk appeared on his face and the whole ground got covered in mana as a giant black portal appeared teleporting him along with the trio and the defeated mages.

Sekke and the others were now falling as he noticed Rhya preparing an attack.

[Copy Magic: Dark Cloaked Black Blade]

The two slashes collided as the dark magic slash got easily destroyed and headed toward Rhya.

"Ignis," said Anna as the bird got huge and let Anna and the other two land on its back.

"So, that's where you kept it. A decoration for your sword," said Rhya as he appeared in front of Sekke using Light magic.

'He knows about the magic stone!' thought Sekke and kicked him away.

"Hey kicking the face is off limits," said Rhya as he moved away after using light magic.

"You already have your third eye open."

"And you have something that I need," said Rhya as various portals appeared around them.

[Spatial Magic: Myriad Black] + [Light Magic: Heaven-Splitting Flash]

Rhya got enveloped in light and moved around them at full speed through the portal making his destination quite unpredictable for them.

Sekke pointed his sword forward as its blade glowed and extended like a snake and started moving around.

Sekke read Rhya's ki and let Extase move around accordingly.

"That's an annoying sword! Let's not bring it into the battle!" said Rhya as he tried to dodge Extase but was finding it difficult to keep up with it.

His grimoire then started flipping as he held out his hand.

[Copy Magic: Apport]

Suddenly Extase vanished from Sekke's hand and appeared in Rhya's.

"Ha...that was annoying," said Rhya as he looked at the sword, or more specifically at the magic stone embedded in it.

"You shouldn't have done that. Extase-chan," said Sekke as he held out his hand.

Immediately Extase that was in Rhya's hand tried to leave it and fly back to Sekke.

"Woah won't! Calm down!" said Rhya as he tried to hold it back.

[Resistance in going back to host! Scanning Problem.....Problem analyzed, deploying countermeasures]

An electronic voice started speaking inside Sekke's head and soon Extase glowed and an explosion occurred at Rhya's hand making him let go of the sword that came flying back towards Sekke.

[Host Found]

Hearing the electronic voice once again Sekke smiled and caressed the blade of the sword.

"Good girl Extase-chan, now let's get ready for round two," said Sekke as he gripped his sword tightly.

[Copy Magic: Light Healing particles]

"Sorry, but I have a delivery to make. See you guys later," said Rhya as he entered a portal and teleported away.

"Delivery? Wait a sec," said Sekke and then widened his eyes in realization and looked at his sword, only to find that the stone was missing.

"He played you quite easily my other half. Was that a magic stone?" asked Vritra.


"That's concerning then," replied Vritra.

'Yeah, it is.'

Sekke looked at Anna and Mimosa who were near him and said, "Let's deal with other enemy mages in the meantime."

Mimosa and Anna nodded as they got serious as well.