Talk with Vritra(3)

Sekke and his team were riding on Ignis and going through the hideout.

"Mimosa use your tracking spell and show the enemy positions. Also, can you take the areas around the flying castle, we need to find Rhya soon. Leave your protection to me and Anna."

"Got it Sekke-san," replied Mimosa as her Grimoire started flipping.

[Plant Creation Magic: Magic Flower Guidepost]

"Sekke-kun, what did that man take? You have been anxious since then," asked Anna.

"Remember the stone that you gave me when we were kids? That's a magic stone," replied Sekke.

"You still kept it with you... I mean, how do they know about it?" asked Anna with a slight smile on her face.

"They were able to pinpoint the locations of all magic stones so it doesn't surprise me much. What surprises me more is that they were able to take it out of Extase, it was stuck deep inside it not just stuck to it. They couldn't just take it out of it," said Sekke.

"Maybe he used the spell that he used to teleport the relic out of your hand. He could have teleported it out otherwise I don't think that there is a way to break into that relic. They might be able to assemble all the magic stones for their purpose now, my other half." said Sekke.

'That's bad.' thought Sekke.

"Should have kept it somewhere safer, like your [Eternal Safe]," said Vritra.

'Hey, I have kept the stone in my sword since I got it, that was one of the safest places I could have kept it. Plus I have been trying to find a way to access its power since the witch queen told me that only elves can use it. I thought that I can use it as well since just like them I too am someone loved by mana.' replied Sekke.

"...You were trying to learn a new power without telling me?" asked Vritra.


"So now you are keeping this from me, huh?" asked Vritra.

'Hey, I was gonna tell you sooner or later.'


'Like I said sooner or later.'

"When, my other half? I asked when?"

'...once I mastered it and it looked badass enough to knock your socks off.' replied Sekke.

"I am very displeased, my other half. I know you like your privacy but not even telling me something like this? Something that will eventually lead to us getting actually kind of hurts me..." said Vritra.

'I didn't mean it Vritra, trust me, I just wanted to show you that I can be strong. I wanted to show you that I am strong, and I can win without relying on you and Extase. I just wanted you to acknowledge that.... that's why I didn't use your powers during the exam. I know that according to your standards, I am not that strong and have to rely on your power to get a boost in my strength. And I know it might not mean much to you, but to me, it felt kind of humiliating and sad when you said that without you and Extase I am only half as strong.' thought Sekke feeling a bit sad and apologetic.

"Listen my other half, first of all, I apologize if my words hurt you that time. Now onto the important part, stop calling it my power, it's OUR power. Hear it, our power! You get stronger, we get stronger. You live, we live. You die, we die. There's a reason I call you my other half, Sekke Bronzaza....also, I know that I told you that you were only 50% at power without me and the relic, but I never called you weak."

'Well, not technically.'

Suddenly Sekke's surrounding turned dark and he found his body floating in space.

Realizing the familiar space Sekke sighed and turned around and saw Vritra in his full draconic glory.

"Listen here my other half, I may think of you as a delusional idiot who is dense and quite reckless and that has no qualms about his own safety to show how great and might the dark lord is."

'Ok, now you are just being mean.'

"Let me finish...I may consider you all those things but never have I considered you weak. You are not even two decades old and you have reached this level of strength and that too when you are a human so don't compare yourself with me who lived for multiple millennia. You will take time to become strong, nothing is achieved in a single day and you know that the very best because you have earned your strength through hard work and tenacity. You are strong Sekke Bronzaza and I, the prison dragon king Vritra, acknowledge that! So remember it always. Also don't forget, you are strong alone, but together we are stronger and more badass." said Vritra.

'...Alright...and um....thanks.' replied Sekke feeling a bit happy and relieved.

"Don't mention it my other half. And never think or hide things like these from me. Like I said on the day we first talked, I am someone who will always be on your side. People, family, friends, and lovers might betray you but you never have to doubt that there is someone who is always on your side no matter what decision or path you take. I may find it wrong and dangerous but I will support you. I am your other half and you are mine and together we will show this whole damn world how great and mighty the power of the dark lord and the prison dragon king is!" said Vritra as he moved a snake-like appendage towards Sekke

Sekke's eyes widened a bit as he heard those words but soon a smile appeared on his face as he fist-bumped the appendage.

"Alright, and sorry for all that. Though, I am still not gonna give up on shocking you with some attacks and spells that I come up with. So partner, don't keep a grudge for that," said Sekke.

"...Did you even listen to what I said?" asked Vritra.

"Yeah, and I sure as hell am not satisfied with that! What do you mean by I am human and will take a lot of time to reach your level? I need to prove that wrong. No matter the race the dark lord is superior to I am gonna use and learn OUR power a lot more from now on, so cheer me on Vritra." said Sekke.

"You never have to ask about that. But from now on, no more new power testing until I am sure that it's not dangerous. I will check the magic stone first thing once we get it back."


"Good, now go back and kick ass!" said Vritra as he forced Sekke out of his consciousness.

Not even a second passed when Sekke regained consciousness.

'Looks like I need to find my stone soon and get back to know how to use it.' thought Sekke as he blasted through a group of enemy mages.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon Make-Gaster Blaster]

"Enemies directly below us," informed Mimosa.

Multiple Gaster Blasters appeared around Sekke as all of them pointed downwards at the enemy mages that he sensed with ki and Mana detection.

Mana beams fired and destroyed the floor attacking the mages that were below them catching them off guard.

The firebird flew through the hole that he just broke through and landed on the ground.

Sekke and Anna looked at the enemies that were on either side.

They then looked at each other and gave a nod and then stood with their backs facing each other.

"Ignis [Phoenix Flare]"

[Sacred Bronze Magic Gear: Prison Dragon's Roar]

Flames gathered in Ignis's mouth while a draconic helmet appeared on Sekke's head with the absorption line connected to it.

Soon two types of flaming seas were released by the two of them burning through the entire floor and then breaking through the castle walls killing every enemy mage on the floor.

Mimosa looked at her two partners with her mouth wide open totally shocked by how effortlessly the two cleared the entire floor of enemies.

"Floor's cleared. Mimosa where to next?" asked Anna.

"We need to find Rhya soon as well," said Sekke.

Mimosa snapped out of her thoughts and checked her guidepost and then directed them to the place where more enemies were located.