Major power-up

The draconified dark lord looked around him to see if some cockroach was still snooping around and then focused back on the destruction caused by him.

'...So how do I get back to normal?' asked Sekke.

"Like I told you in the shadow palace, I. Don't. Know. Anyway, what do you think about causing some more mayhem while you are still in this form." asked Vritra.

'Stop sounding like a shady salesman.' retorted Sekke.

The dragon was about to answer but suddenly a magic display appeared above them.

On the screen the image of a dandy-looking old man behind whom 3 other people were standing.

'Judging by their uniform they seem to be with Xander and company.' thought Sekke as he stared at the man staring intently at him.

"Sup" greeted Sekke.

"...So some of these dumb lizards do have intelligence."

"...Alright this old shit dies the moment we meet him," said Vritra.

Sekke also snorted at the old man's words and provoked the man back.

"I thought wisdom comes with age but seeing that you are just as much an idiot as Xander and the others....well can't blame you, boomers do get senile," replied Sekke.

As these words left his mouth one of the men standing behind the old man unsheathed his sword.

Not even turning around the old man raised his hand stopping the swordsman.

"Do you even know how many innocent lives you just took?" asked the old man.

"Do you even know how many people came after my life? I wonder who was the one who sent them making me retaliate back in such a manner? Any idea boomer?" asked the dragon back.


The old man remained silent and continued staring at Sekke but soon smirked.

"Killing you and breaking your ego will be so much fun." said the man.

"Breaking his ego? Good luck with that old man," said Vritra.

'Oi! Whose side are you on?!'

"Yours, my other half. That was a compliment,"

'Didn't sound like one.'

"Believe me it was."

The dragon and the dark lord started arguing, ignoring the villain's monologue speech the old man was giving.

" will be begging for the gift of death, and eventually I will grant that gift to you, but when you wake up you will find me once again, you won't find peace. Do you know why?" asked the old man.

"....I don't know how to say this when I can see that you were clearly trying to threaten me. I kinda blanked out in the middle so I don't know what's going on right now," said Sekke.


The surroundings turned silent hearing Sekke's unpredictable response.

"...In the end, you dragons are still arrogant shits. Enjoy the remaining life that you have left you brat," said the old man in a pissed-off tone.

"Alright, bye-bye. Tell Xander that I miss him when you resurrect him back," replied Sekke as a hand made up of his tentacles waved towards the screen.

The screen vanished from his sight and Sekke got back to his current issue.

"Let's get back to becoming human once again."

"Why, I get to stretch my body after such a long time, let's spread terror." pleaded Vritra.

"Vritra, control your emotions, you will get to fight from now on but for now, we should find a way to get back to human size," replied Sekke trying to calm down the multiple millennia-old bratty dragon.

"Hmph, fine."

"Aren't you a cutie pie? Good draggy."

"Don't you dare mock me? I am a proud dragon king."

"Whatever you say, big guy. Anyway, let's get back to the issue at hand."

"I will not forget about trying some of your magic? Who knows a permanent effect spell might help us?"

"Did you forget? I cannot use my grimoires while using draconification."

"That was the case with . Right now you are in total draconification. Try using your powers."

Sekke decided to follow Vritra's advice and tried to use his magic and soon a huge smirk appeared on the dragon's face as multiple gaster blasters surrounded him.

"This is what I am talking about. The dark lord is even more of a threat now."

"Hehe, the might of the prison dragon king combined with your crafty and OP spells.... I feel pity for our enemies."

"Now now, don't make fun of those who are weak."

The two laughed out loud at their words and continued to joke around for a while.

"*Sigh* Alright, let's focus back and test some spells."

[Light Magic: Cure]

A bright glow enveloped the dragon and soon died down.

"No changes," informed Vritra.

"Noted. Let's seed, which other spell might about this one."

[Law Debuff Magic: Rule Breaker- Dead Soul Freedom]

A violet glow came out of Sekke's body and soon some chains shackled his dragon body.

An instant later the dragon vanished and Sekke transformed back to his human form and started falling on the ground.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Giant's Palm]

A huge palm materialized below him and caught his falling body making Sekke check his body for any deformities.

"Looks fine. *Phew* Finally got a way to use without consequences".

"A major power-up since . Good progress my other half."

"Thank you, just wait and see me get stronger and stronger," replied Sekke.

Vritra was about to say something but suddenly the sky turned dark and thunderclouds started rumbling.

"...I don't know why but that sounds like a bad premonition."

"I would like to say that it is just some common thunder, but the weather changed far too quickly for that."

Sekke nodded and continued to stare at the sky but out of nowhere a magic circle-like formation appeared under him.

His grimoires started flipping as Sekke decided to fight back but soon chains manifested around him and his grimoires and restrained them from moving and using magic.

"What the hell are these chains? Vritra?!" asked Sekke as he tried to break free.

A giant magic circle appeared above him as well soon a black wave of mana rushed towards him and his grimoires from the magic circles.

A storm erupted around him blasting away all the rubble and debris.

"My other half use my pow- !!! Wait! What the hell?!?! How?!" yelled Vritra in Sekke's head.

"Whats's happening Vritra?" asked Sekke feeling the panic in Vritra's voice.

{To you who slayed countless divine beings}

The black mana penetrated Sekke and his grimoires as a voice devoid of emotions echoed in his head.

{Bear the sin upon your body}

His body started turning red along with the pages of his grimoires.


Sekke screamed in pain as every fibre of his body started hurting. The mana inside his body started getting violent and erupted out of his body threatening to burst the vessel it was stored in as well.

His limbs turned red and the markings continued to spread around his whole body making the dark lord scream louder.

But soon, as if Sekke remembered he shut his mouth closed as his muscles started to tighten.

"The dark lord is not someone who screams because of such a small amount of pain!!!" yelled Sekke as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and ass.

'Damn! I was about to shit myself because of the pain' thought Sekke as cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

He took a deep breath and stared at his body which was turning red and tried to calm down.

".... LIKE HELL I CAN CALM DOWN!!!" yelled Sekke out loud as he tried to reign in the violent mana.

"You dare use my own mana to harm me...Like hell, I will let that happen!"

The scream echoed around him as the mana got even more violent, but this time it was Sekke who was making it violent.

The mana spread around him and soon started to push away the magic circles trying to break them.

"My other half, calm down you are facing something that shouldn't be provoked!!!" yelled Vritra.

"The only thing that shouldn't be provoked right now, is the Dark Lord!!!" yelled Sekke in response as the space around him started trembling.


The sword on his waist glowed, flew out of its sheath, and broke the chains that were restraining him.

As if knowing that he was free, a sudden force pushed him plastering him in the ground.

"What the hell is this?! F*ck, I don't care. Don't mess with me!"

Sekke tried to push his body to stand again but the force continued to grow stronger.

His body started to red faster and the pain intensified as well. He could feel that his body and mana were being destroyed making him want to destroy everything around him.

{Stop your struggle and atone for the sins you have committed}

"The only sin that I committed is being awesome and I will continue to do so, you apathetic voice in my head," replied Sekke.

His sacred gears appeared around him and soon the tentacles of absorption like spread around and started to absorb the mana back into his body.

This action only increased the pain as right now, his body was being destroyed but that didn't stop him. He fired even more absorption lines, but this time the absorption lines latched onto his body and his grimoires.

A smirk appeared on his face making Vritra panic as he knew that his host was going to do something reckless.

The absorption lines started glowing and started absorbing the unknown energy that was trying to destroy his body.


"F*CK YOU!!!" replied Sekke with a crazed smile on his face.

The redness around his body and his grimoires started to slow down and soon started to disappear as well, but as they continued to be absorbed, glowing red marks started to appear on his body.

His grimoires started flipping as well and got engulfed in bright lights. Soon information started to fill his head as the energy continued to assimilate in his body.


{...You crazy mortal}

{A new one...*Sigh*}

{To you who slayed countless divine beings}

{To you who rebelled against the will of the world}

{To you who overcame the punishment}

{We grant you the reward fitting of your crime}

Sekke who heard the apathetic voice in his head was confused but as the information continued to assimilate in his head a look of realization appeared on his face and his jaw started dropping.

Soon his mouth was left open as he came to know what the hell just happened.

But soon he snapped back to reality and looked at his body which was covered in glowing red marks.

An excited expression appeared on his face as he released his mana which was way stronger than before.

yelled Sekke as a glowing red halo appeared above his head.


"....You dumbass other half...what?"

"Another major power-up."


"*Sigh* Why am I this awesome?" asked Sekke to himself.


Vritra didn't say anything as he still felt another presence beside his host."

{You are just an idiot mortal}

This made the dark lord snap out of his thoughts as he realized that there was someone else in his head.