chapter 2

Chapter two

Harry woke with a start; from his cupboard he could hear muffled screams. Dudley's birthday harry thought to himself. He wondered what he got this year. Dudley always got what he wanted. Last year they were on holiday in Portugal for his birthday, harry was taken to act as the family skivvy. Dudley had taken a shine to a little blonde-haired girl and demanded her for a present. Uncle Vernon had waited until her parents had gone out for dinner and crept into their room and took her. Harry had to listen to the poor girl crying all night. When they got back to England the little girl was in all the papers. Harry didn't know what happened to her, but Uncle Vernon was always a bit shifty whenever she was on the news.

Harry walked into the kitchen and saw his cousin standing there in a black leather studded thong. On the table was a naked hog-tied Asian girl, she had her underwear stuffed in her mouth, she had tears streaming down her face. Harry now understood where the screams were coming from, Dudley was buried up to the wrist in her arsehole and was using a cattle prod on her clit. Uncle Vernon was sat at the other end of the table reading the paper. "ow, less teeth Petunia." "sobby gear" said petunia from under the table with a mouthful of cock. Dudley however had removed his fist from the poor girls arse and was licking his fingers clean while she was quietly sobbing to herself. "don't forget your other presents dudders." Said uncle Vernon pushing down on the back of petunias head. Dudley started to put an electric shock collar around the Asian girls throat. It had a remote control so Dudley could zap her whenever he wanted. Another present he got was a leather paddle with the word slut emblazoned across it, it was also studded with razor sharp spikes.

Dudley brought the paddle down as hard as he could across her arse opening her up like a gutted sea bass. He also pressed the collar button at same, as the paddle ripped into her flesh, she let out the most horrendous scream, then her entire body tensed up as the powerful electric shock coursed through her body, her jaw clenched shut slicing her tongue in two. Blood spurted through her clenched teeth and she toppled off the table, spasming in the foetal position, blood started pooling around her head. It wasn't clear if Dudley had let go of the button or the batteries had run out but Dudley's present and stop twitching and groaning. "your presents never last long do they dudders." Said uncle Vernon as aunt petunia crawled out from under the table. Aunt petunia stood over the girls body and spat Vernon's cum into her face. "that's another one we've got to sort Vernon. Got to be quick, the polkiss's will be here soon, go get dressed diddy." Said petunia poking the girl with her foot. "boy." Said uncle Vernon standing up. "get this cleared up. We're going to need a bigger shed at this rate petunia." Said Vernon as he started pissing on the dead girls body while chuckling to himself.

Harry spent the next half hour scrubbing the kitchen floor, aunt petunia came in and said, "that was Mrs fig on the phone Vernon, she can't take the virgin." "why the fuck not?" said Vernon inspecting the floor. "she's on her way to the police station, she had 20 000 videos of kids being raped by dogs." Said petunia looking at harry with disgust. "the bloody fool, I've told her a hundred times, don't save it on the hard drive. Well we'll have to take the prick with us." Said Vernon aiming a swift kick at Harry's perineum. Harry was elated, he was going to the zoo, he might not like the people he was going with but he was actually going out for the day.

Harry sat in the middle on the back seat, he had to wank piers and Dudley off all the way there. Dudley kept yelping every time harry pulled on his pubes, it wasn't his fault Dudley had the penis of a toddler. Piers on the other hand had a cock as long and as thick as Harry's forearm, his arm was aching by the time he came, Dudley had cum twice. Harry had just finished licking his fingers clean as they parked at the zoo. Everybody got out of the car except for Vernon and harry. Uncle Vernon turned in his seat to face harry. "I'm warning you now boy, any funny business and I will cut your cock off and feed it to you on toast. Do you understand me?" he said with venom. "I promise Uncle Vernon." Said harry wearily. Many strange things seemed to happen to harry. When aunt petunia tried to cut his hair with garden shears, it grew back the next day. When harry was being chased by Dudley's gang, he tried to jump behind the bins but somehow ended up on the roof with the lightning conductor wedged in his arsehole. But today harry was determined that nothing was going to go wrong, he wanted to enjoy his day of semi freedom.

uncle Vernon bought Dudley and piers an ice cream, the lady behind the kiosk asked if harry would like one too. Uncle Vernon bought harry the cheapest lemon ice and promptly spat on it. The ice cream lady looked shocked and started to say something. "fuck off you dried up old cunt." Came Vernon's reply. Harry didn't care, he had had far worse from Uncle Vernon in his mouth. Harry was having a fantastic day, he was pretty much left to his own devices as long as he didn't stray too far from the group. He loved looking at the animals, but most of all he loved watching the other people. Boys on their dads shoulders, girls skipping with their mums. It was a perfect picture of family harmony. Harry was daydreaming about his parents, what were they like? Were they like the Dursleys? Would they love harry the way the other parents around him seemed to love their children. Harry was disturbed from his reverie by Uncle Vernon's bellow. "keep up boy, for fucks sake." Harry jogged a little to catch up with the others and walked with them into the gorilla enclosure, they had walked in right at the beginning of feeding time. Harry watched as the zookeeper started throwing bananas around whilst thinking how much the big male silverback resembled his cousin. Dudley and piers were making monkey noises and jumping around trying to wind him up. The gorilla seemed to have enough of piers and Dudley. He wandered off towards the zookeeper who wasn't paying attention, he was too busy tossing food to the smaller females. It happened in a flash. The zookeeper was thrown into the air, he landed with a sickening crunch and the gorilla pounced on him, tearing off his uniform. The Dursleys and piers watched opened mouth, aunt petunia was visibly excited by the events, occasionally touching herself. The zookeeper was screaming for help as the gorilla grabbed him by the waist. The noise the gorilla was making as he thrust away was unbelievable but it was nothing to the noise the poor zookeeper was making. Uncle Vernon, Dudley and piers were cheering the gorilla on. "go on, fuck him." Shouted piers. Aunt petunia was now fingering herself. The gorilla seemed to tire and with a final thrust cum into the zookeepers arse. He pushed him to the floor and lay back all pleased with himself. The zookeeper was curled up sobbing uncontrollably, cum and blood dribbling from his red raw arsehole. Other zookeepers came rushing in and ushered the crowd from the enclosure.

Harry followed the Dursleys into the reptile house. As soon as harry walked in he felt a little strange, it was almost as though he could he whispered conversations even though nobody was there. As he walked through the reptile house, a little behind the Dursleys and piers, harry thought that the snakes were looking at him as he passed but he put it down to Dudley and piers banging on the glass of tanks. Harry broke away from the group and stood looking at a massive anaconda. "must get lonely in there." Said harry nonchalantly. To his amazement the snake lifted its head and looked straight at harry, slowly, it started to nod. Harry looked around, nobody was near him. "can you hear me?" harry whispered. The snake nodded again. Harry was amazed. "where are you from?" said harry. The snake pointed the end of its tail "read the fucking sign you ignorant prick" said the snake to Harrys astonishment. Before harry could say anything else Dudley and piers appeared and pushed harry to the ground. "wow, this thing's as big as your dick piers." Said Dudley. Both boys were banging on the glass, the snake was visibly pissed off. Harry sat on the floor, seething with anger, as he stared at the glass, a strange thing happened, the glass just vanished. Both piers and Dudley fell into the tank and the snake started uncoiling itself, as it draped itself over both petrified boys it winked at harry promptly shit on Dudley and slithered out the door.

After many apologies and a compensatory blow job from the zoo manager uncle Vernon finally left the office and the group started to make their way home. Uncle Vernon obviously blamed harry for the disappearing glass. His punishment was to drop his trousers and get on his knees on the back seat. Harry didn't so much mind Dudley trying to fuck him, his dick was so small it barely made it past his cheeks. Piers, on the hand was a different matter. He held on to Harrys ears as he roughly fucked Harrys face. It was all he could do not to puke. Three things happened all at once, Uncle Vernon hit a speed hump a little too fast, harry sneezed and piers had cum. Harry shot piers cum out of his nose and bit his foreskin off. He looked like some sort of sperm dragon. Piers was yelling in pain, Dudley was finishing himself off.

After a few hours in A and E, they dropped piers off and headed home. Another eventful day in Harrys life.