chapter 3

Chapter three

Harry emerged from his cupboard and collected the post. He walked into the kitchen, his uncle Vernon was hidden behind the newspaper, aunt petunia was getting rid of Dudley's morning wood. Still wearing her marigolds from when she was doing the washing up. Harry was just about to put the post in front of his uncle when he noticed one of the letters was addressed to him:

Mr H Potter

The cupboard under the stairs


Privet drive

Harry was amazed, no one had written to him before, he didn't know anybody who would have a reason to write to him, he didn't even get the charity letters begging to feed the potbellied orphans in Africa. Harry stood staring at his letter. "the virgin has a letter." Said Dudley as he came over him mums marigolds. Vernon snatched it out of his hands. "that's mine." Said harry reaching for it. "who would be writing to an insignificant little cunt like you? Said Vernon as ripped the letter open. His eyes skimmed over it "GET OUT." He yelled at harry. "Dudley, leave the room would you?" he said while watching petunia slowly lick the cum off her glove. "I want to see who is writing to the virgin." Screamed Dudley. "show me or you'll be sorry." Said Dudley screwing up face. "please Dudders I need to discuss this with your mother. OH DUDLEY, PLEASE STOP SHITTING ON THE FLOOR!!" shouted Vernon as Dudley looked him straight in the eye and pushed out the longest thickest turd Vernon had ever seen. "fine, I'll leave but I want to know later or I won't let mum use her strap on me." Said Dudley as he pulled up his trousers. Petunia looked visibly upset at this statement. She looked at Vernon pleadingly. "alright fine, just go and take that little cunt with you." Said Vernon now scanning the letter. Dudley grabbed a struggling harry by the arm and started dragging from the kitchen, harry was sort of glad to leave the room, the stench was becoming unbearable but he really wanted to know what was in that letter.

Harry was forbidden from asking about his letter, every time he brought the subject up, petunia would jab him in the cock with a cattle prod. Vernon had used the excuse that it was a mistake and the letter was actually for him. Harry couldn't argue because his cock was really starting to burn and petunia left it on longer and longer each time.

Over the next few days, the letters kept coming, the postman delivered about 50, he even made a comment about it while petunia gave him his daily blowjob. Harry got a swift kick straight to the arsehole because apparently it was his fault the letters kept coming.

One morning before breakfast, Uncle Vernon came to see harry in his cupboard, the only unusual thing about this was that Vernon didn't have his dick out. "you're moving out of the cupboard, you're going upstairs into Dudley's second bedroom." "why, is it because of the letters?" asked harry. "none of your fucking business, just get your shit and go upstairs." Said Vernon giving harry a slap to the head. It only took a couple of minutes for harry to gather his meagre possessions. He entered his new room, he could hear Dudley shouting about the room and he was pretty sure he shit on the floor again. Harry looked around the room, it full of things Dudley had broken, a bondage swing, dildos, a rampant rabbit that was almost snapped in two and still had some shit on it. Harry lay on his new bed, listening to Dudley getting fucked up the arse by his mum, wondering who the letter writer is, they kept coming but now they were addressed to harry potter, the smallest room. Vernon was close to having a nervous breakdown, hundreds of letters were arriving daily, at different times and in different ways. The milkman actually had one come out of his cock as he cum in petunias mouth. He collapsed to the ground in agony while petunia choked on it and got a paper cut on her tonsils. The most unusual way, and Harry's favourite way the letters arrived was by owl. Hundreds of owls lined the street waiting to deliver their letters. Vernon and Dudley's new hobby was shooting them out of the air with air rifles, they got so good the council had to come and clear the carcasses because privet drive was becoming infested with rats and foxes. The final straw for Vernon was one Sunday evening, he was sitting watching porn in the in the front room, petunia was round the neighbours getting gangbanged by the neighbourhood watch committee. When thousands upon thousands of letters came streaming through the chimney and hundreds of owls smashed through the window, dropped their letters, and promptly started attacking and shitting all over Vernon and the front room. Vernon stormed up the stairs. "we are leaving, I want you both in the car in 5 minutes." He screamed. Harry started asking questions, which promptly stopped when Vernon kicked him in the dick. Dudley pulled his R2D2 model out of his arse. "what, why?" "no questions, 5 minutes in the car. No arguments." Screamed Vernon and he headed out the door. Harry and Dudley were sat in the car when Vernon emerged from the neighbour's house with petunia in tow. She was still wearing lingerie and a gigantic strap on. She appeared to have at least a pint of cum in her hair and on her face. They got in the car. "petunia, what is wrong with you, why are fidgeting so much?" asked Vernon. "8 men have just ploughed through my butt, it hasn't quite sealed yet. I don't want to leak everywhere." Said petunia wincing a bit. "good girl!" said Vernon with a wry smile.

They drove in silence for hours, occasionally Vernon would stop, look around and drive on. They stopped at a small village shop, Vernon got out, locked the others in the car, petunia was starting to shiver, she had no other clothes and as she shivered the strap on trembled in a hypnotic way.

Vernon returned carrying a large thin box, a coat for petunia and some snacks. "got the perfect place, the man in the shop said we can stay a while. It's out of the way and not many people know about it" said Vernon, pretty much talking to himself. Everyone else to either too scared or just too confused to answer. They reached the coast about an hour later. They got out. "look, there, it's perfect." Said Vernon triumphantly. Harry looked out to sea, in the distance he could see a tiny rock, the rain was starting to get heavier and the wind stronger. "down there, that little boat. That's for us." Said Vernon pointing. The others were all too cold and nervous to say anything. They trekked down a narrow path, tripping, and stumbling, Vernon was whistling and seemed manically happy. Once they were all in the boat, Vernon made harry do the rowing, which was extremely difficult as due to Vernon and Dudley's vast weight the boat was danger of sinking. The tiny rock harry saw wasn't much bigger up close, there was a tiny little hut atop the rock. It took about half an hour to climb the rock, petunias strap on got in the way quite a bit but Vernon forbade her to take it off.

The weather in the hut wasn't much better than outside. There were two small rooms, the Dursley's went to the larger room to spit roast Dudley, by the groans of pain harry guessed that aunt petunia was doing the fucking.

Harry was left alone in the smaller room, he lay on a beaten-up moth-eaten sofa, curled up to try and warm himself and began softly singing happy birthday to himself.

Harry was having his favourite dream about flying motorbikes, when all of a sudden a loud banging woke him, he sat up, the Dursleys ran into the room, petunia still wearing the strap on, blood was trickling between Dudley's leg from the insane pounding he got, Vernon stood in front of them holding a shot gun. The banging grew louder and louder until all of a sudden the door came off its hinges and landed on the floor. "you bunch of fucking ignorant cunts; you answer the fucking door when someone fucking knocks." They all stared in fear and astonishment at the huge man standing in the doorway, twice as wide and tall as a normal man. "GET OUT" shouted Vernon trembling. "fuck off you fat little cunt, who the fuck do think you're talking to?" said the giant as took his cock out, which was at least 18 inches long and as thick as a pringles can. He aimed a stream of piss at the Dursleys who dove for cover with exception of petunia who dropped to her knees and opened her mouth, catching as much as she could.

Harry stared open mouthed as the giant put his cock away. "um, who are you?" asked harry slightly scared. "who the fuck is asking, you nosy little cunt?". "I'm harry, harry potter.". "well, I wasn't expecting such a scrawny, queer looking cunt." Said the giant looking at harry like he was something he stepped in. "I'm Hagrid, keeper of the keys and grounds of Hogwarts.". "what's Hogwarts?" "are you fucking thick or something, I was told you weren't getting letters but I didn't know you knew fuck all. Oi cuntface, why didn't you tell him?" bellowed the giant at Vernon who promptly wet himself. "I will not put up with that nonsense, we've spent years treating him normally." Said Vernon more bravely than he felt. He pointed the shotgun straight at Hagrid who with a giant step and lightning speed took the gun and rammed it straight up Vernon's arse. Hagrid turned to sit on the sofa as Vernon lay whimpering with the butt of the gun barely visible between his cheeks. Hagrid sat down with an enormous crunch of wood. "right you little fuck, here is you letter." Hagrid handed over the letter and harry read in silence. Hagrid was busying himself with his many pockets when harry finally spoke. "um, I don't mean to be rude but what does this all mean?" "you really are as thick as you fucking look. You're a cunting wizard you little fuck." Said Hagrid pulling a smallish box from his coat. "here, probably sat on it but should taste alright. Happy birthday you little prick." Harry opened the box and inside was a homemade cake with 'happy cunting birthday' written in green icing. Harry put the cake down and started to barrage Hagrid with questions. Hagrid answered in a brusque manner. Hagrid got distracted by Dudley stuffing his face with Harry's cake. "you fat greedy cunt" said Hagrid pulling out a small pink umbrella which he pointed at Dudley, he shouted some funny words, there was a small bang. Dudley screamed and harry watched a pigs tail sprout from the base of his spine. Petunia looked pleased. "finally, something to hold on to." She said under her breath. Dudley ran to his sobbing father and huddled up to him.

Harry had many more questions, but Hagrid cut him off. "look twat features, it's been a long day. I'm gonna have a kip. We'll get all your shit in the morning." And with that Hagrid turned on his side and drifted off to sleep.