chapter 4

Chapter 4

Harry didn't get a wink of sleep, not just because of Hagrid's deafening snores and the quiet screams of Uncle Vernon as petunia and Dudley eased the shotgun from his butt, it wasn't even because of the smell of Hagrid's farts, which smelled like a colostomy bag being emptied directly into your nostrils. The main reason he couldn't sleep was he still had no fucking idea what was happening.

Hagrid had mention getting his stuff, what did that mean? And what was Hogwarts. Hopefully, Hagrid will explain when he wakes up, he thought to himself and he finally dozed off.

Harry woke with a start, he thought the roof had given way, he was suddenly soaked and was getting wetter. He raised his hand to shield himself from the rain and he saw that it wasn't rain, it was Hagrid standing over him wanking furiously, showering harry with more cum than even aunt petunia could swallow in a whole day. Hagrid let out a final moan and the last few drops oozed from a cock the size of a cannon. Harry tried to get up from the floor but Hagrid had pretty much turned it into a slip and slide. "sorry about that" said Hagrid. "I went for a slash earlier and your aunt was in there, she was fisting herself, not only that she had the bristle end of the bog brush up her arse." Said Hagrid as he wiped the end of his cock on Harrys jumper. "well of course I tried to fuck the slut, but she couldn't take me fucking cock could she, actually think I broke her fucking hip." Said Hagrid smiling. Sure enough harry could hear his aunt crying in the next room and his uncle asking what happened.

"erm Hagrid. Could you get me a towel please? I can't get up." Said a drenched harry. "oh right, I'll sort it fuck face." Said Hagrid. He waved his little umbrella, said some funny words and all of a sudden harry was dry and didn't smell of smegma. The moment harry was fully dry, he heard all three Dursleys scream. He looked at Hagrid. "fuck you looking at, I couldn't remember the fucking vanishing spell, so I used a moving spell, pretty fucking funny though hey." Said Hagrid smiling and craning his neck a little to try and see into the Dursleys room. Harry had to admit, seeing the Dursleys covered in gallons of giant spunk was pretty funny.

Harry and Hagrid sailed, walked trained and bused for hours. Hagrid answered most of Harry's annoying questions. One thing stuck in his mind though. Hagrid's undying loyalty to Hogwarts, especially the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. It was almost as if this dumbledore had something over him. "Hagrid, can I get all the stuff on my list in London?" asked harry. "why the fuck do you think we're going there you fucking half-wit. Oo I know let's just have a wander, hopefully we'll come across a fucking cauldron shop on oxford street, maybe buy potions in Piccadilly. Why am I lumbered with a fucking retard?" "sorry, I just didn't.." "what you don't know would fill a fucking ocean. Never met such a know nothing piece of cunt discharge like you." Said Hagrid angrily. "look, I'm sorry. Hate travelling and I hate muggles. Don't mean to take it out on you, it's just that you're here." Harry looked at Hagrid, nodded his acceptance of the apology, feeling a little better about himself. "anyway, we're here." Said Hagrid standing outside the door of a grotty looking pub. The kind of pub that smackheads sell stolen meat in. "Hagrid, is this where we get my stuff? Asked harry slightly miffed. "nah, but this is the way. The most famous pub in the fucking country, among us anyway. This, harry, is the leaky cauldron. Hagrid held the door open and harry walked in. it was like night and day, from the outside it looked almost derelict but on the inside, it was a hive of activity. Scantily clad women were dragging men upstairs, waitresses wearing tight little hotpants and bras were thrusting their cleavage into customers faces for bigger tips. To the back of the pub was a stage, upon it was a naked suspended in mid-air by magic, facing the ceiling, hands bound behind her back, legs spread as far as they'd go. Harry watched dumbstruck as a man walked on the stage with a magnum of champagne. Harry was rooted to the spot, he could vaguely hear Hagrid talking in the background. The crowd in front of the stage started cheering wildly. The man waved his wand and the naked woman started to rotate so her cunt was facing the crowd. The crowd was really excited now. Harry didn't know what was happening but he put his hand in his pocket to hide his hard on. The man on stage popped the champagne cork then quickly shoved the neck of the bottle inside her and began furiously fucking her with it. He pulled the bottle out and the girl sprayed the crowd with the champagne, men were jumping trying to catch it in their mouths.

Hagrid pulled harry back towards the bar. "and this is Harry fucking potter." Said Hagrid patting harry on the shoulder with such force that he hit the deck. Harry jumped straight back to his feet, all of a sudden he was surrounded by a gaggle of witches and wizards, all trying to reach out and shake his hand or grope him, unfortunately for harry, he still had a raging hard on from the champagne show, "Doris Crockford, so pleased to meet you Mr potter." Said a very old witch with one tooth whistling in the wind and a huge hairy wart on her chin. Harry was so packed in by well-wishers that he couldn't escape. "oooo he likes me." Shouted the old witch as she grabbed his hard cock through his trousers, harry couldn't take his eyes off her wart. She stared vigorously rubbing his cock. She dropped to her knees, pulled out his cock and started sucking. Harry could feel her snaggle tooth on his shaft but he couldn't help but enjoy it, the woman could suck a golf ball through a hose pipe. Feeling harry getting close, she pulled her head back and finished harry all over her face. The crowd started cheering and applauding. Doris was pulled into the crowd, cum dripping off her wart. People were know trying to lick her face. One man shouted, "I tasted Potter!". Harry stood there a little flustered, trying to put his cock away. "ah professor." Said Hagrid wheeling harry round to look at a rather short, pale man. He looked positively terrified. "Mr p-p-p-p-potter. P-p-p-professor Quirrell. P-p-p-pleasure." He didn't reach for a handshake as he was holding his glass in both hands. "hello." Said harry. "this stuttering pasty fuckwit is going to be one of your teachers, if we ever make out of this fucking pub." Said Hagrid getting impatient. "I shall leave to g-g-g-g-g-get on then hag-g-g-." "oh fucks sake, spit it out you cunting moron." Roared Hagrid, he made Quirrell jump so hard he dropped his glass and it smashed on the floor. "fuck this." Said Hagrid grabbing harry by the scruff of his neck and launching him through a back door, he flew face first into an old, cobbled brick wall breaking his glasses. "you clumsy little waste of spunk." Hagrid said as he picked harry off the floor. Harry stood there, his nose bleeding slightly, wondering what on earth they were doing in a shitty little courtyard covered in dogshit.

He looked around while Hagrid fumbled in his pockets. Harry counted 5 empty cocaine wraps, 3 discarded syringes and 19 used condoms, 11 of them had shit streaks on them. While Hagrid still rummaging and cursing under his breath, harry heard people taking, he took a sidestep to try and see round the fire escape to see who was talking. He could see a man and woman having a hushed argument. The man was quite smartly dressed in a muggle suit that looked quite expensive. The woman looked as if she hadn't slept in days, she was wearing robes that had been pulled down to expose her saggy breasts, she was very skinny and her eyes were sunken. Looking at her, harry guessed that all the paraphernalia around the floor were hers. "if you want the fucking money, you'll do it." Harry heard the man say. "ok but please don't get it in my again" said the woman almost pleading. "I'll aim where I fucking please. Now get on your knees you fucking skank." Harry watched as the woman slowly dropped to her knees, a look of defeat on her face. "hands behind your back, open your mouth and don't fucking move, you flinch, you get no money. Got it?" said the man taking out his cock. Harry moved a little more to get a better view. A stream of piss started to hit the woman in the face, he was completely covering her, filling her mouth, and swivelling his hips to drench her. Harry had never seen someone piss so much. "fucking swallow it." The woman gulped and he filled her mouth again, the stream started dying down and with 2 final squirts aimed straight into her eye, the man shook his cock and put it away. He took 2 large gold coins out of his pocket and threw them into the puddle of piss in front of the woman. She was trying to dry her eyes on the back of her robes. The man walked past harry and gave him a little wink. "alright there Clifford, been pissing on Cathy crack again?" said Hagrid shaking the man's hand. "well, since you fucked her in the arse haggers, you kinda ruined her for everyone else." Said Clifford as Hagrid chuckled. "I mean, she can't fuck so there's her livelihood gone, Tom won't rent her a room because she can't earn enough, so he lets her stay under the fire escape for a blowjob a day." "what can I say, she agreed to let me fuck her. No guilt on my part." Said Hagrid shrugging. "I'm not complaining. I get to do what I want for next to fuck all." Both men started laughing and harry could hear muffled sobs from under the fire escape, he felt a little sorry for her.