chapter 6

Chapter 6

"nice of you to fucking show up." Said a bleary-eyed Hagrid. He swayed slightly on the spot. Harry thought he had obviously had a good time in the pub. "I got here the same time as you." Said harry a little indignant. "not the fucking point is it?" said Hagrid falling back slightly into the wall. The window of Ollivanders visibly shook a little as he made contact. "sorry." Said harry looking at the floor, tensing his body ready for the blow. But it never came. "as it happens, I don't mind. Because of you shitlips. I haven't paid for a single sodding drink all afternoon." Said Hagrid resting his hands on his knees, he looked like he was trying not to throw up. "because of me?" said harry looking up at him. "yes, you. Keep telling you, you thick piece of slug slime. You're fucking famous. People want to know about you." Said Hagrid burping and throwing up a little in his mouth. "what did you tell them." Asked harry. "pack of lies. You're a bit of a boring cunt. Anyway fuck off in there and leave me alone for a bit." Said Hagrid trying his hardest to keep everything in. harry, not wanting another vomit shower, hastily headed into the she shop.

Harry wasn't sure it actually was a shop. The tinkling of bell above the door announced his arrival. He stood in the middle of a very dusty room, no shelves, no furniture, just a doorway which a beaded curtain, the kind your mum had in the nineties to keep the flies out of the kitchen, or the sort that leads to the back room of a seedy Arab sex shop, the kind that sells the worst kind of porn.

"won't keep you long." Came a raspy voice from beyond the door. Before harry could even answer a thin, bedraggled old man, who looked to harry to be about a hundred years old, shuffled into the dusty room. "ah, Mr Potter. I thought I'd be seeing you." Said the old man pushing Harry's fringe aside to reveal his scar. "erm. Who are you?" asked harry, a little unnerved in this man's company. "I am Ollivander. Maker of the finest wands known to wizard kind. Now, you need to be weighed and measured. Please, remove your clothes." "remove my clothes. But why?" asked harry taken aback. "accurate measurements are key Mr Potter." Said Ollivander a bit more enthusiastically than harry liked. He slowly began to undress. "too slow, I'm a busy man Mr Potter." And with a flick of his wand, all of Harry's clothes were neatly folded on a newly appeared chair. He quickly covered his cock with his hands. "arms out Mr Potter and legs spread if you please." Said Ollivander pointing his wand first at harry making him stand in the star position, then at a tape measure. Which sprung to life and floated towards harry, who through gritted teeth said. "I can't move." "I know, much easier to measure." Said Ollivander winking at him. The tape measure was going about its work, acting almost like a tailor. Arms, legs, space between the eyes and cock length. While the tape was doing its thing, Ollivander had gone to the back and returned with armfuls of thin narrow boxes. The tape measure was hovering near Harry's cock, it appeared to be waiting for something. Harry could hear Hagrid outside, finally giving in and throwing up, he could only move his eyes and he watched Ollivander shuffle towards him. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He wheezed, seemingly talking to the tape measure. He stood in front of harry, slightly to the side. He gently started stroking Harry's cock. Harry began to protest. "exact measurements Mr Potter." Said Ollivander cutting harry off. The tape measure was almost vibrating with anticipation. "slow starter eh?" said Ollivander stroking Harry's semi hard cock. "not to worry, we have ways to help." And without warning, Ollivander pushed his finger straight up Harry's arse, twirling it, drawing it out and then pushing deeper. Harry was instantly hard and the tape measure got to work. Length and girth. Ollivander let go and concentrated on Harry's arsehole. The tape floated away to Ollivanders pocket and with one final push, harry came harder than he had ever done in his life. Ropes of cum lined the floor. "curiouser and curiouser." Said Ollivander pulling his finger from harry and raising it to his mouth. "what is?" said harry, the spell was lifted and his body sagged a little. Harry stared at Ollivander as he licked and sucked his finger clean. Harry started to gather his clothes when his attention was drawn by two rats scurrying across the floor and start aping up Harry's cum.

"you see Mr Potter, I remember every cock I stroked. None are ever the same, sometimes the differences are subtle. But there nonetheless." Said Ollivander watching harry dress and now sniffing his finger. "so" said harry, noticing that his clothes were clean. He no longer had giant puke in his underwear. "so. Mr Potter. Your cock has a twin. The wizard that gave you that scar. Is your cock twin. Very curious indeed." "but what does that mean." Asked harry confused as fuck. "no idea, I just said it's curious. Here's your wand. Remember. That box will not open until you reach school. You're not allowed to do magic yet. Good day Mr potter." Said Ollivander handing him a box and shuffling towards the back, slipping slightly on the spunk.

Harry left the shop a little confused, wand safely in his magic bag. Hagrid was laying on the floor fast asleep, a huge puddle of piss all around him. Harry thought this was time for a little revenge for all the spunk and vomit he had been covered in. He stood by Hagrid's head, had a little look around to make sure the coast was clear, squatted down and strained with all his might, almost instantly the side of Hagrid's face was pebble dashed. Harry managed to curl out a steamer that looked like a Mr whippy, directly into Hagrid's ear. He quickly wiped his arse on Hagrid's beard, which was so wiry it almost tore his ring piece to shreds.

Harry took off running back to the leaky cauldron. Figuring he'd just wait for Hagrid there. As he walked through the archway, Cathy crack was still there. Harry invited her into the pub with him. "I'm harry Potter. They won't say no." said harry when Cathy tried to protest. They sat in the pub, eating, and drinking together, waiting for Hagrid. Harry had paid for a twin room for him and Cathy to stay in until he left for Hogwarts.