chapter 10

Chapter 10

"what in the living fuck?" cried McGonagall as she and the greasy haired teacher ran into the dorm followed by toad boy. They stood and surveyed the room. Ron was stood there his cock steadily growing bigger, "it was an accident" he kept repeating. The other boy that came in was sat wide eyed with shock, still with his cock in his hand. Padma was cradling what was left of her sister. Harry was just laying back trying to catch his breath after nutting in Padma's arse. "everybody out. Professor snape would you take this one to the hospital wing?" said McGonagall looking at Ron in disgust. Ron's cock had reached about six foot in length and two feet across. Snape, the greasy haired teacher, and toad boy grabbed Ron under the shoulders. The other boy got the job of carrying his massive member.

Harry had to stay and explain to McGonagall what happened. As he was talking Mr filch and madam pomfrey the school nurse had come in. Padma was led away by the nurse and Mr filch began clearing up with a shovel and a wet vac. A small army of strange little creatures bustled into the room and began to scrub the guts off the walls and ceiling. The interrogation had finished and harry headed off to the hospital wing to see what was happening with Ron. "he is not to have visitors. The headmaster is with him." Said the nurse poking her head round the door. Harry had no choice but to head back to the common room. He tried to ignore the paintings shouting abuse at him. "speccy cunt" "saggy bag of dick tips." Were just some of the things he had to put up with. "hey harry." Came a voice from behind. It was Hermione, jogging to catch up. "is it true about Parvati?" she asked a little breathless. Harry filled her in about the whole gory debacle. The story had taken them all the way to the portrait. "spunk bubble" said Hermione. The password had changed. The fat lady swung forward, there was a lot of noise coming from the common room. The clambered through the hole. It seemed the whole of Gryffindor house was still up and they were all cheering for something. Harry and Hermione squeezed to the front of the crowd, the students had formed a ring, and in the centre were two of the creatures harry had seen earlier. "place your bets. Red towel or green towel." Shouted one of the Weasley twins while the other took coins and handing out slips. "what are they?" harry asked Hermione. "house elves. Like slaves that work for the castle." She said rummaging in her pockets. "two galleons on red." Shouted Hermione. "good choice." Said the twin handing her a betting slip and taking her money. "want to make it interesting potter?" asked the twin jingling his bag of money. "sure. Two on green." Said harry winking at Hermione and taking his slip. "good man. It's about to start." He said walking over to his twin. "they don't look very happy do they?" harry said. "probably not, but they have to do as they're ordered. COME ON RED." "ladies and gentlemen. Are we ready?" shouted the twins in unison. The crowd cheered "FIGHT" cried the twins.

The demeanour of the elves changed, suddenly they were raging snarling beasts. They charged at each other, little fists flailing. There was a howl of pain as reds fist connected with greens eye. Hermione cheered loudly. They carried on punching, kicking, biting, and scratching each other. Both bloody, both exhausted. Red picked up a lamp and twatted green around the head. Green collapsed to the floor. Out cold. "we have a winner." Shouted the twins holding up the victors arms. "now pick him up and fuck off." Said Fred to the elf. With a look of relief, the elf staggered over, picked up his fallen foe and with a snap of his fingers vanished into thin air. "I won, I won." Squealed Hermione jumping up and down with excitement. "well done." Said harry kissing her on the cheek and squeezing her butt.

Hermione looked flustered for second then went off to join the queue to collect her winnings. Harry decided he had had enough of the day and started to head up the stairs. He walked into his dorm and was surprised to see it was spotless, like nothing had happened. "there was something strange though. All Ron's stuff had gone. He stood staring for a while. "didn't you hear?" asked toad boy as he walked into the room. "Ron got expelled. Neville by the way." He said holding his hand out. Harry shook it. "really?" "yeah. I stayed in the hospital wing. Shock, they said. Dumbledore came in and expelled him." Said Neville as he started to change into his pyjamas. "what about his?" "cock." Neville finished. "they managed to drain it but it wouldn't shrink. They had to wrap it round him like a weird fleshy toga." Said Neville. He was actually now wearing Teletubby pyjamas. Harry let out a little giggle at the thought of Ron dressed in his own dick. Harry changed into his own pyjamas and climbed into bed. "night" he said as pulled his curtains shut.