chapter 11

Chapter 11

Harry woke the next morning to an empty dorm. "fuck" he said to himself. He had slept in. he dressed as quickly as he could and bolted from the room. He ran as fast as could down to the dungeons where he had potions. He passed a ghost which had his head poking through the wall of the girls toilet. It was quite a strange sight watching a ghost leave luminous spunk dribbling down the wall. He flew round the corner, ran face first into a suit of armour which promptly called him a dopey cunt. Harry finally made it to his classroom and burst through the door. The class were all working quietly by their cauldrons. They all turned to look at him. Malfoy sneered and Hermione looked at him with pity. "potter." Hissed snape. "I don't care how famous you are. You do not fucking disrespect me by walking in whenever you fucking well please." I'm sorry." Harry said looking at the floor. Snape had an aura of hate permeating from. "silence. I will show all of you what happens to failed abortions who disrupt my class. Come here potter." Snape said as he walked back to his desk. As harry walked up to the desk, which seemed to take an eternity, snape conjured up a cauldron and was filling it with a strange gloopy liquid. "this is all the semen the house elves have cleaned from the dorms in the week." As snape finished he grabbed harry by the hair and forced his face into the spunk filled cauldron. With the suddenness of snapes movement harry didn't have chance to close his mouth. Snape held his head in the musty mess for an age, filling Harry's ears and nostrils. "now let that be a lesson to all of you. I will not tolerate lateness." Said snape as pulled harry out and threw him bodily away from him. "now sit down and don't you fucking dare wipe it off." Spat snape.

Harry sloped over to join Hermione, the goo starting to run inside his collar. "is that really man milk?" asked Hermione as he sat down. "take a guess." Said harry sarcastically. Hermione wiped her finger across one of his lenses. "what are you doing?" harry said pulling away. Hermione didn't answer she simply raised her finger to her mouth and tasted it with the tip of her tongue. She promptly turned and threw up in her cauldron, ruining her potion. "yep, definitely is." She said wiping her mouth on her cuff. Harry just stared at her. "I like to know things." She said as if nothing had happened.

Snape was walking around checking everyone's potions. Malfoy seemed to be his favourite, his hair colouring potion was a pale shade of purple when it was supposed to be blonde, yet he still got nine out of ten. Neville scraped a four. He reached harry and Hermione's table. It was a bubbling grey mess, thanks to Hermione's puke. "well, let's see what the famous one has produced." Said snape to Harry's horror. "if this potion is done correctly, your hair should turn a shimmering blonde. If not. Well we'll see." Snape said with a smirk. Harry stood up ready to accept his fate. "not you." Said snape as he grabbed Hermione under the arm and lifted her from her seat. Hermione looked terrified, which seemed to please snape. "now, let's see if this has been made, ummm, correctly." Snape said as he dipped a spoon into the cauldron. He lifted it to Hermione's lips. "open wide." Said snape as held Hermione's jaw. She did as she was told, she tried her best not to gag as the thick warm slime hit the back of her throat. "now, let's see what happens." Said snape letting her go and walking back to the head of the class. Hermione stood trembling, not knowing what would happen. Harry sat with apprehension, but nothing seemed to be happening. After a nerve-racking couple of minutes, and a very disappointed snape. Hermione sat down. But she jumped straight back up with a yelp of pain. Harry watched as Hermione grabbed hold of the desk, slightly bent over, a pained expression on her face. The back of her skirt started to lift, seemingly of its accord. The whole class watched, opened mouthed. Snape looked eager with excitement. As the skirt got higher it transpired that Hermione had incredible legs, so toned and smooth. Higher and higher went the skirt, revealing her underwear. To harry, Hermione never seemed like a thong kind of girl, but hear was the evidence for the entire class to see. A lacey black thong. Harry felt his cock getting harder, Hermione's arse was so peachy, she looked fucking great.

Obviously harry wasn't the only one to think so, two desks behind Hermione, one of the girls, harry noticed, had started to breathe a little heavier, he drew his eyes away from Hermione's perfect cheeks and ducked his head a little to look under the desk. The girl had lifted her skirt, her hand in her underwear, she was staring at Hermione and frantically flicking the bean. Harry wasn't the only one to notice, Neville had slipped under his desk while everyone's attention was on Hermione and crawled over to watch the girl up close, he was on his knees, cock in hand, dribbling while he watched and wanked furiously. He soon came all over the girls shoes and crawled away. The girl didn't even notice, she was too fixated on her own orgasm, staring hard at Hermione faster and harder she made her fingers work faster and harder, her body bucking slightly as she came. She collapsed into her seat, breathless and flustered.

Hermione on the other hand was not enjoying the situation, sprouting from the small off her back, was hair, not bushy like the hair on her head but straight and within a few seconds a glorious golden tail had formed, the kind you see on thoroughbred ponies. "well well well." Said snape highly amused. "with the teeth and now a tail, miss granger seems to be becoming the pony every little girl dreams of." The whole class laughed at snapes joke. Hermione had tears streaking her face. Harry felt a little sorry for her and got up, pulled out his wand, walked behind her, pointed his wand at her skirt. A hole appeared at the top and harry put his hand through it, grabbed the tail and pulled it through. He lowered her skirt. "thank you." She whispered. "ten points from Gryffindor." Said snape walking towards them. "I never told you to help her." Snape said cutting harry off before he tried to protest. "detention. For both of you." "but why?" harry complained. "for turning my classroom into a circus. Now take your show pony and get out. Class dismissed." Said snape turning away from them. The class, disappointed that Hermione had been covered up, started to gather their things, and head out the door. "what the fuck is that?" harry heard a girl shriek. "these were new fucking shoes" she said angrily. Neville shuffled past in a hurry, very red in the face.