WebNovelEsper war80.00%

Chapter 4

After a few hours, they had finally arrived back at their base which was the Thetis kingdom with a giant wall built around it, and the wall was stocked with defensive weapons from cannons, to whole turrets and after the guards sitting on top of towers saw their truck they had the doors opened and allowed the truck to drive through and enter the city and once they did they drove to their base and parked the truck after passing the door then it closed they closed them behind it 

Vexx left the truck first followed by the guards and both of the espers and when they did a man with medals on his chest walked to them, this man was also bald with a big mustache and a cigar

Vexx stepped to him and saluted "General Leonard, it is good to see you well." he said 

Leonard chuckled "The same goes to you Vexx, I was sure today would be the day you bite the dust on the battlefield." he said 

Vexx smirked "You trained me better than that sir, it'll take a lot more than you think to kill me." he said making Leonard laugh out loud 

Once Leonard stopped laughing he looked behind Vexx and at the espers "how about him? he give you any trouble?" he asked 

Vexx looked back "Only a bit, I'm just glad I'll take a break from his presence." he said 

Leonard looked back at Vexx "Why are you back here at the base? I never saw you as one to take a break from battles." he said 

"I'm here to drop off the new weapon we got." Vexx said then Leonard looked back behind him to see a girl in cuffs being guarded by two guards 

"You found a second esper?" Leonard asked and Vexx nodded "Now that's impressive, I'll have some guard escort it to a room where we'll ask it some questions and see where it came from, while you're here you might as we rest up along with your soldiers." he said

Vexx nodded "Alright, I leave it in your hands." he said then he walked away

Leonard walked to Lilias "Hm, so you're the new weapon." he said then he grabbed her chin roughly and looked her over "A bit young but it doesn't matter, as long as you're useful on the battlefield, that's all we'll care about." he said then he let go making her rub her chin a bit "Follow me, we're taking her to be questioned." he said to the guards then he walked off with the guards following behind 


A young woman was drinking her tea and looking out the window at the beautiful sky when a knock came to her door and she turned to it 

"Come in." she said 

A guard walked in and bowed "Your highness, Commander Vexx has returned from battle." he said 

She smiled "Does that mean his esper is also back from battle?" she asked 

"Yes, your highness." the guard said 

"Tell the others that I want to see the esper." she said 

The guard raised his head "Are you sure your highness? it is an esper we are talking about." he said 

She nodded "Yes, I am sure, bring the esper here." she said 

"As you wish." he said then he left the room 

-Back at the others-

Rathal waited by the truck with nothing else to do since they took Lilias and Vexx went off to relax, then a guard walked up to him 

"Esper, the princess requests your presence, follow me." the guard said so Rathal did as he was told and followed the guard 

Rathal followed the guard all through the castle and as he passed by both guards and maids he could hear whispers and he knew who they were about but he didn't let it bother him then they eventually came to a door where the guard lets him in and in the room sat a woman who looked to be only nineteen years old, she had red-colored waterfall styled hair and wore a brown dress

The guard walked forward and bowed "The esper is here your highness." he said 

She smiled "Thank you, you're dismissed." she said and the guard nodded then left the room leaving Rathal and the princess alone then she stood up "It has been a while, hasn't it esper?" she asked 

"it sure has, you look like you've been doing well, your highness." Rathal said 

She giggled "Come on Rathal, you and I both know you hate being so formal." she said 

Rathal chuckled "You mean I can't be a gentleman every once in a while?" he said 

"You? be a gentleman? I think the only time that will happen is when this war finally ends." she said 

Rathal gasped "Now you just hurt my feelings." he said 

"Good, I say it was about time you got a taste of your own medicine." she said 

"So rude, and they call you a princess?" Rathal said 

"Yes they do and you better watch yourself or else I'll have you thrown in the dungeons." she said 

"You wouldn't dare." Rathal said 

She narrowed her eyes at him "Try me." she said 

After Rathal stared her straight in the eyes both of them eventually started chuckled then laughing out loud then she walked over and hugged Rathal 

"Oh how I missed this, it's been nothing but work these days, it's good to see you alright Rathal." she said 

Rathal hugged back "Same to you Freya." he said then both of them let go and sat in the chairs next to the window "So, your siblings give you any trouble?" he asked 

Freya sighed "You already know the answer to that, they are just so annoying sometimes." she said 

Rathal smirked "You know, my offer to take care of them is still up." he said 

Freya giggled "As much as I would love seeing that, we still need them if we want to win this war, by the way, have your powers changed in any way while you've been gone?" she asked 

"Nope, still the same old, same old, Though at this point I wouldn't mind something new." Rathal said then he eyed the teacup and levitated it over to him along with the tea then he poured himself some 

"Are you really going to drink tea?" Freya asked 

Rathal shrugged "Who knows, maybe one day I might actually like it so I want to see if today is that day." he said then he brought the cup up to him and took a sip but immediately spat it back out "Nevermind, today is not that day." he said 

Freya giggled then poured herself a new cup "You just need to give it a few more chances, I'm sure it'll grow on you one day." she said then she took a sip herself 

Ratha shook his head "I doubt that." he said and after she took another sip she set her cup down "Oh yeah, we found another esper." he said 

Freya gasped "Really?" she asked and Rathal nodded "What were they like? what did they look like? what's their name? what's their power? where are they now?" she asked 

"In order, I'm not really sure, she had blonde hair which went down to her shoulders, her name is Lilias, and her power is mind manipulation, and she is with general Leonard being questioned." Ratha said 

"This esper is a girl?" Freya asked and Rathal nodded then she stood up and walked to her dresser where she pulled out a notebook and wrote in it "This is amazing, my first time learning about another esper, I can't wait to meet her to." she said 

Rathal looked over at her "Another question, How is the law going?" he asked 

Freya looked over at him then frowned "It's not going so well, there are many who still oppose it, but I'm not giving up just yet." she said 

Rathal smikred "That's good, I can't believe these people though, I might as well hurt a few of them so that way if there are still people who oppose it, they'll change their mind." he said 

"You won't hurt me though, right?" Freya asked 

"Of course not, I'm not stupid." Rathal said 

"That's debatable." Freya said making Rathal narrow his eyes at her as she giggled then she put her notebook back in her dresser and rejoined Rathal at the table "Now that question time is over, you should relax before going back out there, this might be your only time to." she said 

"I have been relaxed, do you know how uncomfortable to seats in the truck are? I'm just glad to finally be able to sit somewhere comfortable." Rathal said making Freya giggle again and just as she was going to say something else her door was opened by a man who wore a general outfit with medals on it, he was tall with dark red hair and he also carried a sword on him 

"Sister, I ha-." he cut himself off once he saw Rathal "What is this thing doing in the same room as you?" he asked 

Rathal stared at him "Sup Reggy." he said 

"You know my name is Reginald." Reginald said but Rathal just shrugged then he pulled out his sword "What are you doing in the same room as my sister? you damn freak." he asked but Rathal simply shrugged so he swung his sword at him which was stopped by Rathal "I swear if you were planning on hurting her or doing anything with her, I'll have you executed." he said 

Freya walked between the sword and Rathal "Stop Reginald, I invited him to my room so he's allowed to be here." she said 

Reginald looked at Freya "Sister, what have I told you? talking to this thing will only decrease your own social standing with the other royals, besides, a freak like him doesn't deserve to be in the presence of any royals." he said 

"That's enough Reginald, now how about you tell me why you came into my room uninvited?" Freya said 

"I came because father has requested your presence and also mine and our sister's." Reginald said 

Freya sighed then turned back to Rathal "Looks like relaxation will have to come later, if you're still here when I'm done with father I wouldn't mind some company." she said 

Rathal shrugged "Sure." he said 

Reginald tried pulled his sword and right when he was about to pull extra hard Rathal let go of it making him fall back then he stood back up and glared at Rathal who simply shrugged while Freya giggled at him "Annoying bug." he said then he sheathed his sword "Come sister, we shouldn't be late." he said 

Freya rolled her eyes "I'm coming, see you later Rathal." she said as she followed Reginald out of the room

"Well great, now I'm bored, guess I might as well return to the truck." Rathal said to himself then he left the room.