Chapter 3:

   These news rocked the world, it was the topic of everyone and everywhere: electronic newspapers, TVs, social media, on the streets, between people; in all the sides of the world THE GARDIAN newspapers of that day were the most seen and shared, at last and for the first time the headmistress was happy from David's job but what was missing that day is David's presence to celebrate his success, in that time he was still sleeping and didn't wake up yet, Theo was trying to call him to announce the good news but he got no answers, he thought that maybe he was tired and got a rest so he didn't insist; the next day was the same thing, David was still absent and there was no signal from him that he is still alive what made Theo worry and went to his house to check on him. After a long time of knocking on the door and 20 missing calls David woke up and let Theo in finally.

•"Dude what's wrong with you? I've called you thousand times and there was no sign of you for two days.

•Sorry Theo I was asleep, actually you woke me up...I'm so tired after travelling to France.

•(shocked) Wow!! You slept for 2 days? What the hell? You surely are sick, first of all you were bloodless and in a miserable situation when you came back and now you slept for 2 days! We need to visit a

•No way, I'm just tired I'll get a rest and be fine, chill out.

•Even if I don't believe you and not comfortable by your choice but I'm sure hearing that will do you well, your article did a disaster in the world, everyone is talking about it, the world is amazed by what they just saw and knew, the phone wasn't stopping ringing to ask you questions about it but the most good one is that your sweetheart is so glad by your work and I guess you'll get a promotion, congrats you're famous now.

•Wow! That happened in just 2 days? Awesome, very good news thanks a lot it really does me well only one remark, she's not my sweetheart, don't make me regret that I told you about her.

•Relax I'm just kidding, anyway take care see you tomorrow and don't be in this state or I'll move you to a hospital directly".

   Theo left and David got back to his bed and slept. With the alarm of the morning David got up preparing himself to a new day of his life and left to the newsroom, there were glad faces to see him and obviously sad envy faces, those of jealousy and hate, no one can be loved by everyone, so David went to his boss' office to discuss the article and the world's reaction, he obviously knocked on the door before getting in; Ms. DWAN received him with an attitude on her face, she told him coldly: "Well mister NICKOLS, you got holidays after your article, we surly didn't miss your face but you got no permission to be absent; no need to give your excuses I'll forgive you only this time because you did a not bad work, unfortunately I must admit that I'm glad by what you did and for that you got a promotion, you're now the responsible of science fiction part which means when the other science fiction's workers do something you check it and see if it's necessary for me to check it or not, that's all I wanted to say and we're celebrating tomorrow evening, be there at 7p.m... Now go back to work and don't forget I'm watching you very close". David rolled his eyes annoyed and pissed off by her arrogance, sighed and went to begin his new mission with big responsibilities, in his way out he obviously found his best friend waiting for him to know what happened, he told him that he got promoted and became responsible of science fiction part and he got ordered to start immediately so he obeyed.

   The party time came, David was prepared and was waiting for Theo to come and go together; 7p.m they were in the party, they went to get a drink when they saw their boss a little far with some people waving to their direction and before Theo changed his direction he said: "Here is your lady Ms. Alexandra DWAN waiting for you to make her fun complete, come man don't let her wait too much you're the man of the party this time, catch you later" David left to Alexandra's direction with an annoyed look on his face expecting the worst; his boss introduced him to all the important people in the evening and told him that the party was on his honour, everyone admired the great job he did by being able to write that article and have such information with such photos and asked him to tell his experience in FRANCE; the evening went good, David had a lot of discussions with all the other journalists and supervisors of newspapers...etc and Theo had fun, enjoyed his time and the food and to finish the party there were light games in the sky(the light game is like fireworks but they stay longer in the sky and make shapes or write words), that was a happy thing for everyone except David, the sound of the lights was bothering him a lot, he felt like it was in his head and it was going to explode, he tried to resist but for nothing the pain was more and more painful what made him leave the party and go back to his house as fast as possible.