Chapter 4:

David doubted that there was something wrong with him after he touched the shiny stone in FRANCE, he was feeling weird, sick, tired, sleepy and now can't stand noise but he kept convincing himself to be positive and that it was just a bad period and it'll pass so he went to get some sleep to get better. David passed the rest of the week-end home reading books in his bed making himself away of lights, people, noise, news and social media but very soon the week-end finished and Monday came to get back to work, he woke up as usual and left to the newsroom, in his way to get to his taxi, an old woman came and asked him to let her take that taxi because she's in hurry and didn't have the time to ask for one online so Dav unconsciously said "yes", he had the habit of accepting anyone's ask for help without thinking and it doesn't bother him; everything was normal, he asked for another taxi and went to the newsroom where he met his best friend before getting to work.

• "Hola amigo, como estás? (Hello friend, how are you?)

• I'm fine and you?

• No I'm not.

• Why? What's wrong with you?

• I... actually...the reality is that...I mean...

• Oh god, just ask what you want, I know you need something so hurry I don't have the whole day.

• Okay, listen you're the only one I can count on, you're my only best friend, no actually you're my brother I...

• Theo, just finish it.

• (he answered very fast) fine I need your house to make a party, I promised my friends that I'll have a night to have fun and I promised them that you'll meet them, they saw your article and wanted to see you to know more details about it that's why they required your house so please and please say yes, I'm your brother.

• Yes.

• Wow! I didn't expect you to accept with this fast.

• Wait, wait, nothing of that is happening in my house I don't know how I said yes but out of the question, it's definitely yes...(confused) it's not what I wanted to say, the answer is yes...(angry) oh god that word doesn't stop coming of my mouth.

• Hey man what's all this? You say yes then you refuse, I didn't get anything, is it yes or no?

• It's yes... (Whispers) not again. Listen Theo, forget the idea you know me I don't like those irresponsible parties and I really can't stand noise and since when do you have friends to invite to a party? Never mind don't answer that, take care see you later".

With these words he left his friend wondering what just happened and what he just did; by the day, he tried to find what happened earlier and what was the problem with pronouncing the word "no", he kept trying to repeat it with himself but he couldn't, it's like he never learned this word or never said it, he just sighed when he saw his boss in front of him, he said to himself that the day can't get worse than that.

• "Is there any problem ma'am?

• I'm just checking my employees, do you mind Mr. NICKOLS?

• Yes"

They both looked at each other eyes widen, no one of them expected the answer; David turned nervous after he found what he just said; after all, that will provoke the attitude of the mistress so he added: "It's not what I wanted to say I swear, none of my business" Alexandra left immediately with anger on her face without adding a word as to avoid problems. The man was surprised by the boss' reaction but more by his answer, he was whispering alone: "What the hell was that Dav? Do you want your end after your beginning or what? You were so lucky she just left, just hope she won't make you pay for it later you idiot; oh god, after all what happened this week now I can't control what I'm saying, great awesome that was all what was missing this week, I just hope the day ends without any more troubles; damn".

What happened from the beginning of the day didn't get out of David's mind, he couldn't focus on his work and he was worried from what could happen later, it may get worse so he decided to go and have some fresh air and buy a coffee to relax; he had a small walk and got himself a coffee, things were good so far, he was deep in thoughts when he bumped into a woman and ruined her dress with the coffee.

• "I'm so sorry ma'am.

• Damn, are you blind or what?

• Yes... I mean yes; (annoyed) oh god not again.

• (angry) Not again? You just ruined my new beautiful dress and I'm supposed to go on a date, how am I going now with this state? And you are the one complaining? And...Are you making fun of me? You're clearly not blind so don't make fun of me saying you're blind.

• It's not that I'm making fun, it's just...

• Oh really? Then why the 'yes'?

• That's exactly the problem. Anyway I'm really sorry I didn't mean it, now I really have to go before another disaster happens.

• (Shouting) where are you going like that mister? Come back here, what am I going to do with my dress now and my date? I'll make you pay for this, you idiot".

David was hearing those words while he was rushing to the office, he left the woman over there shouting on him, he couldn't explain the situation because himself didn't get it, that made him more anxious and nervous, with all what's been happening he got afraid to meet anyone or talk to anybody. Once he was in the office, he took his affairs to go back home, he didn't care about the fact he'll have trouble because of leaving the office before the time as he cared about avoiding people before him getting in trouble more than that but unfortunately for him it wasn't his lucky day, in his way he met Miss DWAN, David's worst nightmare, he sighed annoyed.

• (With an arrogant voice) "Mister David NICKOLAS, are you going somewhere?

• Yes, I am ma'am.

• And... Did your working time finish?

• Yes".

Dav made a face as to say 'oh please not again' and Alexandra stayed a moment with eyes widen then said:

• "What's wrong with you today? Now you're lying too, is your other work worth to lie Mister NICKOLAS?

• Yes. I mean...(sighed)look ma'am I really can't explain what's happening but I really need to leave now, promise I'll make it up later".

Dav left and the mistress was saying to herself: "Why the hell did I give him the job from the first place? He's just hitting on my nerves"; on those words, she headed to her office annoyed from what happened.