Chapter 5:

The man, after getting home he went directly to his bed to sleep before anything happens, he stayed thinking about the day's events and tried to find an obvious explanations, also the source of that "yes" that didn't stop getting out of his mouth instead of "no" without him controlling it, he opened his laptop to look online for solutions or what sickness could have this symptoms but he couldn't describe his state since he didn't understand the problem so he turned it off and decided to sleep hopping it's just a nightmare from which he'll wake up.

   The next morning he woke up feeling exhausted like he didn't sleep at all, "oh! What a beginning" he said to himself, he had his breakfast and left the house; outside, there was his neighbour, an old woman.

•"Good morning David, how are you this morning?

•Good morning Aunt Margret, I'm doing well and you?

• I'm fine my son, I just need to put this new table inside, can you please help me?


   Both were shocked because no one of them expected that, David was always kind and helpful especially when it comes to his neighbours but this time he just refused to help his old neighbour and in his mind he was like: "What the hell Dav? Did you just say 'no'?" then he broke the moment of shock and silence saying awkwardly:

•"Hhh don't mind me Aunt Margret I wasn't really focusing on what you were saying I'm a little sick, and of course I'll help with pleasure.

•Oh you shocked me David (ironically) for a moment I thought you weren't the David I know hhh, it's okay god heals you and thanks for helping me that's sweat of you".

   After that, Dav was on his way to the newsroom, he kind of expected how the day will be like, if yesterday he didn't stop answering 'yes' without wanting it and this day he refused to help his neighbour what he never thought he'd do it; so now after thinking, he realized that his next problem will be answering by 'no' to every 'yes/no' questions what made him very anxious. Once he arrived to the newsroom he tried to avoid everyone and every conversation because that wouldn't be a good thing for him especially after all the events of the past day but it wasn't like he wanted, he met Theo on his way and he was with a face mixed between sadness and anger, so Dav saluted him and asked why that face and what's wrong with him, Theo answered annoyed that he promised a party to some people but his best friend refused to help him doing it and now those people are angry at him, he just wanted to get involved with some people and make some friends but everything is screwed; Dav tried to explain to Theo that he's really not in a mood to any party or stand any noise, he tried to make him understand that those people are fake, they just were coming to satisfy their curiosity they weren't coming for him he also told him that there's something wrong with him that he can't figure out but Theo wasn't really convinced he just gave "of course there's something wrong with you, you just upset me. Never mind, nothing would change now" as an answer. Then both of them got back to work not so happy. Dav was trying to focus on his work to forget at least a little what was going in his life and to keep his mind busy; after a while of working and focusing and forgetting about the wrong things that's been going on, the mistress appeared next to his desk saying: "Mr. NICKOLS I have a job for you, this time it's something different I need you to..." she turned silent after those words noticing that Dav didn't pay her any attention or looking even to her so she cleared her throat and raised her voice : "Mr. David NICKOLS!!!" Dav raised his head in surprise not expecting to find anyone in front of him.

•"Miss DWAN!...I'm so sorry, I actually didn't notice your presence I was focusing on something.

•(with arrogance) I can see that clearly mister NICKOLS, I've been here talking for 2mn and you didn't even react.

•I'm sorry... you were saying?

•I have a job for you.

•(Surprised) well... you actually did give me a job and I'm trying to do it.

•Deal with that later, I have something different, I managed to make the royals accept to have an interview with us, I know it has nothing to do with what you do but after the meteor story , they asked to send you in person, I told them it's not your stuff but they refused, they said you or nothing and I can't miss a chance like that; to be honest with you I don't trust you doing something like that and I feel that you'll ruin things, too bad I have no choice so here is a list of questions that you'll ask prepared by someone who is good in this domain and try not to make me regret it, will you?

•(Rolling his eyes) No.

•I beg your pardon?

•You heard me ma'am, no I'm not doing it, first it's not my thing as you said, you know my theme is science fiction and the unusual things that happen not an interviewer of a royal family, I'm not interested even; and yeah, I'm going to ruin things so don't take the risk".