Chapter 6:

For the first time Dav stood in the mistress' face and refused something she said, he always thought about his job before saying anything and taking in consideration their first meeting so he tolerated her but it's enough, she did cross her limits and she was on the point to make him really hate his life, add to that these last days he had too much pressure on him beginning with his flight to France and all what happened there ending with his state and answers he can't control, he's been very angry and anxious so now that he had too much of it he didn't pass it. So Alexandra said with anger and raising her voice: "It's not like you have the choice Mr. NICKOLS, you work for me and you do as I say exactly else you leave everything and get lost, in this one you do have a choice" Dav didn't bear that she raised her voice on him in the presence of all those people around, all the patience he had before has gone, he has been trying to control himself for days now but it was impossible for him to handle more so he exploded in her face: "You don't act with anyone like that, you're just rude and mean with me, you don't stalk anyone else but me, you just wait for the smallest mistake I do to humiliate me, I did a great job and I made your newspaper famous but instead of acting with me with respect and appreciate what I did you're doing like I'm your slave so now I have enough; all of this just because things went wrong between us the first day, I know that all of this just to revenge from me for what happened that day, I admit that I was wrong okay?! And I'm sorry I didn't mean it I was just nervous and it's something normal before having a meeting and since then I'm trying to make you see that I'm not like that it was just a misunderstanding, I tried to show you how I really am and to make you see my real nature but you don't give me a chance at all, your arrogance controls you and believe me if you continue like that you'll find yourself alone if it's not the case already so now that I have enough, see or be blind that's your problem; and for your job I quit, I'm not obliged to handle this anymore, I know I'm capable and I trust myself". He didn't let her say a word, he headed to the door and before leaving he added: "I'm so glad to not see your face from now on" On his way leaving, obviously he met Theo who was wondering what was all that noise and why was Davis shouting so he asked: "Hey bro! What's wrong?" Dav informed him that he left his job and Theo was so surprised asking him if he's crazy and what's the reason to do this act so Theo had his part from Dav's anger: "I have enough Theo, you're my best friend and you know everything, I did handle her too much but not anymore I'm not a toy between her hands I'm a man okay? And I won't let a woman make me look small especially not her, I was wrong I admit it but I'm a human and everyone does mistakes even her she does mistakes, who doesn't? But I'm not going to pay for it with my dignity or my honour, out of the question." Dav left and Theo behind him following him saying:

•"Hey Dav wait a sec, hear me out for a moment.

•Say what you have to say bro but don't try to convince me to go back there and apologize to have my job back, I definitely won't.

•Okay! Okay! As you want but now what? What will you do with yourself? You'll stay all the time at home? Or you'll find another job that has nothing to do with what you're made for? Tell me.

•I will find another job and that has something to do with what I'm made for.

•How? You know this is the most important newspaper in LONDON and if you're fired from here they won't accept you somewhere else.

•I don't care, I'll try my chance I'll look for a solution but I'm not staying with her and by the way, I have the FRANCE case in my side, they'll accept me for that...she needs to see that she's the one who lost not me, I've let her arrogance grow too much, I should've stopped her from the beginning.

•Fine, just relax okay?! Where are you going now?

•I don't know, I really don't know, I need to stay a little alone, I need to be with's been really a hard week and I feel so exhausted it's like there's something very heavy on my shoulders.

•If you want me to come with you I will... you know I'm here whenever you want me or need me, I'm always here for you, if you want to talk or anything.

•I'd really love to, it's been a long time we didn't set and talk and we didn't have a men night, how about tonight? You're free?

•Absolutely man, I'm in.

•(he hugs him) Thanks buddy, I'm really lucky to have you, see you tonight.

•Okay, take care.


   Dav walked not knowing where to go, he was just following his feet and Theo got back to work; there, the first one he met is his mistress, for his bad luck this time, she's like a ghost showing just when you don't want her to show, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be working black man? Hurry to your work if you don't want to follow your friend." She addressed Theo with so much anger; Theo felt hurt and humiliated with what she called him because everyone one treats him with racism so whenever his skin colour is mentioned he feels hurt, with that Theo put his eyes down and said: "Okay ma'am" and went back to his desk as his boss ordered.