Chapter 7:

  That night, Dav passed to Theo's house and they left together to a bar hoping they'll drink a little and have some fun, after all, they've been busy for days now that they didn't pass some time together to relax.

•"So... what do you want to do?" asked Dav.

•"(Upset) anything you want man, anything you want.

•Hey, what's wrong? What happened? You weren't like that this morning...why that look on your face?

•(upset)Nothing, I'm good.

•Are you lying to me now? Like I don't know you? I don't know my best friend?

•It's nothing, really; just...drop it.

•I won't and I want you to tell me what happened, now!

•(nodded) Fine. It's just the boss...


•Yeah, after you left this morning I went back to my desk and I met her.

•What did she do again?

•She told me to go back to work if I don't want to follow you and...

•And what? ...Theo and what?

•She called me "black man" she said it with a tone that made me feel like I was an insect in front of her, like I'm not a human, like I'm priceless... I... forget about it man, you can't understand.

•(furious) I definitely can understand, what the hell does she think of herself? I wasn't there to clear her anger on me so she got mad at you instead? Just don't listen to her okay, really don't answer to what she says, she's just so rude and she has no limits.

•It's easy to say, I told you you won't understand.

•I do, I feel you.

•(Shouting) You can't feel me Dav, you can't, you think you do but you can't, you don't have a black skin to feel me, everyone is looking at me with disgust, they despise me, I don't feel myself a human, it's like I don't have rights, like I did a crime and I'm walking with pride on streets and you can't understand it because you have a white skin like them, you don't feel what I do feel, you don't live what I do so don't tell me you know what I pass through...(with tears in eyes) I even wonder sometimes if you really are my best friend, if you really love me or you just pretend to, I'm... it's just... I want to live like others do, I just want to be a normal human like me like others, I just want to live at least a day without anyone looking at me with despise, I want people to judge me for what I am inside not for how I look or for my skin's colour, I just want to be me without thinking about anyone's judgement... I'm tired of pretending that everything is okay, I'm tired of pretending that what they say to me doesn't hurt me because it does and a lot, I'm tired of handling the way black people's life is but I have to and I'll keep handling. (Wiped his tears) am I asking too much Dav? Don't I have the right to live like others? Is it a crime to be born with a black skin? I didn't even have a childhood like me like normal kids, it's like we black people are cursed to not have a normal life.

•(confident) No it's not, it's not a crime to be born in a black skin, no you're not asking too much it's your right and no one can take it from you, not everyone does judge you for your skin's colour, there are people who like you for what you are I swear, and me...I love you man, I love you too much that you can't imagine maybe I don't say it but I feel it, you are my best friend, you are my brother and you count a lot for me, do never doubt in our friendship because that really hurts me and you know what? Let people go to hell, who cares about them? You are the best person I ever known and I love you no matter what, and remember my neighbour Christina? From the last party? She told me that she sees you handsome and funny and she liked you, I'm not saying that to comfort you believe me.

•Thanks bro, it really does me good to talk to you and I love you too... don't mind me, I lost control on myself, I was supposed to be here to listen to you but look where we are, I'm really sorry.

•It's okay, let's forget about it and have a beer, come on."

   The men asked for beers, they got drunk, had fun, talked and remembered the old days together, when they first met, how they became friends, the situations they used to laugh on...etc they didn't really go out together since a while, all the stress of work and Dav's trip made them busy; after midnight, they came out of the bar and chose to go to a calm and peaceful place before going home.

•"I haven't been drunk this much since a long time , I'm so happy tonight, I don't want to sleep neither want this night to end." Theo said.

•"(drunk) hhhh, I'm sorry to deceive you buddy but you have work tomorrow or our sweet lovely... no no no, not 'our', now it's only 'your'... your sweet lovely headmistress, yeah, your sweet lovely headmistress will punish you so hard if you arrive late, she may fire you too, oups... you'll be exactly like me, with no job, and you shouldn't get drunk too much, you need your full energy to handle her hahahaha." Then he left out kind of diabolic laugh to represent Alexandra a little.

•"Oh please man don't remind me of her, just her name ruins the mood automatically, you know what...I never thought that one day I'll have a nightmare in a form of a woman...honestly, I mean usually between men and women there's a sort of attraction, either it's friendship or love but this one, this one has a repulsion; actually now that we're talking about her I wonder if there's someone who loves that creature, does she have friends even?

•Hmm, that's a good question...that's a good question but I have no answer. You know what man? Let us from her, I don't want anything or anyone to ruin our mood.

•Absolutely right, right."