Chapter 8:

After moments of silence and after they both relaxed, it was already late, they had to go back home especially Theo since he's going to wake up early in the morning, luckily for them technology is high what avoids them the problems of driving, they will get home safe even after getting drunk, all what they had to do was to make a reservation online and a car will be there in 10mn to get them to the address asked.

Later after the sun rose, Dav woke up and looked at the time, it was already 2:37pm; he got out of bed with an anger face and having a terrible headache, he washed and looked for something to calm his pain, he laid on the sofa but under him there was a remote which hurt him a little in his back, he took it and threw it to the wall without thinking, he thought that it was just because of what happened the last day and the headache that he's angry; he changed and went out, it was rainy so he said to himself: "Even the weather goes as my mood does, perfect". On his way, he didn't know what to do or where to go, he just felt the need to get out of the house, he was walking under the rain looking in his mind about a memory that may make him smile or get out of his anger then he remembered the night he passed with his best friend but instead of making him happy that made him angrier so he headed straight to the newsroom he used to work in; when he got there everyone he met was surprised, he did quit yesterday and now he came back? David can't get back of a word he said, so Theo ran to him and whispered:

"• Hey dude! What are you doing here? Are you still drunk or something? If the mistress sees you she'll do another drama scene and you know that; come on, go home and I'll catch you up later.

• I'm definitely going back home but later; now, I have humanity to save, (he winks at him) see you later bro.

• Humanity to save? You're absolutely

• Yeah...perhaps".

He moved then turned to Theo and added: "Or perhaps not". Theo stayed in his place confused not knowing what happened and as for Dav, he went to Alexandra's office and grabbed her from her hand to take her with him; shocked, Alexandra didn't understand anything, for a while she was just walking and looking at him trying to figure out what was going on and all the employees were looking at them shocked; after a moment she started calling him: "Mr. NICKOLS! Mr. NICKOLS, what are you doing? Mr. NICKOLS!" but he didn't even look at her so after that, she shouted at him "David!!" he turned at her:

• ", you're hurting me" she said with attitude.

• "It's only the beginning believe me so you'd better shut up and avoid make things worse than they already are" he answered with so much anger.

• "Wowow, hold on bro; what's going on Dav? Are you okay? What are you doing man?" Theo stood up in their way trying to stop Dav from doing any stupid thing.

• "Theo just stay away of it, would you? It's time to settle the account with some arrogant people full of attitude, as I see they need some lessons so if you'll excuse us".

With these words he left with Alexandra. He took her behind the buildings so they could be alone with no one to disturb them, they were under the rain with no umbrella and then he started talking with a lot of anger without controlling it: "Now you know what? Just pray to your god I won't lose control of myself because that would be the worst thing that may ever happen to you; I just want to know what the hell do you think of yourself, huh? When you behave like that with a lot of arrogance and attitude, do you think you're better than all of us? That there's no one above you? That there's no one important other than you? Well let me get this right to your little mind once and for all, you are no more than the others, you are no more than us, every person has his specialities and abilities and has something that defines him and him only but the way you behave with people is like you're the queen and we all are slaves working for your highness but you know what? I'm done with this, I'm done with your acts and the way you are, I'm done with the way you treat people, I'm done with everything that concerns you and I'm done with you, I can't stand you or your acts any longer than I did so now my patience is over." Alexandra opened her mouth to try defend herself but that was useless he cut her immediately saying: "No no no, I didn't finish yet and I don't think I'll finish today at all because you need a lot and a lot of lessons then maybe, I'm not pretty sure but maybe you'll understand a little bit what I want to say and make you feel what you made people feel, you've hurt a lot of people including my best friend Theo, you called him black didn't you? Well next time you ever want to say anything you should think about it thousand times and don't dare call him like that again, don't; there is no nicer person than him but you and your ilk despise him and his ilk and why? Just because of a damn colour skin that defines nothing, nothing at all; let's just take a simple example, you and him, the difference between both of you is like the distance between the sky and the earth and you know why? Because of feelings and acts, he feels the others but you don't, he helps others but you don't, he cares for others but you definitely don't, he never says what hurts someone's feelings but you do...etc it's not something I can count; I did handle you with all your arrogance and I understood the reason you acted that way with me, I did apologize and I'm ready to apologize again there's no shame in it but what's Theo's fault in that? Just because he's my best friend you'll punish him too? I wasn't there to clear your anger on me so you did it on him? There's no wonder that no one loves you, I don't think you have friends even, I really want to know how do your parents think about you, they must be ashamed of such a daughter." These last words about friends and family did hurt Alexandra deeply, she looked at him with tears in her eyes but the rain was clearing them, then Dav added: "I...I doubt if you understand what I say, after all a rock will stay a rock nothing can make it feel or move so let me explain to you with another way, from now on my eyes are only on you looking that I have no job now I'm so free which means I have all the time to do it, I'll watch you every day and every second without you even can feel it, then I'll see your behaviour if it's going to change or your arrogance will stop you, the choice is yours and if you choose to keep yourself this way and still hurt others then I'll pass to acts, I guess I'll do what your parents should have done; you'd better choose the wise thing if you don't want me to do something that you'll regret your whole life, after all you are a woman, you can't really protect yourself, can you? So I'm thinking of beginning with your job, I'd die to see your attitude and arrogance if you lose your job...and after losing your job comes to losing your house, I think I'll let you imagine the rest after all there are a lot of other things." Dav left without turning and Alexandra stayed there crying feeling so hurt by his words; after few minutes, she gathered herself, she went to take her things from the office and left straight home, she was in a miserable situation.