Chapter 10:

The day after, David decided finally to go get a job but in the same domain, before he got out he tried to see if there's something unusual with him to avoid being embarrassed later but there was no sign of anything so he took his C.V and hoped everything would go right. In that time Theo was passing in the corridor and he crossed Alexandra, he saluted her and headed to do his work when she called him, Theo turned thinking she'd inform him something about his work or ask him questions about a case but that wasn't the boss' intention she actually wanted to apologise about her behaviour the past day: "About what happened yesterday, I...I represent my honest apologies, what you thought wasn't my attention at all, I didn't mean to disrespect you or humiliate you, I... didn't think of what could that calling mean to you because for me it's just a calling it defines nothing, if I was racist with you I wasn't going to employ you from the first place but still I apologise." Theo with widen eyes answered: "No...Problem" and in that time a woman yelled from a little far distance: "Lexy!!" with that, everyone turned to see who it was, it's a brunette woman with brown eyes and a short black hair; when Alexandra saw her, she rushed to her and hugged her what made everyone surprised because their boss was always strict and they never saw her with anyone or happy to see someone; Theo was in double shock, he opened his mouth and eyes and still he couldn't believe it, then Alexandra realized that everyone was staring at her, she told them to go back to their business and took the woman to her office to be alone and more comfortable, she was so happy to see her; Theo couldn't keep that for himself so he called David immediately: "

• Theo sorry I can't talk now I'm too busy.

• Listen Dav you really need to hear this, you wouldn't believe what did just happened!

• I believe it, now talk to you later bye.

• Wait!!"

   David cut the call and Theo was like 'what the hell?' then he went to work and all his excitement flew away. In Alexandra's office, she was there with the woman and a chat was going between them: "

• Oh my god Lex, I missed you so much I'm so happy to see you, I didn't believe when I'd be able to be back.

• Sophie, you can't imagine how happy I am to see you, it's been a long time, it's a very beautiful surprise but if you called I'd have prepared something to welcome you.

• That's not a problem darling, I wanted to surprise you, I exactly wanted to see this happy face. So? How are you? And what's new? Oh! By the way, I saw the news and I saw your last success, 'the meteor stuff', you must be happy and proud of your employees, aren't you Lex?

• (rolling her eyes) I don't want to talk about that and don't call me that way in public.

• Why not? It suits you.

• Yeah but not at work, I don't want them to think I'm naive, I'm strict so I don't want to mix my private life with my work so keep a serious face when you come here, would you?

• (with a sad face) But you are mixing between your private life and everything else not only your work Lex, you still not getting out of it?

• Soph we're not talking about it. What will you say about some lunch?

• It sounds perfect even if just to change the subject.

• Awesome, let's go."

   After the women left the work place and a while later, Theo's phone was ringing and David was the one calling, Theo picked the call annoyed: "

• Yeah, what's wrong?

• Hey bro I'm so sorry about earlier, I was...Kind of busy, can we meet now?

• It's almost lunch break so yeah I'll meet you then.

• No I can't wait, there stills 30mn for lunch break and I seriously can't wait, can't you manage to come now?

• Actually...The boss isn't here so...I guess I can come.

• Awesome, you'll find me in the usual restaurant.

• Okay, I'll be there in few minutes."

   The black man went out early to catch his best friend in their favorite restaurant, when he got there he found David waiting for him and didn't order anything yet, he wasn't looking so good:

"• Hey bro...What happened Dav? Are you okay?

• I'm fine, I just...panicked.

• But why what happened?

• Should we order first?

• Okay." Theo answered, he called the waiter, they ordered food then Dav carried on.

• "Well, here's what happened:

I got up this morning and everything was normal, there was no sign of anything strange, you know what I mean, then I went to look for a job so I headed to THE TIME newspaper, I waited for my turn and then the secretary called me and told me the boss was waiting for me, I thought it was a man but it turned out it's a woman and then I got in and there was the surprise waiting for me, the woman working there as a headmistress I met here before and I can't really say our meeting went well, her name is Stella MARTIL; when I started to be weird after France's incident and the first day when I was answering only by 'yes' I met her, in fact I bumped into her with a coffee in my hand so I ruined her dress then she shouted on me and it turned out that she was going on a date, I apologized and left because I didn't know what was happening with me and didn't know what to do; when she saw me in her office she immediately recognized me and she was like: "Wait a hell of a second, I know you, you are that guy who ruined my dress and my date too, what a coincidence mister" I panicked and I couldn't control it what made me get out of there and didn't do the maintenance, the only thing came to my mind is to call you and see you; her last name looks like 'MORTEL' in French which means 'deadly', I hope I'm not dead.