Chapter 11:

• Dude seriously? What's wrong with you and women? This isn't the first time, where is your focus?

• I know, apparently I don't have luck with them and what's worse is that I find them the responsibles when I look for a job.

• What are you going to do now?

• (sighed) I guess I'm just going to look elsewhere and I'll make sure I won't meet or bump into any other woman, I really have enough of them they are everywhere and I started to worry about the new situation too, I have no job and I am weird, it's getting out of control.

• (Ironically) You should print a signboard saying 'I'm allergic to women please stay away from me' and take it with you hahahaha.

• (with an annoyed look) Theo, that's not funny and in case you didn't notice I'm sharing my problem with you here.

• Okay I'm sorry, we really need to find a solution for that but I have no idea.

• By the way, you called me this morning and you wanted to tell me something, what is it?

• Oh right you reminded me! You're not going to believe what happened this morning, I was in shock that I thought I was dreaming, honestly Dav I wish you were there to see with your own eyes, it's like a miracle.

• Would you say what happened for god's sake Theo?

• Okay fine, relax. (murmuring) This morning Alexandra came to me and apologized about what she did yesterday, she looked so honest and regret was clear on her eyes, I guess your lessons did work but that's not all of it, a woman came in and called her 'Lexy' a sign of closeness, Alexandra rushed to her and hugged her with a face full of happiness, I've never seen that person in her, I was shocked.

• You can't be serious, are you sure you're talking about the same Alexandra?

• I told you you won't believe it, even though you killed my excitement this morning and saying you believe it before even knowing what I'm talking about.

• I know I'm sorry, I was nervous about the job and all those stuff. Hey listen, maybe the real Alexandra was kidnapped and they replaced her with another one? I mean, she apologised very early, I thought she'd take more time.

• Shut up Dav.

• (Panicked) oh god, you can't be serious.

• What? What happened Dav?

• Turn your head Theo."

   He turned and saw Alexandra with the woman of the morning having lunch, they went to the same restaurant as the men and apparently they were there all the time but no one of them noticed the other so Theo freaked out: "Oh shit! Dav I'm fired" And then he was like: "Hold on a second, you never panic when you see her." After a moment of realizing they said in the same time: "Panic day!" but it was a little loud so people in the restaurant turned to them then Alexandra and Sophie saw them too; Alexandra's face turned sad, angry and surprised, she was thinking alone: "Is he really following me?" then she told Sophie that they're leaving, Sophie didn't understand the reason they suddenly are leaving for and tried to understand what's wrong but Alexandra told her that she'll explain later but for that moment it's important for her to leave that place, the sooner the better; she went the door's way and the two men were sitting near, she didn't stop what made the two men sigh with relief but then she turned to them and said with attitude: "

• Mr. PRICE, I see you're enjoying yourself.

• I needed him in an emergency, it's not his fault." Dav answered.

• "I wasn't talking to you Mr. NICKOLS.

• (Surprised) wait a minute, is that David NICKOLS? The same from the meteor article Lex?" Sophie took the word.

• "Yes it's me.

• Oh my god, your work was awesome Dav I liked it so much, I'm so curious to hear the story; oh sorry, I'm Sophie STAN Alexandra's best friend."

The two men looked at each other and said together again loud in surprise: "Her best friend?!"

• "Yes, isn't that cool to have a friend like her?

• (ironically) Absolutely.

• Soph let's go, see you at work Mr. PRICE." Alexandra interrupted.

   In their walk out Sophie said whispering: "

• Lex, those two men are so handsome.

• Shut up Soph.

• I did like the black one more, what's his name?

• Theo PRICE, now will you stop talking about them?

• Why are you avoiding talking about them? I think they look nice and...Handsome haha, you're lucky to have employees like them.

• Not them, Mr. NICKOLS doesn't work for me anymore.

• What? Why?

• It's a short story that I'll tell you but not now I still have work, why don't you come to my apartment this night? Tomorrow is the week-end so we can have fun as much as we want.

• Sure, I'm in, take care.

• Bye."

   And in the restaurant the two stilled in shock, so David said: "

• Hey Theo, do you think she allocated her to play this role just because of what I told her? I mean to prove that I'm wrong about her no having someone close?

• (Hesitating) Dav I don't think...

• I mean when you see the events how they're going on, why didn't she appear until today? Where was she?

• I don't know man but I don't think so, that charming lady can't be fake.

• (teasing) Charming lady?!! Someone's feelings here started moving.

• Shut up Dav.

• I did see the way she was staring at you, I can say she likes you too.

• (happy) Really? (back to normal) I way, she was just...looking that's all, and by the way, I'm fired, because of you Dav, start looking for a job for the both of us, adios(Bye)."