Chapter 12:

After that, the men separated and everyone went to his own business. In the evening, Sophie went to Alexandra's apartment, she found dinner ready; they ate together and talked a lot, they didn't have a lot of questions since they were talking on social media but they haven't seen each other for a long time and the last period they were busy so they needed to catch the recent events but most of all, Sophie wanted to know the details about the meteor she was so curious; so after finishing the food, they moved to the cleaning and then Sophie asked with hesitation: "

• So? There still no boyfriend?

• You know the situation, I'm good alone.

• Lex...I...

• ...I know what you'll say Soph but I'm not doing that mistake again.

• You need to give yourself a chance Lex you need to give life a second chance, it's not the end of the world, I admit that what happened to you wasn't easy but it doesn't mean it will be always the same case, you can't live alone forever.

• I don't care...and I don't want to talk about it Soph, please.

• (Nodded) All right. Tell me then why David isn't your employee anymore.

• Oh god, I avoid a topic you get into another one worse than the first one; and...Is he your friend or colleague to call him with his name like that by the way? 

• How should I call him then? Mr. NICKOLS? Oh let me from these formalities, now tell me."

   Alexandra told Sophie what did happen between her and Dav from the beginning and with every detail, how they knew each other and how was their relation, she didn't hide the way she treated him and told her about their last meeting, she repeated every word Dav said and she didn't miss even a coma, his words were still ringing in her ears; Sophie after hearing the story, she cried and asked Alexandra if she didn't tell him anything or even answer him and Alexandra explained that she had nothing to tell him and even if she had, he didn't really leave her the chance, he was just talking with nonstop, Sophie not so pleased from the situation expressed how angry she felt from what happened and told Alexandra that she had to tell him the truth so she won't be judged even though her actions were somehow unbearable but there was a reasonable explanation to that, she should have cleared the misunderstanding between them and when hearing this, Alexandra started getting furious saying: "He won't care, no one would care Soph, no one, and even if I told him what will change? He'll just have petty on me, I don't need anyone's petty okay? My father didn't care about me Soph! My own father didn't care you think that some stranger I met and I had an awful relation with would do? Oh for god's sake stop it, it's not like I care about his opinion too, it's just he hit a sensitive point in me and it will pass, everything passes anyway" Sophie felt very sorry about her friend's situation, she felt that she had to do something to fix it because she couldn't keep seeing her friend that way without moving a lash. Well, the night didn't really go as the women planned for it, they wished more for an enjoying night full of laugh and jokes but it went another way.

   Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in all these three days David didn't get out of his bed except to eat, he stayed in darkness and didn't meet anyone, he even told Theo to not call or ask about him so he won't be disturbed and Theo didn't have a choice other than obey; David didn't know what to do, he was worried from his situation and tried to find any solution that could be possible but he was worried more by the idea that someone is always watching him, he was so scared of what could his life become and started regretting going to France; all what did Dav do these past three days was staying in bed, eating, over thinking, watching movies to try to distract his mind, reading books to try to distract his mind and sleeping to try to distract his mind. So after these three days and in the morning of Monday, David woke up on his phone's ringtone, he picked up to see who disturbed him early in the morning: "Hello?" In the other side of the phone was a woman: "Mr. David NICKOLS, Stella MARTIL with you I hope I didn't bother you" David jumped from his bed with shock and didn't know what to do or answer.

• "No...not at all, how can I help you?

• I've seen your CV and it's kind of interesting so I thought if you have free time you can pass to my office to discus few things, face to face is much better.

• Su-sure...I...I will, I' all the time.

• Great, see you at 11."

   It was 8a.m so the man had 3h to be where he's supposed to, he started getting nervous especially since his start with Stella wasn't pleasing at all so he was only imagining that it would happen with him as it happened with Alexandra and even if he gets the job he'll live in a nightmare while working; he stayed a while thinking of all these problems then he started getting ready at least not to be late and miss the chance to have a work. After having all the necessary things and made sure he didn't forget anything he went to the appointment, once it was his time to meet the boss he got in and he was so nervous, Stella noticed that Dav was so nervous and tried to comfort him but before she says anything Dav started talking and apologising about what happened between them in the first time to avoid any misunderstanding and importantly to make sure what happened between him and Alexandra never happens again so then he left Stella talk, she comforted him and told him that he saved her from dating a wrong person for that she forgave him then she got into work discussion directly, she asked him for the reason of not working for THE GUARDIANS newspaper anymore after all it's the most important newspaper in London, David didn't get into details he just explained briefly that his relation with his ex boss wasn't good at all and he couldn't handle the situation he was living there; since Stella didn't see anything wrong with Dav and since the problem was personal between him and his ex boss add to that also Dav's experience with the meteor, she didn't want to miss an employee like him so she gave him the job and told him to start the next day immediately. Dav left and the first thing he did was calling Theo and announce the news, Theo was so happy for him finding a new job so quickly and on this honour they agreed to celebrate. That afternoon, Sophie went to see Alexandra in her office, before she got to her she saw Theo so she went to talk to him: "Good afternoon Theo" Theo was so surprised to see her and especially he didn't expect her to talk to him and calling him by his name so he greeted her back looking nervous and stuttering and Sophie started laughing; when Theo realised how nervous he was he tried to gather himself and then asked her for what she needed, Sophie asked him for a favour and it was to meet his friend Dav, Theo didn't know about it since Dav is starting a new job and they barely meet but he told her to wait to call and ask him so Theo picked up the phone and made a video call; David answered the call hoping that Theo didn't call him to cancel the plan but Theo reassured that it wasn't the case and it was just Sophie Alexandra's best friend who wanted to meet him, David was so surprised for what could be the reason behind this sudden meeting especially that he only met Sophie once, he asked his friend for the meeting's reason but his friend didn't know too he just informed him that she wanted to meet him and he'll know the matter then; well, since Dav was going to start a new Job the next day he was going to be busy which means he only had that night so he told Theo to tell her to meet him that night in the place they agreed to meet for the celebration and that's what Theo told Sophie and as for her she was pleased by that since she'll meet him very soon.