Chapter 13:

That night, when it was time for celebrating, the two men were already in the place having some drinks and waiting for Sophie and as for her, she lied to Alexandra so she could take her to the event; when the two women got to the bar, Alexandra wasn't so comfortable about it since she doesn't like places full of people and noise and it got worse when she saw Sophie went to sit in the same table with David and Theo, both David and Alexandra were like "What is this one doing here?", they didn't expect to meet so Alexandra's first reaction was asking Sophie what are those two doing there and why is she sitting with them then Dav took the word to say that he's the one who should ask Theo what is going on there and he thought that only Sophie was coming he didn't expect her to have company, when Theo didn't know how to explain the situation Sophie spoke to tell them that she's the one who planned all of it, Alexandra turned to leave but Sophie stopped her asking her for only few minutes then they'll leave together then she asked Dav if she can have a word with him alone away of all that noise, the three others were surprised from Sophie's request then Dav didn't mind; they got out of the bar so they could talk leaving Alexandra with Theo, Sophie's intentions were to talk with Dav about what happened between him and Alexandra :" You must be wondering about why I asked to see you and I just saw you once, it's about what happened between you and Lex, she told me about what happened between you the few days ago and I'm not pleased and apparently things between the two of you aren't good since the first meeting, usually she tells me everything but she didn't mention you at all until I asked a lot of questions, she didn't even know that we're coming here so you don't need to think about blaming here, she also told me about her behaviour and I admit it wasn't a good way to act but before you told her all that, have you ever asked yourself what could be the reason behind her being this way? Did you ask yourself at least once about the possibility that she's just pretending to be this way? That she's acting other than her nature?" Dav answered that he knows the reason she's this way with him and that's because of their first meeting so since her best friend is so arrogant and has attitude she was getting her revenge, Sophie left an ironic smile on Dav's words and told him with confidence that it's nothing as he thinks, she also told him that she doesn't enjoy exposing her best friend's life in front of him and if she discovers that she told him what she's about to tell him she'll kill her but still she couldn't stay quiet after what she heard, before she tells David Alexandra's story she expressed how hurt she felt when she knew all what he told Alexandra which means that Alexandra must feel really hurt and then she started: " She wasn't like that before, she didn't use to be this way and deep inside her she isn't like that she just pretends to make space between her and people; she's going to kill me if she knows I'm telling you all this but I can't stop myself from doing it. The real Alexandra I knew years ago was nice, she used to care about everyone more than she cares about herself, I'm not saying she's perfect obviously everyone has defaults but she was nothing like she acts now, she was rude but only with people who deserves it; Alexandra was a unique girl in her family, she lived with her mom and dad and they were so rich, years ago she fell in love, she met someone who took all the place in her heart, she cared about him more than anyone else and so he was too, he showed his love for her, both were so happy together, he was her first love and since her mom and dad lived a love story she thought that she'll live one too so when she met that guy she said to herself "he's the one"; Alexandra's boyfriend got to the family business, they trusted him and all was good; when they were on the point to get married and on the wedding day Alexandra was with the guests waiting for the groom, they tried to call him but nothing, no one knew if he was alive or dead or where he was so the wedding was cancelled, Alexandra didn't care about cancelling the wedding as much as cared about him and his life, she was so worried about him, at the end it turned out the mister cheated on them, all that time he was busy taking over Alexandra's father's company, he didn't care about the woman but he only cared about her money so he took everything from them; after months, the family had nothing no business, no money since the rest that left they spent it paying the bills of the house but they ended loosing that one too, a month later Alexandra's mom died, she couldn't handle the situation, her heart was weak and since Alexandra's father was so in love with his wife he blamed Alexandra for what happened, when he had to be with her for all what she lived and experienced and she was just a young woman, he said many hurting words to her that's why Alexandra left and changed the city, started a new job, a new life and made a new personality for her but be sure before she gets here she was in a miserable situation and had very hard moments but she fought very hard to be as she's now and you, you enjoyed mentioning her parents and reminding her of the past, I'm not saying that how she's acting is good I'm not pleased by the way she's too but I'd rather see her this way than the desperate way she was in back then, she's just trying to protect herself from what happened to her. The only reason I told you all of this is you did really hurt her by mentioning her parents, I'm not ready to see her that hurted again I'm not letting her be in that situation again so do never ever mention her family, do you get that? Otherwise you'll find me in front of you and things won't be cool between us at all; all I hope now is that you'll apologise to her."

Sophie got back to catch the others and Dav followed her feeling sorry and regretful, Alexandra ironically told Sophie that she didn't take long at all to mean that she took more than expected, they then left; Theo turned to Dav to understand what happened between those two that Sophie's face changed but Dav didn't say a word he just cancelled the celebration, he wasn't in a mood at all, he then left home and Theo stayed alone not knowing what happened so he only had to go back home too.