Chapter 14:

Waking up on the alarm, it's the first day of new work for Dav so to avoid being late especially in the first day he woke up early to begin a new routine, he was in the taxi thinking about the events of the other day, he was in deep thought when he realized that the passed day he didn't do anything weird or answered something he didn't want, he was just normal he was himself what made Dav very happy for a moment thinking he was healed then started to worry, he was wondering if it's a good sign; he left a deep sigh annoyed couldn't figure it out with all what was going on especially that he did a mistake with Alexandra; he left to the newsroom trying not to think about it and make his private life out of his work. The day went well, he didn't get into trouble, his boss didn't make problems, he was in his desk all the day working; in the afternoon after he came out and after a time of hesitation he called Alexandra to the office number since it's the only number he has to reach her; Alexandra picked up the phone asking who it was and after moments of stuttering David finally answered and told her that he wanted to see her, the ex boss thought he was making fun of her since there's no reason for him to ask to see her and advised him to go visit a doctor he must be ill to call her then David insisted and promised her he won't take long, she finally agread to meet him in a cafeteria  just to know what he wants and make sure he leaves her alone. David arrived first, few minutes later she came to see him, he did buy her juice and got directly into the subject: "I want to talk about the recent events between us and about that day, you know what I'm talking about, I want to apologies about my behaviour that day I...kind of over reacted, I didn't see my best friend hurt like that before but I didn't think about what could that make you feel too, I just got so angry from your behaviour and arrogance, also my patience arrived to limits;I didn't know why you are this way and what you've been through, so I'm really truly honestly truthfully sorry about mentioning your family and being so mean to you, I just wanted to make you see how you're hurting people and put you back to earth, my intention was never to hurt you on purpose, I never thought about hurting anyone; I'm so sorry and I never apologised this much to anyone before so I hope you won't turn me back." After moments of silence between the two, Dav was waiting for her answer hopping things to be good and clear the problems between them once for all but Alexandra whispered alone that Sophie did it, she told David about Alexandra's life, Dav heard her and expressed how glad he felt for knowing this else he would never know his mistake but Alexandra got up to leave telling him she doesn't need anyone's petty then Dav stopped her from leaving asking her to stay at least to solve the problem, he demanded from her to see the efforts he's doing to make up his mistake informing her that he was never so honest with her and he's not obliged to be, after all, the relationship between them isn't good at all, it was then when Dav realised the reason of this much honesty, in his deep he knew that his state came back and it was "honesty day" what made Dav stop talking before he mentions anything to her it may be dangerous for him so instead of explaining himself more, he asked her if she accepts his apologies so Alexandra has been honest with him in her turn: "To be honest with you, if I tell you I forgive you I'd be lying, it's going to take time but I'll consider it." This answer reassured Dav because if she answered the opposite she would be lying and just getting rid of him then he asked her to finish the hostility and start a friendship, David was too fast in asking that, it's impossible for Alexandra to accept that, she literally doesn't want anyone in her life and that's what she explained to him, she thanked him for the juice then left.

Dav got angry, he felt his arrogance touched after she turned him back so he called his friend to take his anger off: "

•Hey man! What's up?" said Theo.

•"Not good at all.

•What happened?

•Remember last night? Sophie said some things to me about Alexandra so I met her earlier to make things right.


•Don't ask, I tried to make things work but she played with my nerves, I'm angry, how can someone be that arrogant and cold like that?

•Wait a sec? What did Sophie tell you and why did you meat with the most person you hate?

•It's a long story, let's have the night out and I'll tell you.

•(With rush) Impossible!

•What? Why?

•I mean... it's not really ... possible tonight, I have some work.

•Why are you so nervous? What are you up to? You're not making trouble right?

•Stop it man, I told you I have work stop pushing on me.

•Fine, chill out, I got it. "

   Dav cut the call; well! That didn't help Dav at all, in fact it made him angrier so he headed home to stay alone and chill out too.