Chapter 15:

Time passed but he couldn't calm down, he kept thinking again and again about the conversation with Alexandra between him and himself: "How can she be able to stay away of everyone and reject a friendship request that easily? But no that's not her fault, it's mine I shouldn't have requested her that, I shouldn't have apologised even, no no no no don't be delirious Dav, you did a mistake in the girl's right and you apologised, you did the right thing don't let her play on your nerves and do stupid things; now let's calm down, have some sleep, tomorrow is another day,(nods) I just hope things doesn't get worse." Before getting to his bed, Theo crossed his mind and said: "What's that fool doing at this time? What work can he have now that he refused a night together? Oh Dav, I said straight to your bed".

   In that time Theo's work wasn't really a work, in fact he did ask Sophie out and took her for dinner but he didn't dare say that to Dav because Dav was going to be mad at him and Theo gathered a lot of courage to be able to ask Sophie out so he couldn't take the risk of canceling it. The atmosphere between the two was romantic, he took her to a nice place where they prepare delicious food trying to impress her, while having dinner both were nervous since they don't know each other but with that they had what to talk about for a first meeting, each one started telling things about himself, what he likes and dislikes, the family story and got to know each other a little and then he walked her home, they preferred to go walking looking that where Sophie lives isn't very far so this way they'd have more time to talk because they can't say everything about themselves in few hours; when they got to her door and before leaving Theo said nervously that he had something to say but it was hard for him to express it especially when she looks at him with soft eyes then Sophie smiled and Theo kept looking at her nicely not saying anything but then Sophie asked for what wanted Theo to say and that she feels curious and after taking a deep breath he told her that he likes her:" I like you, I... like the way you smile, the way you look, the way you talk, the way you enjoy life, when you be around it feels like the life is beautiful, if you touch something dark it turns coloured, if you touch something cold it becomes hot; I know we don't know each other very good but I feel good when you're around and that happens only with David, you are sympathetic, nice, lovely and natural so I'd like to know you more, actually... I'd like to know everything about you... if you want the same of course." It was silent and Sophie was surprised, when Theo didn't hear an answer from her he became uncomfortable and started to apologise saying that he maybe went so fast and had to wait at least to know each other more but then Sophie cut him shyly and happily:" It's from the best things I've ever heard in my life, I don't really remember when was the last time I heard someone saying nice things about me like this, you're so honest and I like that a lot" Sophie didn't reject Theo, in fact, she also wanted to get to know him and she liked him too and this way the two started dating, Sophie entered into the house and Theo left to his house feeling very happy to the point he was walking in streets and shouting that he's so happy.

   The first thing Sophie did was calling Alexandra and told her about the news and Alexandra was like:" It's been just a single week and you became in a relationship when me, I've been here for years and nothing happened?!" Sophie answered seriously that her friend doesn't let anyone in and she keeps distance between her and everyone, if she could, she will live alone in this planet so Alexandra to change the subject she asked about who the guy is and she knew it's Theo, that was a little surprising to her, she wanted to know the details as soon as they meet, she congratulated her and wished she won't regret it.

   Wednesday, April 17th was another new day, Dav couldn't wake up and said out loud:

      "Working days are the worst, it's all I hate the most

       Whenever my mood is bad, I immediately get sad

       Then the bed becomes the best, it gives me some rest.

Here I go again, all what was missing me was damn surprising changes in my state that I can't control, it's really annoying." With these words he left to work. All the day he avoided people because he stayed angry and the changing in him bothered him more than the other days and in the end of the day he called Theo and met in a disco; Dav started to drink like a crazy person without saying a word or caring about he'll work the next day and Theo just kept looking at him waiting for him to relax but the angry man didn't stop then Theo stopped him: "

• Wowow man, slow down you'll get drunk.

• That's the point smart boy.

• Okay chill down and tell me what's wrong, you didn't call me here just to make me look at you getting drunk, did you?

• (Mad) Things are getting worse by day

I mean all what she could say

Was it's better for you to stay away

Like I asked to see her to play

Imagine I even asked her to stay

But no,the woman doesn't care anyway

She left without even turning

Well, I know what I said was hurting

But at least give a chance to my explaining

That really made my brain burning

Can you imagine?

I could sense her breaking my ego

Since then I couldn't let go

And there's this damn changing also

That really becomes exhausting, so

I decided to stay here in the disco."