Chapter 17:

A new day, a new morning and obviously a new reacting day to Dav; after the events of the last day he didn't feel like working today especially that he drunk but then he thought maybe it's better to work so he can forget everything at least for moments and it still his first days of work. When he arrived to the newsroom, he was already in a bad mood add to that he met Miss MARTIL; Dav has the experience now, whenever his mood is bad and he meets his boss before getting to work he definitely will hear something that won't sweat him and he wasn't wrong about it, Miss MARTIL greeted the man then she informed him about a show to which they are invited, David asked her to repeat it again in case he didn't hear right but unfortunately for him he heard her very well, the journalist tried to convince his boss to cancel it or go alone, too bad for him that was never going to happen, no one misses a chance like this; Stella didn't understand why David refused it but Dav, with his changing presence he knew something would go wrong for sure, he strongly felt it and warned her about it when she told him to stop being so pessimistic, Dav answered: "I'm not a pessimistic per..." Before he finishes the word 'person', David realised that it was 'pessimism day', he added: "Never mind" and left to his desk to stay alone. He was only thinking about the show he'll appear in and believing it's going to be awful and so he started talking to himself again: "I don't know why but I have this strong feeling that I'm going to ruin it, usually I'm not pessimistic but now I can't stop thinking negatively; I have the right to think so since my state isn't a state to trust, looking to all the events that happened since the last trip anyone in my place would think the same as me but still it happened to me, I can't understand why problems come out from nowhere and find me, I'm a simple journalist I had a brilliant chance but it ruined my life; well stupid Dav you deserve it, did anyone tell you to touch anything? No, there were agents they weren't there for nothing they knew their job but you stupid guy you were so curious and insisted to be the man of the event to impress your boss now pay for your curiosity, wait a minute, actually it was all her fault. Oh shit, I've never been this pessimistic, I think I should call Theo (realised) Oh yeah! My relationship with him is ruined too, damn it I guess I'm figuring this one alone." Dav had been thinking all the day of the questions they may ask, he prepared answers and himself to feel comfortable with it saying to himself: "Come on Dav it can't be that bad, they're just going to ask you some questions and you will answer that's all, only some people will watch it and it's not that bad you've already interrogated people, did they die? They didn't so you won't die too but let's look from the other side, they didn't have some strange changings they can't control that would have ruined their meeting and embarrassed them in front of a lot of people and maybe the whole planet, you didn't think roles will be changed one day did you Dav? Shit, and there is also this pessimism not leaving me today I can't even help myself." On his way out he met the headmistress again: "Are you going out or something?" "It's the 'or something'" Dav gave as an answer; Stella informed him that his working time hasn't finished yet and Dav informed her that he knows that but she asked him to be ready for the show so Stella in her turn informed him that no one gets a day off without her permission so Dav asked her for a day off trying to smile:" Can I please have a day off so I can be in my energy tomorrow? Please?" Stella didn't refuse but she mentioned that she made him an exception just because he had an interesting adventure that is the cause of the show; the adventure of the meteor became Dav's nightmare:" Damn that adventure" He said whispering and since the boss couldn't hear him she asked him if he said something, "Yeah, I said thank you for the exception" He replied.

   Dav left not knowing anything except that he needs to stay away of work and go somewhere like Big Ban to rest his mind.

   In Alexandra's work place, Sophie came to visit both her bfs, best friend and boyfriend, she passed first to see Theo. When she got near him, he was in deep thoughts that he didn't notice her presence or even hear her greeting: " Theo are you okay? You look sad" " Uh?!" It was then when Theo noticed that his girlfriend was near him talking to him, Sophie got worried about the reason of Theo's sadness and the only thing she could think of was :" Do you regret asking me out?" Theo comforted her that he would never regret it and it has nothing to do with her, well it has what to do with her since Dav and Theo fought because of her but he didn't mention that to Sophie in the beginning; Sophie then asked Theo about Dav since they were together last night and his state wasn't pleasing, he told her that they fought and obviously she wanted to know the reason, it was then when Theo started hesitating and began to stutter; Sophie now knows Theo enough to know that when he stutters that means he's trying to hide something or wants to lie about something but he can't, she pleaded him to never ever lie to her even if it's something about her, now in this situation Theo didn't have a choice other than telling her the real reason especially that he doesn't like to lie "He got angry at me because he asked to see me the day before, when I asked you out and I told him I was busy, I didn't tell him exactly what I had and then the coincidence, in the bar we met an old friend of Dav that came from nowhere just to tell him that he saw me with you saving the cat and Dav got angry" , as a consequence, Sophie got sad now that she knew she's the reason of separating two good best friends and kept apologising for a while, she even proposed to call Dav to try make things good between them but Theo stopped her and told her he'll find a way to have him back so she doesn't have to worry, she wasn't so sure about it neither was Theo but they both hoped things will be fine; after that and to change the subject, Sophie asked Theo if Dav is ready for the show but Theo had no idea about any show and Sophie was like:" It's 2030, news move faster than anything else and you work for a newspaper, still you have no idea about your best friends show?" Theo looked at her as to say " It's not the right time to talk about this at all."