Chapter 18:

Sophie left to Alexandra's office to avoid making Theo sadder, she wasn't happy too; when Alexandra saw her she worried about her and asked her what could be the reason of her being so sad all of the morning: "Why this sad face all of the morning? Did you break up with your boyfriend?" The woman explained to her best friend that she didn't break up with her boyfriend but she ended her boyfriend's friendship with his best friend, Alexandra didn't care about it anyway it wasn't important to her since her best friend didn't get hurt, Sophie didn't like Alexandra's reaction and asked her to show at least some sympathy so Alexandra apologised and told her that she just wanted to make her feel better then she asked:" What did you do to end their friendship?" Sophie repeated what Theo told her about what happened between him and Dav " What a dramatic guy!" Said Alexandra about Dav but when she saw Sophie felt bad and she's not helping her at all she started reassuring her:" Look, I've seen both of them before and I know their relation is stronger than being broken because of this stupid thing, you remember what that man did to me just because of his best friend which is your boyfriend so relax, they love each other and they'll be back to each other it's just a small fight, don't worry." But Sophie didn't feel reassured because Dav didn't inform Theo about his show and that's supposed to be an important thing to him; here, It's Alexandra who got angry when she reminded her of that show, that show is supposed to be Alexandra's but since Dav left work it went to the other newspaper, she strongly wanted to ruin the show but she can't; so now Alexandra was thinking about the show she lost, Sophie was thinking about her sad boyfriend, her sad boyfriend was thinking about his best friend and his best friend was occupied thinking about the show, his life and his friendship.

   The waited time arrived and the show was on the way to begin, David's friends and the interested people of the subject were all watching it; in the show place, before the live starts, Miss MARTIL was so nervous trying to comfort herself and David that it will be fine and the show will be good, when David opened his mouth to say the opposite she stopped and told him to keep all his energy for the show, Dav got annoyed not knowing what's the best to do in that moment then he started thinking that it's better if he didn't come or found an excuse but for sure, his presence at that moment in that place wasn't a good idea at all. Once the show started, the animator began: "

•Ladies and gentlemen, old or young you are and wherever you are, welcome to our show that has the usual theme "Strange and extraordinary events" Today we're having with us the headmistress of a 'The Time newspaper' Miss Stella MARTIL and in the other side we have the young new famous journalist looking to his experience with the meteor that has fallen recently that is our main topic for today, Mr David NICKOLS. Welcome Miss MARTIL and Mr NICKOLS.

•Thank you." Answered both

•"I'd like to remind both of you and the ones watching us that we're in a live, so let's begin with you Miss MARTIL, how does it feel to work with Mr. NICKOLS? When he came asking for a job and you figured it's him, how did you react or feel? Tell us please.

•(Nervous) Well! That's quiet a short story, hhh. I've met Mr NICKOLS once before he came to look for the job I didn't know him then and things didn't go really well in our first meeting but that wasn't a problem, so when he came looking for the job, I didn't only recognise him as a famous journalist but also as a normal human I met before but I was happy to have him working for me, after all, working with serious people who risk everything even their lives for their job is an honour.

•Thank you Miss MARTIL. Now, Mr. NICKOLS just when you started getting famous you left the news paper you worked for, what could have been happened that you decided to leave? And how did your ex boss accept it? I mean after all you made him/her famous and it's a loss for them."

   Alexandra rolled her eyes behind the screen while watching the show.

•(Nervous and silent for a while then started talking) "Yeah! I mean...I left the job I didn't get fired for sure." David answered.

•"That wasn't really my question Mr. NICKOLS, I said what's the reason for you leaving your job?

•(So nervous) Right! The reason...sure, the reason is like this, the ex headmistress was... so lovely and kind that I couldn't handle it?"

   Everyone was like "What on earth?" Alexandra, Sophie, Theo and Dav himself were the ones that got shocked more than the others and Dav got more nervous than before as for Stella she was like 'What the hell is he trying to do?' then the animator took the word back laughing: "

•You can't be serious right? I mean who on earth would leave his job because he has a lovely nice boss? And she is a woman too, haha Jesus.

•(Embarrassed) Can we pass this question please? I'm sure you have plenty of other questions hehe.

•Okay, I can put this one aside, maybe for later; (sarcastically) you look so nervous, just relax we're not here to kill you. Let's get back to you Miss. MARTIL so Mr. NICKOLS can gather himself. How do you plan to use Mr. NICKOLS experience? Do you have any special plans for him?

•Well! I don't really have any exceptional plans for the moment but there'll be surely in the future, we're just waiting for the nature to give us something interesting to work on.

•We're waiting with impatience to see your future works.

Mr. NICKOLS! You feel better?

•(Lying) Yes, yes, I'm better.

•Okay then, our next questions is coming: When you arrived to the meteor's place, how did you react? How did you feel? And most importantly, how did you get in? I bet there were security guards all over the area.

•When I got there, I felt...very normal, I...wasn't excited or impressed at all."

And Dav was like 'What am I saying?' It was then when he realised it was his 'Lying Day', since David was so nervous because of the show, he forgot all about his changing even though in the beginning he was so afraid of it but later he forgot it. Now David didn't know how to get himself out of there and avoid getting embarrassed more, while he was thinking for a solution the animator said: "

•(Ironically) Oh! That was normal for you? This is surprising, maybe you are used to see these things a lot that you felt normal while seeing this one, did you use to have meteors in your town when you were a kid or something?"