Chapter 19:

Everyone burst laughing and David couldn't do anything other than smile awkwardly.

•"Okay Mr. NICKOLS, and how did you get inside with all the security guards around?

•The security guards, yeah! So...the security guards...are my friends... actually, and they've let me in.

•Interesting! You're saying now that you have French security guards as friends and they've let you in, not caring about the consequences or what could happen to you?

•(Annoyed) Yes.

•It's not really convincing for me, I don't know about those who're watching but let's cross this and get to another question.

Can you describe for us what you have seen? Was there anything unusual after you got in?

•Not at all, it was only a simple meteor with some Alien friends inside that's all.

•(A bit furious)Alien friends? Excuse us Mr. NICKOLS, are you trying to be funny or attract attention? Because it sounds to me that you're trying to make fun of us."

   David knew he'd say another lie and with everyone looking at him strangely he panicked and left the show rushing out leaving Stella in a very bad situation.   

   Behind the screen, Alexandra felt so happy and satisfied: " I'm glad I watched the show, it was so amusing, I even feel like celebrating, is anyone in?" "EXCUSE...ME, I'm still here" Answered Theo with an angry voice then he added:" You don't know what he's being through so stop judging him" Then he left, Sophie followed him calling his name to stop him and when he turned she asked him: "

•Where are you going?

•To see Dav.

•I thought you were angry at each other, did you solve things between you?

•No we didn't but he's still my best friend and he needs me especially in situations like this, it's not the time for Attitude issues.

•Okay relax don't get angry.

•How can't I? Haven't you seen your best friend how she was so cold even in a situation like this? We all know how talent is Dav and he wouldn't screw a show like this if there wasn't a reason behind.

•Well! Honestly!! I don't see any reason for what Dav just did he was clearly making fun of everyone, what reason can be behind a thing like this?

•(Furious) That wasn't in his hand, his changing did it to him.

•What do you mean by changing?

•Oh shit! I shouldn't have said that at all, forget it."

Theo mentionned David's secret without paying attention to it, he was so mad from Alexandra and Sophie that he didn't control himself and talked about the changing; he tried to avoid talking of it but Sophie didn't leave him the chance and kept asking about it until Theo said it all:" Dav will kill me if he knows I even mentioned that so imagine saying it. Well after Dav went to write about the meteor and when he was there taking photos and all, he saw something he tried to touch it then he found himself in a hospital, the doctors didn't find anything in him but since then every day he has a changing that he can't control in himself, he does things without wanting it, in the beginning he did answer by yes to every question then he answered no then he had a panic day and the day he said all those things to your friend and hurt her was his Anger day and a lot of other situation and today is his lying day, I mean I think today is "Lying day"  because it's the only explanation to what Dav just did, that's why; he didn't get lucky in the changing."  Sophie was surprised not being able to believe it, she was silent not saying anything but it was clear on her face that it's hard for her to believe, Theo told her that even it's hard to believe but this is the truth and he can't watch people making fun of his friend in his presence and now that she knew about it she has to keep it a secret otherwise she'll end up the two men's friendship for ever; Sophie promised she'll keep it a secret then Theo left to see David; he went straight to Dav's house but he wasn't there so Theo sat down outside the door waiting for him, he tried to call him but he's phone was off. Few hours later Dav came and found Theo, he rolled his eyes, nodded and said:"

•What are you doing here?

•(Ironically) I found that your house misses some decoration so I thought I'd be a good statue here. (Serious) I'm waiting for you obviously and I know Lara(the system of the house) told you but you preferred ignoring it, by the way, she should know me by now and let me in when I come.

•Lara couldn't reach me, my phone was off and she does know you by now but it still needs my permission to let you in, also, you're not welcome."

   Dav opened the door only by asking Lara to, she did recognize his voice then opened the door to him to get in and Theo stood outside saying:"

•It's not the time for attitude issues Dav, I'm here for you and I know you need me.

•When I needed you, you weren't there now I don't need anyone, go back to your girlfriend.

•Well! I'm pretty sure you'd say the same thing even if it wasn't your lying day but still, I'm not leaving."

   Dav shut the door and Theo sat down like before waiting for Dav to stop being stubborn and let him in. Few minutes later, the rain started and Dav asked Lara to open the door so his friend wouldn't stay under the rain, he then went to David's kitchen where he was preparing hot tea.

•"Thank god it's raining otherwise you'd leave me outside.

•For how long you've been here?

•Few hours I guess, I knew you went to our special place but I preferred to leave you alone for a while to gather your mind together and now you had enough time alone.

•It's not 'our', that's only mine.

•You being angry with me wouldn't change the 'our' to 'yours' so stop it.

I've watched the show, I've seen what happened.

•And you came to throw it on my face and tell me that you enjoyed it like others did? You came to tell me that I'm nothing without you?

•Why would I enjoy such a thing Dav? Don't be stupid, I know it happened because of the changing.

•Yeah, I've noticed that, wouldn't your girlfriend worry about you?

•No she wouldn't, I left her with Alexandra after we watched the show together, anything else?

•With Alexandra!! I bet you form a beautiful team the three of you.

•Now if you've finished with your jealousy can we move to our topic? (Annoyed) Jealous person, god be with your girlfriend.

•I'm not a jealous person and even if I am, I don't think I'd be jealous on my girlfriend the more I'd get jealous on my best friend.

•(Smiling) So I'm still your best friend huh?

•Who talked about you for god's sake?

•Well I haven't met any of your best friends (ironically) or you're talking about the French security guards! Right.

•(Furious) Why are you even here? Just leave, let me alone.

•I'm here for you idiot and I'm not leaving without you, only women stay alone and cry in their bed when they're sad and broken so you better move in front of me.

•Try and say that in front of your girlfriend you'd find yourself single before you realise you were in a relationship.

•You wouldn't tell her I said that, would you?

•I certainly will is the answer coming out, don't ask me any questions today please, I can't stop answering with lies.

•No problem I know you won't tell her anyway, now we're leaving.

•I can't leave.

•And why's that?

•Simply because I hate going out with you, it sucks.

Hell! I told you not to ask me questions.

•Right, sorry! So you don't want to go out now because of your situation and this isn't a question I'm confirming it.

•I'll just sleep so this situation finishes and hope I won't find worse tomorrow.

•Convincing, I wouldn't have let you if it wasn't this state. Listen...

•...Don't ask me any questions.

•Yeah, okay. We're cool now, everything is going well between us, we're back.

•Absolutely not.

•Oh come...on.

•We'll talk about it tomorrow, now leave me.

•I'll take that for a yes. See you tomorrow amigo(friend)."