The Second Step to an Altered Future(3)

"You.. what are you saying?"

Ellendise stood straigher.

"This is my gift to you, Valrug." After saying this, she turned around to leave.

"Wait!" Valrug shouted.

"How is it possible? How can you wake up my mother? Don't lie to me!"

Ellendise paused on her step.

"So many of them came and go but none were able to wake her up! It's already been four years! If you're here to make fun of me, then just go away!"

Valrug's anger wasn't a surprise to her. Ellendise could relate to his feelings.

She knew the feeling of losing a mother.

Ellendise glanced at him.

"Of course, it isn't me who will wake her up. But I know a friend who can."

"But who..?"

The almost eleven year old sounded hopeful but his green eyes quickly narrowed back into suspicion.

"When aunt wakes up, I want to play with you and make lots of fun toys."

The almost eleven year old Valrug was left with a mixture of confusion, anger and hopefulness. It was an ugly feeling.

What was the point of believing? His mother had wasted away so much that the doctor told them it was only a matter of time before she truly departs this world.

Valrug could still remember the look of despair in his father's face and how the father who used to openly express his love became cold and unloving.

Valrug was also aware how his father had grown to dislike magic. He couldn't blame him.

But Valrug didn't want to be like him. There was still hope. It was one of the reasons why he immersed himself in the world of books.

Someday, he would find a cure. Someday, he would find an answer.

But has that day finally come?

"When aunt wakes up, I want to play with you and make lots of fun toys."

Valrug didn't want to cling to a false hope. He didn't want to hope if the only end result was failure and broken dreams.

The smiling face of the silver haired girl came to his mind.

"I want to play with you and make lost of fun toys."

Valrug gritted his teeth and ran outside of the room. He didn't want to hope but did he have a choice?

Was there any other option than to believe in the impossible?

If she could really make it happen...

If his mother could really wake up and open her eyes then maybe, the happy family he had always craved would come back again.

Maybe his father would look at him again.

Ellendise was about to board the carriage when a loud and childlike voice echoed behind her.


Elledise halted but she didn't turn around.

"If you can really do it then I'll definitely play wih you! I'll make all the toys you want! I promise!" Valrug shouted loudly with a red face.

"So you have to keep your own promise!"

Ellendise's eyes widened slightly before her lips turned into a satisfied smirk.

"I changed my mind. I don't want to play with you anymore. I want you to be my personal toymaker after this."

Valrug was stunned. It was also at that moment when Ellendise turned around with a playful smile on her face.

Her silver hair gently swayed around her and the wind caressed her skin.

"I want you to be my personal toymaker, Valrug Mierheart. This is the price of my gift."


"Is it really okay for you to say that, my lady? The young master's expression was a bit.."

Ellendise waved her hand at Rachel.

"It's fine. Let's go to the next destination. "

They arrived at an alchemy shop in town. Ellendise went to the counter and was greeted by the store owner.

"Welcome to my shop, young lady. It's rare for me to have such a young client. What brings you to this side of town?" The shop owner's voice was quite old but his identity was a msytery because he was wearing a cloak and a mask on his face.

Rachel and Jill were wary of him and they planked Ellendise's sides as if they were guards.

"It's fine, Rachell..Jill."

"But, my lady!"

"I said it's fine, Rachel."

Ellendise turned to the shop owner.

"I would like an essence of dew please."

"That would be 50 gold coins."

Both Rachel and Jill gasped. This guy was conning them!

"That's too expensive!" Jill complained.

"No, it's not." Ellendise said before pulling the necessary amount and handing it to the shop owner.

"Hehe.." The shop owner's eerily chuckle made the two maids uncomfortable but Ellendise wasn't bothered.

"50 gold coins is already generous. If we were to buy it at other places, it would cost us twice--no, thrice the original amount. Apologize to the shop owner." Ellendise eyed both of her maids.

"I'm sorry for jumping into conclusions. "

"I'm so sorry!"

Both Rachel and Jill apologized together.

The shop owner continued to chuckle before handing Ellendise his order.

"Young lady, would you like to know your fortune? It isn't everyday that I see someone like you. "

Ellendise nodded. "Please. "

Rachel and Jill was tactful and didn't stop her this time.

The reason why Ellendise wasn't suspicious because this cloaked man was the great alchemist Braham, an elf and a formulator who was able to control plant life.

It didn't need to be said that his well made disguise was creepy. He was a very lowkey person and didn't like attention.

According to the novel, the great aclehmist Braham works in a small alchemist shop in town. It was a barely noticeable place. He was exceptional in his field and the only one who can make potions and elixirs of the purest quality.

Letia was able to earn his favor after she gave him information about a long lost alchemy recipe.

It was called 'Mortia's Blessing'. A miracle healing fluid that gave people a short period of immunity against dark curses after drinking it.

In return, Braham became Letia's support and helped her against the villainess Ellendise.

In other words, this man was supposed to be the bane of her existence. But Ellendise wasn't at odds with Letia and she knew how to earn his favor.

"The young lady has a peculiar aura around her. Perhaps the young lady is a mage?"

Ellendise merely smiled. She would let him guess and come up with his own conclusion.

"What do you think of elves?"

"I wouldn't know what to think. I have never met and I don't want to make assumptions without basis."

Braham extended his wrinkly hand towards her. Ellendise didn't refuse and accepted without question.

His eyes narrowed at her and he remained silent for a while. Very soon, their joined hands started to glow.

Braham was to first to pull away and he rubbed his hand as if it had been burned.

Ellendise noticed his wrinkled hands were no more but Braham was quick to hide them under the table.

She pretended that she didn't saw it.

"The young lady is very blessed. You are loved by Mortia and her blessing protects you from all evil."

He sounded almost jealous when he said this.

"Is that so? I'm not a very religious person so it's a little surprising. " It was because Ellendise didn't trust the temple.
