Phantom of the Night (1)

"That girl is too dumb. You said you wanted me to be friends with her but she can't even understand basic mathematics nor does she know anything about magical history. Ellen, she doesn't know what a mana disturbance tool is!" Valrug was busy complaining to her like a little chick tattling infront of his mother. He was very upset.

Ellendise calmly sipped her tea, inwardly amused at this baby chick.

"Dearest cousin, your standards for a friend.. I doubt anyone would be able to fulfill it."

"But you can!" Valrug protested.

Ellendise smiled. Was she flattered? No.

"On the contrary, you are the one following me, not the other way around. Also.. I really don't like taking orders from other people." She explained. This was true. Valrug was her unofficial lackey and he followed her around like a puppy, complained to her like they were very close and kept bothering her for more blueprints like a disciple to a mentor.

"Drink your tea before it gets cold... Letia is a nice girl. Give her a chance. Have I ever been wrong?" She faked a hurt look and blinked her eyes innocently.

"You always do that."

"What do you mean by 'that'?" She asked before grinning.

"Don't think that I don't know what you're doing! You're trying to guilt me into accepting that dumb girl!"

Even Valrug has his own standards despite being a small fledgling. Ellendise could already tell that her cousin was a meticulous person who didn't like to associate with people who couldn't keep up with him.

As a child, he was still egocentric and believed that he was smarter than everyone else and so he should only be friends with people of the same level of intelligence.

That would soon change.

Ellendise picked up a cupcake, twirling it around her hands before looking at her unsuspecting cousin.

"Haha! So I was right. You're keeping quiet because I've discovered your plan. You think that I, Valrug-"


Ellendise threw the cupcake at his face. Her impeccable aim allowed the treat to land on his yapping mouth.

Ellendise threw another that stained his expensive clothes.

Valrug's green eyes widened and he spat the cupcake from his mouth.

"Ellen! How could you?!" He accused, feeling wronged and staring at his stained clothes.

Ellendise merely laughed at him.

"My hands slipped... I'm sorry." She threw another cupcake.

" slipped again."

Valrug's eyes blazed at her obvious mockery and his hands armed himself with his own ammos. Gathering chocolates like they were bullets.

One girl and one boy, were running around the garden, chasing each other and throwing food everywhere.

Naturally, both got grounded and thoroughly scolded during the aftermath.

"That was fun!"

"I hate you!"

Ellendise could only chuckle at his discontent expression. His cousin wasn't like her brother who learned the way of the sword. He was a nerd who hauled himself in his own study room so he was naturally much weaker than Ellendise and has lower stamina.

He got thoroughly smashed by Ellendise who mercilessly smeared food all over his face.

"How can a count's daughter behave in a vulgar manner!"

"How can a count's daughter behave in a vulgar manner!" She repeated in a much girly tone.

Valrug's face fell. From that day on, their food fight became a turning point in his life.

He learned one harsh lesson.

Girls were animals. Very deadly.


Days passed by rather easily when one has a lot of things to do. Ellendise naturally has her own way of relieving her stress.

She would play a magical violin that produces a light healing spell that cures fatigue. It was an incredibly expensive gift from the count and there was only three kinds in the world.

To put it simply, it was a priceless magical artifact.

Ellendise would usually play for one or two hours. The county was very silent at night so naturally, most of the servants would hear the soft music being played and would secretly gossip how calm inducing it was.

Ellendise's talent for music wasn't hidden because she would play once or twice a week. Many of the servants knew and would often gossip. Ellendise didn't mind it because she didn't like flaunting her abilities but also thought that it wasn't anything special to be able to play an instrument among nobility.

Of course, because she could play so well, the gossips and rumors were very positive and significantly increased her reputation among the county.

Sometimes the knights would also hear her playing and found their fatigue being relieved so they have a very positive view towards Ellendise.

Tonight, Ellendise was once again playing the violin.

Albinoni-Adagio. Composed for string ensemble and organ, it sounds even more heart-breaking when played solo.

Ellendise was alone in her balcony while playing, not minding the cold wind during the night as she played with intense focus and concentration.

All that could hear her music felt their hearts aching. The sorrowful melody made them weep silently. They could imagine a lonely robin calling out to the deep night and searching for answers.

And because birds couldn't speak, it was through music that her heartfelt emotions were conveyed.

Ellendise was unaware of the thoughts of the residents and was very focused on playing. After repeating the same piece twice, her arms were sore and protesting so she leaned on the balcony door.

Her cheeks that were exposed to the cold wind should have turned red or pale but due to her consistently warming her body with her magic, the cold didn't affect her.

"I'm still too weak.." Ellendise was unable to stop herself from voicing her concerns as she raised her shaking arms.

She really needed to improve this body and work on her stamina and strength.

Magic wasn't everything.

A mana disturbance tool exists in this world so there would naturally be places where magic wasn't allowed. Unless she was physically able, she would be very vulnerable in these kinds of places.

Ellendise let out a sigh before straightening herself and going inside.

Just as she was about to turn around and close the door, a pair of hands covered with gloves landed on her shoulders.

On the floor, she could see the shadow of a person much taller than her.

In the dark night, a smooth and silky voice whispered to her ear.

"So you're alive."
