Phantom of the Night (2)

"So you're alive," were words that sent a cold chill running down her spine.

Elledise was very quick to move away and retaliate. The fear she felt before when her life was threatened for the first time was engraved deeply in her heart.

Her hand struck out, sending bolts of electricity without mercy, enough to pry a person's brain.

Her quick reaction wasn't unnoticed and the intruder held back her hand. Her eyes widened when she felt her connection to her magic disappear for the very first time.

In the next three seconds, she was pressed down on the carpeted floor, her hands held together behind her back by the intruder.

Ellendise's face paled considerably when she felt threatened for the second time. Her heart was beating madly against her chest.

The tight hold on her arms and the person sitting atop her back leisurely became unbearable for her.

Sure enough, this person has a mana disturbance tool on him, otherwise, her magic wouldn't be unreachable.

Ellendise tried to squirm away but his strength was too much compared to her weak ten year old body.

Her only other option was to scream and shout for help. Just as she was about to open her mouth, the person suddenly began to speak.

"Rabbit girl, I'm in need of an apprentice. I can see that you aren't a novice, considering that you've hidden your talents for years. I'll treat you well so you won't have anything to worry about."

Ellendise finally saw that it was the masked man from before. His smiling lips was full of ridicule and expectations as if he was sure that she would say yes.

However, her only thoughts were centered around the name he called her.

'Rabbit girl..?' She thought. '...!!! I am not weak, defenseless or cute..! Wait.. I am cute. This face is cute but still..!'

Ellendise's continued silence didn't seem to make the masked man happy because he tapped her cheek with on of his free hand and leaned closer.

He was so close that Ellendise could see his aqua blue eyes.

"Rabbit girl, are you deaf? I said be my apprentice." His tone was cold and impatient like a spoiled young master who always got what he wanted.

Ellendise didn't answer, instead, she glared at him.

He poked her cheek this time, digging deeply that she could feel his nail.

"Are you refusing me? Of course it's a given. I'm a very bad person. I can kill you without moving an inch. But I really want an apprentice. "He said like he was talking about the weather.

"I need an apprentice so badly.... so that someone else can do all my written work for me and I won't be bothered doing mundane tasks. You're a very smart girl. You should know what needs to be done so you can live. I'll treat you well as long as you say yes. I'll personally teach you everything you need to know about magic. I'll be a very good teacher so you just have to be a very good apprentice for me."

Ellendise was forced to listen to his rambling. Based on his words and actions alone, he was used to people doing his bidding. He was strong and powerful so people would naturally conform to him and bow their heads in a subservient manner.

He was also very dangerous. His nail digging on her cheek ruthlessly was a silent threat from him.

Although the lighting was very dim and the light from the moon was illuminating the balcony, it didn't reach the dark interior since she had turned off the lights before.

Some people could have missed it but because he was leaning very close, Ellendise could see a few strands of his hair that were peeking out from the cloak.

A dark blue color like the underwater ocean...

This was a line used to describe a very important character in the novel.

Ellendise felt like laughing but she calmly composed herself and continued to glare silently.

A ruthless man who works behind the scenes...

"I like your eyes, rabbit girl. It would make a good decoration in my room. If only you weren't glaring so fiercely with it, it would be even more beautiful." A dagger was pulled out from his waist and placed just above her cheek.

"Pretty eyes, pretty face and lots of pretty hair. I've started a hobby recently. Do you want to know?" He whispered, his lips against her ear.

"I've started planting severed heads in my flower pots because I like people a lot. But I wonder why they aren't growing... it makes me sad. I usually let my servants water them with blood but they've gotten even more uglier than before. Hey, rabbit girl..Do you have any advice for me?"

Ellendise only has one word to describe him.


The correct way to deal with these kinds of people was to run away as far as possible, act like you don't know them and call the nearest authority or police figure.

But it was a different case in this world.

And it was different when you're already captured by said psychopath. Logically, Ellendise should be acting subservient to him, letting him do as he pleases to make him happy.

Maybe she could atleast escape with her life in tact.

But it was different with this man. So instead of quietly being silent, Ellendise chose the most suitable words to speak to a mentally disabled man.

"Are you stupid?"

Her words rang clear in the quiet and dimly lit room.

"Of course they would be ugly. Blood isn't that nice to look at and it's dirty. Furthermore, those severed heads are dead, they would naturally decompose overtime and would just serve as fertilizers for the soil."


"I know a man who once planted a tooth and I thought he was mad. Weeks later, that tooth decomposed and the calcium in it just became another fertilizer for his other plants."


"In the first place, which sane man is dumb enough to plant a tooth or a severed head? Ah.. what a punk. People always like to do what they want. Tch. Tch."


"If it was me, I would rather grow a carnivorous plant like a venus flytrap and have them eat as many mosquitoes or insects there are. It's good for my well-being and good for the environment. "


"Not only did I benefit but I also didn't suffer any loss. A purple pitcher plant or cape sundew.. They're quite fine, too. It's too bad they're rare and aren't easy to find in this place. But they're so much better than severed heads or a tooth that was--" Her mouth was muffled by a gloved hand so she was unable to continue speaking.

Was he annoyed?

Ellendise took sneak peek and saw that his lips were pressed thinly into a straight line.

"Are you stupid?" He asked back.

"Although they aren't pretty, but severed heads are quite nice. They make people scream a lot when they are seen. They also stop people from pestering me. It's much better than a dirty tooth with no dignified features...hmm.. but I suppose a row of dragon teeth would be scary.... Ah. Yes, it is an excellent idea. I will definitely consider it. "

He leaned down and tapped her cheek again.

"Rabbit girl, you say a lot of interesting things. I'll let you think about my proposal for a while. If you refuse me again.. well.."He pried open her mouth.

"You have a wonderful set of teeth. It wouldn't be bad as a display. And you have a lovely face so you can join my collection later." He calmly sat her up on her lap, hugging her from behind and patting her hair.

"I like collecting people a lot. Since you're going to be my apprentice soon, you have to meet up to my expectations and not disappoint me. Quickly grow up so I you can help me with my workload. You also have to help me redecorate since your ideas aren't bad. Are you listening, rabbit girl?"

Ellendise gritted her teeth and glanced behind to smile.

"You're a very funny guy. Who would want a master who is not only a complete stranger but someone who hides his identity behind a mask. A fake hair and eye color. This 'rabbit girl' isn't stupid, you punk. "

A hand grabbed her neck. He calmly squeezed her neck lightly while smiling.

"Rabbit girl, you're very sharp. Are you really a ten year old girl? I'm so curious. I want to pry you open, take a peek inside you and explore every little secret you have. "

Ellendise felt her heart rapidly thumping against her chest. He was saying that he wanted to rip her body open and claw at her insides.

"But you're so secretive. You won't tell anyone anything. So I'll definitely wait. I'll wait until I can bully you openly. I want to see you cry like the little rabbit that you are. No ten year old girl is this fierce." He whispered the last sentence with a hint of amusement.

He laughed afterwards and pulled out a red ribbon, tying it around her delicate neck and stroking it fondly as if they were close.

"I like you a lot, rabbit girl. So you definitely have to live and not be careless. If I were really a bad man, I would have done a lot of nasty things but I can be nice, too. I'll wait until we can play later. So go to sleep.."

Ellendise felt a light kiss on her forehead before her eyes closed and all the energy from her body disappeared. She fell backwards lifelessly, her sleeping face was so serene that people wouldn't believe that she had been harassed.

She was placed on the bed and covered with the sheets until only her face can be seen.

With a smile, the dark figure disappeared through the window.

When Ellendise woke up the next morning and looked at the mirror to see that the red ribbon was tied around her neck, she could only say one word aloud with great distress, "Fuck."

Rachel and Jill weren't there to hear her say this because she had woken up much earlier than necessary.

She dreamed of he previous life as Rianne. Not able to bear recalling the events of her past life, she woke up with a daze and felt her neck was too tight.

It was only when she saw the red ribbon that she realized how serious her situation was.

Ellendise finally knew who the unknown mage. Someone who could be this arrogant, unafraid and able to casually threaten people...

There were only two candidates for the job.

Braham, the great alchemist was also a superior mage. He was two hundred years old so he was naturally very powerful and knowledgeable.

Moreover, he hates humans and would secretly exact revenge on those that had offended him.

Ellendise knew that she had done nothing to offend this great ancestor so she was very relaxed when thinking about him.

The most likely culprit who fits the description was someone she hadn't considered before but was actually the most suitable one for the role.

A ruthless man that works behind the scenes. Someone who was willful, disregards social etiquette and was obsessed with magical research.

One of the pillars of the Harchen Empire who was also a key figure in the story.

He hides his true identity and goes by the alias of 'Reinstrom'. He was the current Tower Master's apprentice and was called Lord Reinstrom by many people because of his exceptional talent and aptitude for magic.

He was a natural born genius and was undoubtedly the most powerful mage in the Empire.

At the moment, he was still an apprentice.... but not for long. The current Tower Master Rogen would soon be replaced by him.

" Tower Master Rogen suddenly disappeared and he was replaced by his apprentice, Lord Reinstrom. No one knows where the Tower Master went nor do they know about his current status, whether he was still alive or not..."

Ellendise was probably the only person who knew that the current Tower Master would soon disappear because his apprentice likes his head so much that he 'borrowed' it to plant it in one of his many flower pots.

Ellendise suddenly felt nauseous.

Archduke Agnus Scelles Palatine. The future Tower Master and the Emperor's only brother.

Although the novel didn't explicitly say it, this fifteen year old kid was a total psychopath who seemed harmless in the outside but was an utter bastard with warped morals.

Ellendise rregrets ever calling him a punk because that guy was touchy about his age.

He was often underestimated because of his young age so he would naturally get pissed being called a punk.

Ellendise felt like she had aged a few years just by seeing the red ribbon on her neck.

She took one last glance at it before burning it to ashes.
