Pyschotic Interest (3)

May 15th, at the palace.

Arden looked around the hall, slowly observing everyone's reaction.

Perdi, the Chancellor coughed beside him.

'How troublesome.. '

Arden's gaze immediately sharpened. In response, the nobles and Mage Council present shuddered.

Emperor Light, Arden Licovich Palatine. Although his nickname stems from his main attribute, it was actually because he was a kind ruler who gave people the merits that they deserve while those who committed crimes and atrocities were never given a second chance.

It was always guillotine to those who had committed crimes against the Empire. It was done in the public square where everyone, especially the common folk, can witness it.

"Sometimes a man has to cherish what he has, and then he gets something unexpected and precious." As he said this, his eyes landed over the Mage Council.

Those who were guilty naturally felt the weight of his words while those who were innocent nodded in agreement.

"Like my brother, I don't intend to stall this any longer so we have to hurry. The important thing is that the crimes and sins committed by these sinners are enough to lead them to a fate worse than death."

Just like Arden, Agnus wasn't very fond of this scene which was why he didn't come.

"So I'll take care of it all at once." The Chancellor, Perdi, nodded when Arden gestured at him.

Perdi called the names one by one, listing out all the crimes committed by the person on the list.

"Reiss Lamarch, embezzlement of.."

"....participation in illegal activities concerning life and death.."

"....violation of the Empire's laws.."

"...lawless massacre and slave trading....Essei Rish.."

"Mercy Liam...smuggling of.."

One by one, these people were arrested by the knights and detained in a magic circle by mages. Their protests were drowned out once they entered the magic circle, turning them mute for the moment.

"… In this way, I sentence all of you to be beheaded." Arden finished once the evidence was out.

There was silence in that uncompassionate and emotionless tone, and the square was filled with only the cold air that came out of the Emperor's cold expression.

It can be said that Arden was merciless but no one questioned his decision.

Human experiments..and slave trading.

Not to mention embezzlement of funds and smuggling of illegal goods.

The first two alone was enough to send the sinner's entire family into execution.

"And the ones that are left, the former Tower Master, Rogen and Council Elder David."

Unlike the other guilty people, the two were the main instigators of this illegal experiment, they seemed to be getting a separate sentence.

"For the former Tower Master, it is unfortunate but he has already committed suicide upon being discovered by his apprentice and disciple, Lord Reinstrom."

Most of the crowd closed their eyes tight. Nevertheless, they were not surprised. It was impossible to escape punishment from committing such atrocious crimes.

"Damm bastard..!"

"A disgrace to all mages.. He's a disgrace!"

"What does he think of human life?!"

"To think that I followed such a man and even admired them..!"

Mutterings could be heard between the crowd, most of them from the mage faction. They were principled people. Though they support magic development and research in the Empire, that didn't mean that people could just freely use human life to advance forward.

They still have morals no matter how much they want power.

What the former Tower Master Rogen did was simply disgusting and inhumane.

"Council Elder David Eustace."

Eustace's body was trembling from time to time. It was a different appearance when he had faced Arden before; it was full of malice.

Arden said as if he was disappointed when he saw that he abandoned herself to despair and had a desperate face.

He was extremely disappointed.

Arden slowly stepped forward and bent over, smiling and said to him in a low voice, so that the Council Elder would be the only one to hear it.

"You made a stupid decision by messing with the Empire's citizens and letting greed control you."

And before he could even realize what that meant, Arden sentenced him in a cold, commanding tone.

"The sinner, David Esutace, is stripped of his title and all properties. He will be sentenced to beheading; the body will be hanged on the walls of the capital for a month to serve as an example. His whole family will be reduced to commoners and are forbidden to enter the Imperial palace and Mage Tower for the rest of their life. Failure to do so will result to death via guillotine."

Let this be a warning to all those who had dared do such dirty deeds right under his nose.

Arden knew this would cause a riot from the citizens but by being ruthless to the sinners, he could slightly appease them. Naturally, the sinners would be paraded around and shamed so they could fully regret the idiotic things they did.

Then they would be beheaded one after another.

"And to Lord Reinstrom who made a large contribution in uncovering this crime, he is talented, righteous-"Bullshit

"-and has the citizens' well-being in mind- " Although it's because he doesn't want to rule and wants me to do all the hard work...

"-I personally recommend him as the next Tower Master of the Mage Tower and hereby declare that I, as the Emperor will give him my full support."

As soon as possible, news of the Former Tower Master's crimes were spread throughout the empire.

The first one to be sentenced was the Viscount of Liam, and his head was cut off. The sinners waiting for their turn for the guillotine was either crying, peeing themselves or expressing their fears. It had been prepared on purpose.

Death unfolding before them was enough to make them lose their minds, and the knights would break their limbs whenever they faint so that they would wake up while the light mage unit would heal their fatigue so that they were aware of what their fate would be.

The public square was crowded and the whole thing was broadcasted everywhere using a lacrima crystal.

For a while, there was unrest in the empire and growing dissatisfaction towards the Mage Tower and mage community.

The prejudice between those who could wield magic and non-mages became prominent.

It even reached Count Vitron's territory and naturally, Ellendise.

Although the events that had transpired in the mansion were covered and kept a secret, some rumors still leaked outside but they were overshadowed by the grand events unfolding in the capital.

Ellendise was having tea with her unwanted guest at the present time.

"Rabbit girl, you said that ribbon was ugly so I found something else that would suit you."

Thud. A necklace made from amethysts and rubies landed on the table. They look like Ellendise's eye color.
